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Blog Comments posted by facthunter

  1. Usually parking a hydraulic brake is not considered reliable for any real length of time.. What you MUST have is no chance of it NOT releasing in normal use. (Brakes OFF check pre landing). Bubbles always run uphill. If you don't bleed fast enough  and continuous to carry them through  you will never get all the air out. and have spongy brakes. always. A bleed nipple at the highest point may make all the difference. Nev

  2. Yes I agree the depiction is fairly generic. Funny I was only discussing this with a friend of mine 2 days ago at his home where he's had that picture on the wall  for ages, and his knowledge in detail of that stuff is very extensive. The coastline is very accurate, (I've been there) and the engine is probably intended to be a 3 cyl Anzani which is not correct. It's a great work of art, in my view worth having on any wall. Nev

    • Agree 1
  3. There's magnificent poster painted as an advert for a big airshow at Nice,( Southern France)  of one of these planes flying as if you are sitting offset behind and above, the pilot. and the Coast  and Mediterranean Sea below, on the right. I hope someone can find a source of good copies. Nev

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