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Posts posted by ave8rr

  1. IMO the way to do this is not through the private/public magazine... it is through much, MUCH improved modern communication means...

    Some many months back we were told that that we would be getting a nice new modern web site and that would include a "members" log on and Forum facilities etc. WHY have a number of people offered (and tried) to get the RAAus site up and running and seemd to have given up?? I can't help but think that it is due to the Exec not wanting to go down this path.

    Ian has stated on this Forum that he has offered to help but been declined.





  2. As from the 1st October, the Western Downs Regional Council will be introducing probably the most expensive landing/parking charges in regional aerodomes in Oz.. Aerodromes affected will include, Dalby, Tara, Chinchilla, Taroom, Wandoan and Miles (Condabri) The landing and parking charges will include RAA registered aircraft... Rates are listed in fees and charges on their website..

    Will AVDATA be collecting the fees?? and if so how will they (AVDATA) obtain the RAAUS aircraft owners address for billing??



  3. hi Shane...what did your last medical cost?...and the asic card....and the AFR...and the aero club membership..and ....i could go on...yes! GA ain't cheap....its generally RAA + 100%!!...pay the membership and enjoy the benefits. TWICE as much flying for the SAME cost....what do u want? hours in the logbook...OR..$ out of the bank account??Your choice.

    cfi, RAA still requires an ASIC in the places GA also require one (same cost). Not required to belong to an aeroclub. AFR required for RAA and GA. I will agree that the aircraft hire rates are quite different between a modern RAA aircraft and an old PA28/C172 etc hence $ out of the bank account!




  4. Great now we have CASA and all the BS that goes with it as a possibility, the final nail in the coffin for affordable flying.

    What "possible" CASA BS?


    Experimental (owner built) = own maintenance. Not forced to belong to an association to fly and No annual registration fees. How can that not be affordable?


    The new Road Transport type medical issued by a GP may be a little more thorough but if I was required to take insulin or have other medical issues that would preclude me from obtaining a Class 2 medical then it would be time to hand in my Certificate. I certainly would not be carrying any passengers.


    Please don't think I am saying we should go down this path at all, just like others, I am putting out some thoughts for this thread.


    I am a current member of RAAus and have been since 2004 and would like to see RA continue however, we need to have more communication from the Board / Exec.





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  5. CASA runs an extremely good Avsafety seminar on this stuff - covers all the things you can find online and how to use them. Takes 45-60 minutes and covers the CASA, BOM, and Airservices websites. Few interesting little nuggets in the presentation too about what will cover the legal aspects of flight planning and what won't (basically comes down to carrying printouts from the right website).Recommend getting along if anyone hasn't already - they also put on a free meal!

    Yes a good evenings outing. The seminar is free to all pilots / engineers etc and as 68volksy says a free supper to boot.




  6. You would have to be born yesterday to think CASA is a good idea, just check the decline of GA. If you want to find out about CASA just get a GA license and plane all will be revealed.

    I have a GA licence and plane (Experimental) and have had NO hassles. No annual Rego bill or membership fees and now a RAA style medical as well.




  7. Hi Ian, thanks for your post above. I now know why I dont appear any longer as a "first class member". I was unaware (didn't read the fine print) that the donation was for 12 months only. I will now rectify this again. Keep up the good work.





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  8. Many thanks for the dedication to this service Ian. I had noted the system was down a few times this week and wondered if you were tinkering or it was a Server failure.


    RAAus should be using this medium to keep their members informed. Their own web site seems to have stalled again. I can't help but think that the few people who have had a go at the web site have lost interest and have lacked help and direction from the Board.



  9. Ian, I can't help but agree with you that you were being held from renewing your membership until nominations for the VIC board position closed. It has been discussed on this site of your interest in standing for the VIC Board position and the current Exec would NOT of wanted that. I can be corrected but I think that all the names mentioned above were holding RAAus positions when you were last a Board member. The AGM tomorrow should be very interesting.





  10. I must be going blind?? I searched the official RA Aus site but could not find the official notification? Can any one help?

    G'day Bruce, I have also checked the web site this morning and can't find any reference to this grounding. I thought it would have been posted under either "Airworthiness" or "News". Again we have to learn things from this Rec Flying Forum.



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  11. As the owner of a GA registered aircraft, I do wonder why my privacy is less important than the owner of a RAAus registered machine. Kaz

    Kaz, I don't mind one little bit that AVDATA can get my billing address from the CASA Register but I do get a bit pee'd when an RAAUS aircraft lands at an airfield at the same time as me and never gets a bill for the landing fee. I often see complaints via this site that airfields are closing!


    The RAAus Register does not have to be made public but could/should be made available to the likes of AVDATA. A system I might add is great as after a trip I get one consolidated account for all my landing fees.





  12. The previous governments, both state and federal didn't give much to regional airports. Gladstone has spent millions to upgrade with the only government help being to pay for security screening for the terminal. It looks to me that all the cost saving is essential and we may all be better off in the future.

    And if AVDATA and / or aerodrome operators could get access to the RAAus register then those aerodrome owners could collect the published fees.



  13. David, many thanks for publishing the above. This should make for an interesting and probably very long meeting on Saturday.


    I would like to be there but distance rules this out this time.


    I await some answers to your questions on this forum soon after the meeting as I am sure there will be very little on the RAAus web site or magazine.





  14. Any more info on this little snippet?

    Probaly CASA pushing RAAus to follow the NZ model where ALL Ultralights (Microlights) are given an annual inspection by a RAANZ / SAC Technical Inspector or LAME.


    There is normally no charge for these inspections as I understand it IF carried out by a TI. The Technical Inspectors are similar to RAAus L2's or higher.



  15. Welcome Bundyflyer. I am from Bundy also. Working over in Kununurra until mid 2013 then back home.


    We have a Hangar and RV9A at the Bundy airport. I also have a Rans S6ES (retirement project) to put together when we get home.





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