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I am very XXXXoff that there are very few places (if any) to hanger a plane in QLD.


Over the past year and a half I have investigated the possibility of hanger space to no avail.


I tried to purchase space through this medium with no results.


Seems to me that if I was not 74 years of age I would be opening dialoge with a council to lease/buy land for this rare commodity. There also may be an opportunity for a farmer or investor to allow or develop an area for rec. flying activities


Anybody with some foresight could I imagine, make available areas for hanger lots to enable our various aircraft organisations to have a home for their planes and a base for their clubs.


I suppose that the above boils down to what the future holds for our "industry"


Talking to the converted here I know, but look at the big picture and ask the question,


More spaces, more planes, means more pilots.....


Your comments appreciated.





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the problem seems to be jumping through the red tape buracratic bungling of persons who dont have a clue as to what rec flying is all about


mate wanted to build air strip earth works 2500 dollars hangar 19000 dollars council intervention beyond comprehension


the next door neighbour 2nm away reconds that his chicken and goats would be frighten and that ultilights were not safe and the noise from the motor would wake him up


oh i for got he has a race car that he tunes up at night neil



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Guest Walter Buschor

Hi Phil,


This problem won't go away. I live near Maleny in Witta. We used to have an official strip there until some new bloke moved in at the end of the strip. He then complained to the council that planes upset his geese. The outcome was obvious. The council shut the place down. I suppose the best method to promote flying is to have an open cockpit / flying day at various airfields with free rides!


If that could be done - with some kind of insurance waiver - people would walk away with a memorable experiance and would feel some kind of connection to our activities. It would create positive sentiments in the community. This in turn would in time have a positive influence with council who then might be more open to more hangars etc. So to sum it up - make people part of us !


fly safe





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Hi Bob,


I visit friends at Mooloolaba 3-4 times a year, play golf etc at Maroochy.


I park on the grass at Caloundra, so nearby would be ideal but would consider anywhere within reasonable driving distance.





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We had a problem at Elderslie airstrip. The strip has been there since the 60's and used for skydiving since mid 70's, it is on private land. A nearby property was sold and new owner farms lamas. tried to shut us down and very nearly did so, long story but we won on existing rights as we were there first. had to do a bit of a compromise due to solicitors screwing up. Had to do a few DA's with the council and bring the place up to speed in a few environmental areas. We have just about turned the whole thing around and now the farmer is the problem with the community and we are upstanding contributers to the community. Very simple really. Become part of the community, welcome signs go along way. become involved with non aviation community events.. we helped with the local hall's upkeep and rebuild. a day banging nails and such, went a long way. when we have events and a bit of a crowd, hall committee come and sell us food and such. We hire marquies and such from local emergency services mob our aircraft available for SAR ect, we also openly promote our sourcing of local produce, services and goods. we offer locals discounts on Tandems ect for birthdays and events. Free Santa demo into the local clubs kids crissy party.we teach our younger members the importance of treating our neighbours with respect and if we have to enter their property to retrieve jumpers or equipment we ask first. lock gates, don't climb wire fences, drive sensibly. After the fighting with council ect it was a us and them policy but know we have changed our attitude won most back over and it is now the lama farmer who is dispised due to his attitude and continual complaining over just not us but just about everything else that happens in the area. Hell even the Mayoress whose property overlooks the DZ comes and visits and has the occasional beer at the end of the day with us.


We have our AGM this weekend and will be putting forward to the members part two. One of the things is we are going to go 'green' and get the DZ as low as we can as far as our 'carbon footprint' goes. solar panel and hot water systems more trees better sewage ect to be implemented over next couple of years and promoted thru local press ect.


So maybe you should as a start invite council to the strip and ask how you can be a active contributer to the local community.





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Guest burbles1

That is really inspirational and it's great things have turned out so well - climbing back from the brink, so to speak. I guess anyone who proposes airparks or airstrips should look at spin-off benefits for the locals - get them involved, and it makes it harder for councils to knock back developments.



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Hi Bob,I visit friends at Mooloolaba 3-4 times a year, play golf etc at Maroochy.

I park on the grass at Caloundra, so nearby would be ideal but would consider anywhere within reasonable driving distance.



Hi Phil,


We're puting up a hanger at Watts Bridge, and we'll have room for two other aircraft. But Watts is probably a bit far for you.



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Guest Maj Millard

Ozzie, Don't you look super slick in that suit dude...now can you fly a Lazair in it ???


Seriously mate, if you think of it at the AGM this weekend can you please put foward my large thanks for them having me at the 50th, and to all for putting on a great weekend which I enjoyed immensly, and will cherish for some time !!. Cheers Ross Millard D312 SR8



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Ozzie, Don't you look super slick in that suit dude...now can you fly a Lazair in it ???Seriously mate, if you think of it at the AGM this weekend can you please put foward my large thanks for them having me at the 50th, and to all for putting on a great weekend which I enjoyed immensly, and will cherish for some time !!. Cheers Ross Millard D312 SR8

Not a problem will pass on your thanks. remember welcome anytime.



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So this is not all doom & gloom - the Isis Flying Club in Childers Qld have just had their lease at the Council owned strip renewed at a peppercorn rent with a doubling of the area available for hangars. Two new hangars are being built right now. The club help the council by maintaining the strip, the toilets etc and support local businesses, who in turn support them by allowing sausage sizzles etc outside their shops. They have also taken over running the Apple Tree Creek Markets 2nd Saturday morning of every month on the Bruce Highway.


The Club does fund raising to keep costs down. At present they ask for an initial $500 contribution from a new hangar builder, membership fee of $30 and $200 per year towards the Public Liability. That's a cheap hangar. There are about 12 hangars with room for about 10 more. Occasionally a hangar is offered for sale, and the Club owns one that they rent out. The long term plan is to build another hangar for rent.


The limiting factor is the State Govt tree clearing laws which make it much harder to open up more land around the strip. The Council is quite supportive. It does help that the strip is well out of town and so not subject to pressure from developers to carve it up into house blocks. There are cane farms either end. Only one property owner in the circuit area complains - an ex Club member who now doesn't fly - but I think RAA & Council are tired of him.


We had our AGM and changed a few faces on the executive, so if you want to contact them PM me and I will forward (I haven't asked their permission to put phone & email on forums yet). Majority of members are RAA - I wear a paper bag over my head at meetings ... but I am hoping to finish my conversion to RAA one day.





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