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flight to the whitsundays - advice from qld'ers please


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Ultralights and i have decided to fly to the whitsundays after xmas and would love some advice and suggestions on places to stop, stay, avoid etc. we will be departing sydney on boxing day or there abouts and making our way up. We are keen to find places to stop over where we can camp or get cheapish accomodation. we are up for an adventure so are keen to hear of any out of the way, or unusual places we can explore. Fraser island and Lady Elliot Island are in our sights.


look forward to hearing from all you northerners!





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Arrgh where's my green smiley, Rach! That sounds like a brilliant trip - very jealous.


Fraser Island, I believe Orchid Beach in the NW is the only realistic option, there was a thread here recently with a contact number (Orchard beach I think it was referred to), the other strips are controlled by the rangers and I believe you're likely to exceed MTOW dealing with the relevant paperwork!


In that vicinity consider Teewah, Noosa and Rainbow Bay to the south, beautiful areas to fly over - unfortunately I don't have contact details handy, however there have been threads recently referring to these - I think BecM has some connection with Noosa from memory and Rod? from Rainbow Beach made a generous offer a while back (Tomo you corresponded with him).


On the way up there, consider detouring over Moreton Bay to get around Brisbane airspace, spectacular flight and you could land at Cowan-Cowan (Tangalooma strip definitely PPR, call resort for details). If you get caugth out there is a bunk house at Heck Field, Jacobs Well, also caravans at Dunwich on North Straddie I'm told). I'll think of more and i'm sure others will have lots more ideas.


Cheers Carl


PS I'll try dredge up the contact numbers I have for those posted so far.



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If you are going after Christmas, weather may be a factor to consider.

yep, we have given ourselves 10 days for the trip, this should allow for unforseen weather, 4 days travelling, 6 days to tour/wait out weather, sadly i dont think we will make it to The Whitsundays in the 10 days, so a more realistic destination will be Lady elliot or Fraser Island, with a week or so to tour the local area, stop at other airports, visit forum members and friends. we will try to get to Caloundra in 1 day, or even stopping at Jacobs well, and overnight at dunwich is a very good option.



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Guest Maj Millard

Flightygirl and Ultralights, Good to hear you may be up this way. A couple of things to consider travelling that time of year. It is going to be during the Northern wet season and the way it is shaping up at the moment, it looks like it will be a good one.


You may be lucky with a break at the right time, but you'll need to keep a close eye on it. I'm not talking a little shower now and then, I'm talking torrential rain that'll stop you in your tracks.


Personally if I am going a fair way, and want to get there, I'll generally go inland where the weather is often better than on the coast. You'll just have to play it by ear that time of the year, and you may need to fly a combination of coastal and inland routes as weather dictates.


By going inland your only about 200nm from the coast anyway, and can get to the coast pretty quick, over the coastal ranges. You do need to be flexable with your routes when travelling.


On a recent trip Townsville to Cessnock I took the following route down: Townsville-Nebo-Dingo roadhouse-Theordore-Tomos place cecil plains-South Grafton Aero club-Taree-Hunter Valley. The return route was the same even though I had planned to fly the inland up through NSW but had to abandon that due weather. I only had a limited number of days to do it in...you have a bit more.


As far as places to stop or overnight, it is pretty much limitless with the folks on this forum. I can highly recommend the following for overnights: Taree, South Grafton, Casino, Tomos' place, Dingo roadhouse, Shute harbour. I know Jacobs Well, Boonah, Redcliff, Kilcoy, Warrick and Dalby are also nice spots. I'm not real familiar with coastal area around Brisbane except for Redcliff and Caloundra.


I was totally impressed with the South Grafton mob and I overnighted there in the Aero club twice. Also great folk and facilities at Casino, and they need to be supported to keep the sharks from taking their airfield. Tomos is at Cecil Plains South of Dalby, Dunlop Dangler is at Dalby, Heon is at Warrick and pylon 500 lives adjacent the airport at Taree.


No doubt you will get a lot more usefull info from this post as time goes by. Cheers ..............................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Hey Maj,


thanks so much for that. We had planned to fly inland anticipating that the weather may be a little all over the place. As we are not in a rush to actually be anywhere we are happy just to see where we end up. I will note down all the suggestions and get cracking on my research... we are really keen to meet up with forumers on our travels. thats what its all about!


thanks for the advice everyone.... keep it coming!




thanks for the offer... if we get that far north we will definitely call in.



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Arrgh where's my green smiley, Rach! That sounds like a brilliant trip - very jealous.Fraser Island, I believe Orchid Beach in the NW is the only realistic option, there was a thread here recently with a contact number (Orchard beach I think it was referred to), the other strips are controlled by the rangers and I believe you're likely to exceed MTOW dealing with the relevant paperwork!


In that vicinity consider Teewah, Noosa and Rainbow Bay to the south, beautiful areas to fly over - unfortunately I don't have contact details handy, however there have been threads recently referring to these - I think BecM has some connection with Noosa from memory and Rod? from Rainbow Beach made a generous offer a while back (Tomo you corresponded with him).


On the way up there, consider detouring over Moreton Bay to get around Brisbane airspace, spectacular flight and you could land at Cowan-Cowan (Tangalooma strip definitely PPR, call resort for details). If you get caugth out there is a bunk house at Heck Field, Jacobs Well, also caravans at Dunwich on North Straddie I'm told). I'll think of more and i'm sure others will have lots more ideas.


Cheers Carl


PS I'll try dredge up the contact numbers I have for those posted so far.

thanks Spin... that would be great.


