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When I were a lad.


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"When I were a lad .....


me mother wouldsend me down to t'corner shop wi' just ashillin',


and I'd come back wi' five poundso' potatoes,


two loaves o'bread, three pints o' milk,


a turkey, a poundo' cheese,


a packet o' tea, an' 'alfa dozen eggs.


Yer can't do that now.Too many bloody security cameras."



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Planey - I can remember when a shillin' bought 6 potato cakes (tuppence each) :big_grin:


then 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif


14th February 1966 040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif


10 cents and only five bloody tatta cakes (I may have only been 12 but I knew we were getting screwed) :black_eye:







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I can top that.( only cause i'm older.)


A penny frozen orange. Bash it on the road to split it up and eat it. The meat bill was 10 and six for the week. You could build a good house for 550 pounds which was one and a half years wages for a fully qualified tradesman. IF your wife had to work to support the family by inference you were a failure. TODAY if you both don't work you are NEVER going to get anywhere. I'm told constantly how much better off we are today. The average debt is at record levels . ONE day it will have to be paid off. That is the reality. don't shoot the messenger. Nev



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No argument from me Nev, unfortunately people have come to accept a high level of prosperity as the norm and the entire economy is geared to continual growth without any leeway for a slowdown. Vide our recent $1000 handout, God forbid people stop playing pokies or buying new TVs! I only became aware the other day that the govt had quietly changed the residence requirements for purchasing residential property - greatly increasing the potential market. Fine and well, my house value didn't plummet during the crisis but what about down the road when we are all bleating about unaffordable housing?



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The 'Good Ole Days'


Hey you two reminiscing.....


Don't you remember that when you bought a house way back then for only 18 months wages, all you got was a little two bedroom fibro joint with a dunny out back! Your kids had to share their bedroom, and your wife had to do the laundry out back in a boiling copper. She had no car and you probably didn't either unless you had a real good job. Nowadays, 18 months wages will get you a caravan with better comfort and appointments than the house you're missing so much.


To quote my grandma:-


"The only good thing about the 'Good Ole Daze' is that they're gone."



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To quote my grandma:- "The only good thing about the 'Good Ole Daze' is that they're gone."[/QUOTE]

So it seems is the gratification of working hard and saving up for something you really want for your home.


If I had my time all over again, i'd still prefer to do it the old way, and have many happy times, aquiring things as and when I could afford them, instead of having it all in one hit on the never,never, followed by countless financial arguments because you've committed yourself up to the eyeballs.


This is the primary cause of so many marriage break-ups.


There's an old saying which goes something like this "when poverty comes through the door, love goes out the windows"


Unfortunately, many of you younger ones out there, would disagree, but when reallity hits, you find that you only own a small fraction of what you kid yourself you owned:puzzled:.


I can afford to thow in my 2 cents worth, because I saved for it and did'nt get a loan.


Kind Regards


Planey (The Old Phart):gerg:

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