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Some RAAus Board Feedback

Guest JRMobile

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Guest JRMobile

I felt compelled to write to Dave Caban , my NSW board Rep, after our return from Natfly 2011. Below is my email to Dave and his reply. I did CC the email to all members of the current board and I did receive two replies.


"Hi Dave


We have just returned from a terrific two week trip to SA, stopping off at


a dozen or more country strips and enjoying the wonderful freedom that


flying RAAus is all about.


The highlight was the 4 great days in Temora at NatFly 2011. What a credit


to our organisation this annual flyin has become, in large part due to


your many years at the helm.


I had the pleasure of sharing the cabin next to yours at this year's event


and I did enjoy our conversation on the verandah on the Wednesday evening.


A few thoughts if I may on our conversation-


I was surprised by your attitude to Carol Richards and her input to


Natfly. I felt it was somewhat condescending.


I am a firm believer in always trying to get new, competent, willing


people on to any board (I have served on a few voluntary organisations and


know just how hard it can be.) This allows new ideas to be introduced and


keeps an organisation moving forward - organisations thrive on fresh


blood, while judicious pruning will improve vigour. I did get the feeling


from what you were saying that you have put many years and a lot of hard


work into our organisation and you wished to now enjoy your time at the




You said you had discussed with a senior exec member that you had


considered tendering your resignation over all the crap that was going on


but that person had talked you out of it. Maybe it is time to revisit this


idea for the good of the organisation, yet still be available for RAAus to


call upon you and your vast experience.


I would applaud your standing again, if there were no other nominations,


but we are in the fortunate position of having 3 great candidates prepared


to work for the successful future of RAAus who are going to nominate for


the NSW board. Knowing that the board would not be short of members could


make your decision easier, and allow for a smooth transition of




As an ordinary member I try to avoid the politics and the machinations of


the board, but I feel the need to put pen to paper on this issue. If you


are of the opinion, as you hinted, that the current board is dysfunctional


- maybe it is time for a fresh approach, with an injection of new blood


and new ideas on to the board, also it could be possible that the decade


you have served is enough.


Once again I would urge you to rethink the possibility of not standing


again and allowing new people to invest their time and energy into our


growing organisation.


John Reid


RA Aus Member No.014625"


Dave's reply is as follows:


"Hi John,


Thank you for your support.


I am pleased that you had a good time at Temora. Almost everyone that I


spoke to over the event had an excellent time and offered positive comments.


It is true that I have been considdering not standing for the board in the


up coming election.


Having said that, the support from the membership over the easter weekend


was overwhelming with requests to remain involved with the organisation. I


take all of this on board and do not make light hearted decisions regarding


these issues.


Sometimes a new broom will sweep clean but it may not know just where to do


the sweeping.


I have a tough decision don't I?


Kindest regards




Two other replies from board members as follows:


"Hi John,


Thank you for your well articulated thoughts. Have you considered writing a "letter to the editor"? Our new editor is very interested in hearing what the members have to say and he wants them to regain a feeling of ownership of our magazine.




Nick Sigley"


"Thanks John,


I have received a copy of your letter - very much too the point!


As always it will be interesting to see what happens with our Board elections, its a shame Carol will not be standing again for NSW, a hard working Board member that always got the job done.




Rod Birrell


RAAus Victoria"



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Guest JRMobile
...he doesn't.....and i hope the members do!..........if the elections go in accordance with 'form'...less than 10% of members will elect the new Board....frightening really.

Spot on CFI, that is why I felt the need to post the email.

This site is a very valuable resource to allow us to get the message out there.



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..we expect to see change.... not more of the same... i would hope that we have a genuine engagement............

The hopey changey feeling can end up making you long for what you previously believed was hopeless and in need of changing.



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The hopey changey feeling can end up making you long for what you previously believed was hopeless and in need of changing.

"Hopey changey" is not what this is all about GG ....... and thanks for initiating this thread, JR.


Board Member Caban has undoubtedly done some good work for Natfly over a prolonged period, however Board Member Caban has in no-way earned any right to "enjoy his time at the top" as he expressed it to John, and which I have referred to as "coasting" in another thread.


Wearing a bright orange vest on the corner at Natfly, then standing at the Meeting of Members and saying "everyone knows me" (which I did not, for one) doesn't cut it after taking on the Treasurer's job (a vital function in an organisation of our size) and then dropping the ball/failing in that function ...... although the Executive was also culpable on that issue in allowing it to get as far out of hand as it did. For the President to then indicate at the Meeting of Members that this was no big deal as Dave was busy with his other work, so he should therefore be excused in some way, just shows how unaccountable the clique at the top feel they should be.


In my view, Board Member Caban's inability and unwillingness to undertake the job that he took on (Treasurer of the national organisation) and his stated desire, as expressed to John, to bask in the limelight at the top, is enough to warrant a change in NSW if there are better & more willing candidates that are standing.


Further, I feel that Board Member Caban's failure to adequately undertake the role as Treasurer, as evidenced by the Vote of No Confidence in him, should preclude the executive from rewarding him in their normal way with a Life Membership ..... but I doubt that it will.