Rainbow Beach is now on the itinerary!


i love a good adventure! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Flighty there are lots of places to see along the way. Coastal is so much nicer but do be careful of weather and Maj isn't kidding about the storms. The weather changes much faster up this way than it does in Sydney.


I'm not sure if you are able to go into Class C or D. If you can go into C, you can get a clearance through Williamtown up the coast. If not, there is an inland lane which follows the railway line. It's low and has hills around. Up that way Maitland and Cessnock are good places to stop, but beware of the flying school traffic at Cessnock.


If you go up the inland lane you'll come out near Taree if you go coastal.


Port Macquarie is a good place to stop. Good strips, fuel, and if you can get into town it is a nice place to visit.


Beware of the Coffs Harbour airspace, it is large. No problems if you can go through Class D. No transponder requirement of course being in D. If you can't fly through D then it would be quite a long way around. Beware the high terrain if you need to go west.


There's a private strip up near Yamba, I think it is Palmers Island. It has a really good strip and a clubhouse with showers. I'm sure it has a website. That would be a good place.


Up that way too there is Evans Head airport which is OK for a stopover. They have a fly-in which I think is usually in January. Beware of the restricted airspace there, check the NOTAMS.


Ballina is a big sealed strip on the coast, there's not much at the airport but if you stopped there you could perhaps have a look around if you can get a car.


Heading up towards the Gold Coast, if you are permitted to fly through Class C just call up for a clearance. There is a coastal lane along the beach, and an inland lane. If you can't fly through the Class C it is only a small patch of airspace, you can fly west of it via Murwillumbah. Do be careful doing this because the terrain is high and the airspace is low. If the weather is marginal I'd suggest waiting at Ballina for a while. If you get stuck though, with low cloud and high terrain, call up Gold Coast and ask them for a clearance anyway. The terrain is much lower in the controlled airspace.


It's beautiful flying in that area. Beware of Southport traffic and don't fly to Southport. You would be welcome at Heck Field/Jacobs Well, but not at Southport.


Go up the lane along North Stradbroke Island. You can land at Dunwich, beware the sand and the slope, and yes they do have caravans on the field. There is nothing there though! You can get a taxi but it is expensive. That would get you to Dunwich township, Little Ships Club is good for food, or get the bus to Point Lookout.


Along Moreton Island, have a look at Tangalooma. I wouldn't recommend the strips on Moreton. You do need permission for Tangalooma and I'm told the other one needs some work.


The lane pops you out near Caboolture, you could stop there. There is a good club open on weekends and fuel. It is walking distance to a motel/pub.


Heading north do fly around the Glasshouse Mountains, and from there there's not much point going through Maroochydore airspace, just head up over Australia Zoo towards Nambour, stay west of the highway. You can head over to the coast when clear of the airspace, or cut the corner a bit. There is a strip at Noosa if you head for the coast.


Heading up towards Fraser, there is a strip at Tin Can Bay, it's a funny sloping thing but it is a strip. Beware the restricted airspace. There is a strip at Rainbow Beach, I don't know who runs it, plus a strip on Fraser, but I haven't been in there.


If you head over to the mainland there is Hervey Bay and Bundaberg. Bundy is a good airport and there's much to see in town. There is a Bert Hinkler museum which is great, and steam trains through the park on Sundays. You can visit the Bundaberg ginger beer place, and the Bundy Rum distillery, and go to the beach at Bargara.


PM me if you need anything further.



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If you go North of Bundy, there is Rodds Bay where there is nothing except you could camp among the sand flies if necessary or contact me for help. I am only 17km away and around most of the time.


Gladstone has fuel but no camping and is nothing special unless you are into industry, but it is the jump off point for Heron Island.


Emu Park is close to the small coastal town and I think the pub would pick you up if you wanted a meal, nice spot, but I don't know if camping is allowed, no toilet facilities there.


If you go inland the Callide Dawson flying group has several members with strips around Theodore, Biloela area.



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we are up for an adventure so are keen to hear of any out of the way, or unusual places we can explore. Fraser island and Lady Elliot Island are in our sights.


My wife & family will be camping just north of Orchid beach airstrip, Fraser Is. from boxing day till new year, PM me for mobile No. more than happy to transport you to & from campsite.





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we are up for an adventure so are keen to hear of any out of the way, or unusual places we can explore. Fraser island and Lady Elliot Island are in our sights.My wife & family will be camping just north of Orchid beach airstrip, Fraser Is. from boxing day till new year, PM me for mobile No. more than happy to transport you to & from campsite.


awesome! that sounds perfect! would love some advice re booking for a camp site or can we just fly in and pop up our tent? will PM you closer to our departure for more details and swapping of mobile numbers.


thanks so much!011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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A couple of things to consider travelling that time of year. It is going to be during the Northern wet season and the way it is shaping up at the moment, it looks like it will be a good one.Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Ross,correct in what you say.....this would be the worst year in the 40 of being here and it`s been all along the east coast....next year, who knows?


Took a neighbour flying between the showers this morning and since two oclock this afternoon,we`ve had anything up to five inches, maybe more,eased off a bit now but still storming at the moment.


At this time of year and around the new year,storms come out of nowhere,anyone flying long distance needs to be aware of this and work the weather well.





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Sounds like a great trip guys... Don't forget it will be hot though, and just watch the weather.


Unfortunately I will out of the country for the best part of December and most of January. Otherwise I would have organized an aircraft and shown you around a bit.


I'm sure you'll love it though (just the fact you're in Qld is enough! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif), I think most of the places have already been mentioned so I'll leave that to the experts.


Sorry I won't be around, otherwise you would have been very welcome to drop in.



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