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Posts posted by Bryon

  1. ....Avril and Denise from the Upper Cumbuckta West CWA (not to be confused with the Lower Cumbuckta West CFA) interpreted as an invitation to send all sorts of proposals (decent and indecent) to the Wreck Flying Board of Mismanagement to boost membership now that the Magnificent Quins (see post 10272) had been junctioned (NTTIAWWT).


    Madge immediately demanded a review of all the proposals offering to.......



  2. ........ it was found that the previously well regarded "Turbo's Hospice" brand of hospital swabs & scrubs were actually made from the bit of fawn coloured fur (This is turning into a major scandal as subsequent forensic investigation has shown that this bit of fur was never acceptable or saleable as part of Turbo's line of possum skin bikini bottoms) from around the possum's .............

    ..."Moom-ba" yelled ElRatso which we all know is one of the Rats ancestors famous curses inflicted upon Mexitoria


    Every year, people afflicted with the curse don their best bird like cozzie and launch themselves off a ramp into the great blue yonder praying to Turdboy (the God of all things feathery) to deliver them to the other side


    Well, sometimes he does, and, sometimes he......



  3. ..... "Don't you worry about that Dazzler" said Andy with his usual confident charm "As I have this hat, see, and what I do is apply my Nan's pressure cooker lid and a touch of ..............

    ...methane extracted from Madge's nether regions whilst he is trying to balance his weight on one cheek so he can .........



  4. It was at this point that an unposing figure from Taswegia waded (NauticalRef) into the discussion


    "How dare you reveal my outfit for the BoB B&S Ball" he wailed


    "Now I will have trouble attracting a suitable........



  5. ....... remind Turbo of that very nasty incident during his involvement in the 1970's Russian space program, see below oil painting of Turdboy at that time, with Vladivostok in the background (he lived in the big joint on the water with Kim Philby), showing his usual supercilious 'Vette owner grin, doing his best impersonation of Uri Geller while uri............. 


    ....was visiting the Good Ole US of A doing his impersonation of Hoges trying to "benda de bloody spoon" with Madge hovering (HeliRef) in.........



  6. ......morse control, kicking the engine to full throttle. He pis.................

    ......itioned his hand on his rather large joystick (NTTIAWWT), leaned over (CF lens Ref) and whispered huskily into her ear...............



  7. .....on and on and on.


    "They must be mine " blurted a voice from the back, near Taswegia


    "I had wondered where they got to. I thought I had left them on the end of Madge's bed the last time we had a flight together"


    Elratsak immediately jumped up and said............



  8. .....ordered the yaks wool harness comforters and genuine olde englishe imported foxtail for the radio antenna just to impress them casa fellows.


    The next time I get rump checked, they will be too busy admiring my flash tryke to notice.....



  9. .......antidisestablishmentarian brethren who congregated at the BoB with Ahpox and Elratsack on a Sunday morn after vespers


    Most of the time they conducted Phil-e-sof-e-cul (NTTIAWWT) (not to be confused with Phil the Pairy from Cannock) debates on the meaning of liff, but then on every third Sunday, the discussion turned to the subject of......



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