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Guest JRMobile

Thanks for sharing Deskpilot !!! That has made my day, it reminds me of an old saying:


"When too much aviation is never enough"



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Great clip, reminds me of an excellent series of videos from Oshkosh 2009, in about 9 or so 10-minute instalments.


Here's the first one:


You really get the feeling of being there.



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Guest JRMobile

I sent the link to my daughter, her reply made me smile 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif 006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



(Where is it, when is it and when can I go?? Can it be boy and their toys with some girl hanger-oners?



I watched the whole thing a wide open mouth and goosebumps!!



Kept thinking, want that one! No, want that one!!! NO, want THAT one!!!!



Thanks for sharing the total awesomeness



Loads of love,


Poss oxoxo



PS. My fav “people watching” bit is at 4:52. Guy on the scooter, classic! Bet he’s got a serious case of “toy” envy!! J



PPS. See the wings bend on the A380 as it lands? Check-out 0:51!



PPPS. Since when has a helicopter been able to do a loop-the-loop?! See 1:11



PPPPS. And, what, in the name of all things good and pure are those things at 1:46 and 2:56??



PPPPPS. Imagine missing the bit at 3:30! How pxxxxd would you be, you couldn’t exactly ask them to do it again could you! )














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Great clip, reminds me of an excellent series of videos from Oshkosh 2009, in about 9 or so 10-minute instalments.Here's the first one: You really get the feeling of being there.

Did you notice the bloke landing around 0:29 nearly noses over, taxis off the runway then does a hand stand behind the small hill :ah_oh:(you can see the tail pop up)





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Guys I had this sent to me by a non-flying relative, one who knows what a good aviation video is though.Sound on, loud, and enjoy


YouTube - Airventure 2009

I would say it's much better than good, it's a classic.


It really makes you appreciate what we do.


Thanks for sharing I would not have found it on my own.





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