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RA-Aus Annual General Meeting Minutes.


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19 November 2010:


RA-Aus Annual General Meeting Minutes.


These are now available for download here (PDF, 37KB).


They will also be printed in the December/January issue of the Recreational Aviation Australia magazine.



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"A general discussion was held regarding the Audit Report, clarification of categories of expenditure and level of detail of accounts, specifically miscellaneous expenses. "


"It was agreed by the Treasurer that he would obtain a breakdown of this expense and promulgate it."


"The meeting was advised that an Agenda item covering financial reporting was due to be discussed in the Board meeting following"


Yet it was all "above board" so to speak... and to be discussed in private at the board meeting following... Ok. So board members... Please tell us what is up with Ra-Aus? Is this something to worry about? Or are you bound by confidentiality?



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Guest burbles1

Minutes are meant to summarise a meeting and highlight any decisions made, not give a running commentary of it. If you want more detail then make the effort to attend like I did.



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Minutes are meant to summarise a meeting and highlight any decisions made, not give a running commentary of it. If you want more detail then make the effort to attend like I did.

I am sure burbles that you did not mean to suggest that those of us asking could not be bothered making the effort to attend. It is a mighty big ask from North Qld or WA (or just about anywhere further from Canberra than the Sydney Basin.. lol).


That is why we rely upon the minutes and transparency from those who were there... It would be nice to know that the issues as raised above (and quoted directly from the minutes) were questioned by the membership in attendance before voting? As you were there do you recall any talk about this?



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Minutes Function/Form.


The Minutes are supposed to be "a true and accurate RECORD" of what took place at that meeting. The question could be related to the detail, but obviously they can be written up to convey virtually nothing. This could hardly be the intent of anyone wanting the appearance of good open government and proper process.... Nev.



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Guest burbles1

There was a great deal of talk about the financial records - probably half the meeting was taken up with this. One issue was that the decision to have two-yearly membership (with up-front payment) was causing problems with annual accounting, so this will revert to annual membership. Another was the grouping of expenditure into miscellaneous, and that the report should provide a detailed breakdown of the misc expenses. This resulted in the auditors being asked to explain the discrepancies between the previous year's report and the current. They essentially defended their accounting procedures as being acceptable in terms of the disclosure of financial items. I can't recall the exact explanation for discrepancies in the misc expenses between the previous and current year.


I take back my comment that if you want to know what the Board is doing, attend the AGM - what would be good is if someone not on the Board could outline the proceedings rather than wait for official minutes - and SRFC has done that on their website thankfully.



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I understand that the minutes are just a reflection... but as a paying member of Ra-Aus I am extremely worried about this. We have a situation where some members who were there and the minutes show that there was some controversy with the financial statement... The accountants step in and... according to what I am reading here say "according to what we have to tell you by law... we don't have to tell you anything"...


Even if this is a storm in a teapcup this is not something that I would expect to be handled in this manner by the Ra-Aus employees... The attitude shown as posted by members here when dealing with Ra-Aus and my own brief dealings are a little confusing... This is not a case of just one small group of people having a concern...


Just ignoring this is not going to help anyone... And waiting until the next board meeting to attend and ask for answers is not acceptable... and I am sure the board would not want that.



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I just joined the EAA and have to admit they look like a very professional organization! I know I am dreaming here but imagine if they started a chapter here in OZ. Employed someone here who knows whats happening locally and with the financial backing of the EAA. Im impressed with their organization!


Scotty 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Ok Checked and it seems in this instance I was mistaken the Treasures report was from last year, so was accepted then the GM took place where this years report was offered thats where the 400K discrepancy is .... this year, so the organisation as yet does not have a budget and the 400K has still not been ratified..... anyone concerned cficare are you?



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I just joined the EAA and have to admit they look like a very professional organization! I know I am dreaming here but imagine if they started a chapter here in OZ. Employed someone here who knows whats happening locally and with the financial backing of the EAA. Im impressed with their organization!Scotty 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif

Gather you haven't been to Airventure yet?



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