Having said that, if voted out, ex-board member Caban could, of course, continue a very useful input into the organisation & implementation of Natfly.


Regards Geoff



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Guest ozzie

What right have the Exec got to hand out life memberships? this is a task to be nominated and voted on by members only.


Utter failure in the position held does not qualify for a life membership. very vain ego here. maybe seeking a 001 rego number to go with it. sorry my want still stands. sack the lot, investigate and charge, then reseek new blood. I'll get the rope, someone find a tree!


Excellent post Geoff



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As a matter of interest, the Constitution reads as below, so it's all nice a "manageable" without any need to "bother" the members (who we already know are considered by the Executive as "non caring" and "just wanting to fly without being bored by anything about the way the organisation is run").


If the organisation were to ever have a clique running the Board, this makes it dead easy to reward the clique and their mates if they were ever to be ready for a final reward, after a year or two of "enjoying their time at the top".


Based on my experience with a number of sporting bodies, I am constantly amazed at how some people get turned on by the receipt of a Life Membership. Some value it more than a national title.


I assume that with the previous secrecy provisions about board activity, and the about to be adopted "Absolute Secrecy" ByLaw, the members might never know. I've had no joy finding a list of Life Members on the RA Aus website. Has anyone ever seen one?


I hasten to add that I am certain, however, that there are a number of Life Memberships that have been awarded to very worthy recipients.




Life Member – who shall-


(i) be proposed by an ordinary Member of the association;


(ii) be approved and elected as a Life Member by the Board;


(iii) not be required to pay any subscription or levy to the Association, and


(iv) not hold any office of the association and shall not be entitled to vote.





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I follow your posts always ozzie. Don't spoil them by talking of ropes and trees . That's bloody ridiculous. If you have a good case don't spoil it by going right over the top. Nev



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Guest ozzie

FH, just throughly frustrated and annoyed at the few who have abused their positions and steered this 'past time' in their own personal directions at the complete expense of those who put in the hard yards long before they came along. The two historically important aircraft that i have been involved with, both have been stripped of their 001 rego numbers and allocated to beef up a pair of undeserving egos. Complain and the rules are quietly changed to favor the deed. No recourse. The several good are abused and threatened and driven out and the position filled by others with vested interests or puppets. Contempt breeds contempt and educates others that it is the accepted norm. The longer it goes on the harder it will be to remove them. A further annoying point is their is a group of members who are content to accept the boards behaviour. Rope and tree may be a bit ridiculus but i don't see the point of wasting good ammunition on them. I appreciate your view and point and will (ahem) "take it on notice". :)



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Guest Steven Runciman
sorry my want still stands. sack the lot, investigate and charge, then reseek new blood. I'll get the rope, someone find a tree!



It is attitudes like this that make me wonder why the hell I spend so much time and effort on the organisation!





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Guest Maj Millard

Steve, Ozzie is a very long serving member, and no doubt has seen many come and go, prior to the current board members. He is a 95.10 flyer who has been there since day one. 95.10 are our roots. Although his language may be 'colourfull", his points should be considered, and no doubt he has the right to be heard.


Additionally, his regular contributions on this forum are generally most appreciated by many, who know his imput well.


I am personally totally upset over the whole 'secrecey' thing within the board, and will support any efforts to eliminate it . I am also upset about the way Ian Baker has been treated as an elected board member. Eugenes' behaviour at Temora also leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and I think he has a lot of explaining to do, to the membership as a whole..................................................Ross,



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Guest Steven Runciman
As a matter of interest, the Constitution reads as below, so it's all nice a "manageable" without any need to "bother" the members (who we already know are considered by the Executive as "non caring" and "just wanting to fly without being bored by anything about the way the organisation is run").If the organisation were to ever have a clique running the Board, this makes it dead easy to reward the clique and their mates if they were ever to be ready for a final reward, after a year or two of "enjoying their time at the top".


Based on my experience with a number of sporting bodies, I am constantly amazed at how some people get turned on by the receipt of a Life Membership. Some value it more than a national title.


I assume that with the previous secrecy provisions about board activity, and the about to be adopted "Absolute Secrecy" ByLaw, the members might never know. I've had no joy finding a list of Life Members on the RA Aus website. Has anyone ever seen one?


I hasten to add that I am certain, however, that there are a number of Life Memberships that have been awarded to very worthy recipients.




Life Member – who shall-


(i) be proposed by an ordinary Member of the association;


(ii) be approved and elected as a Life Member by the Board;


(iii) not be required to pay any subscription or levy to the Association, and


(iv) not hold any office of the association and shall not be entitled to vote.





The Life Membership for Lynn Jarvis was agreed on by all Board members,not just the executive, because during his tenure as a Board Member he has been relentless and extremely hard working for the good and benefit of the organisation and it's members. I am sure these are not given out to everyone and certainly not to every board member who leaves.


Kind Regards,





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Guest Steven Runciman
Steve, Ozzie is a very long serving member, and no doubt has seen many come and go, prior to the current board members. He is a 95.10 flyer who has been there since day one. 95.10 are our roots. Although his language may be 'colourfull", his points should be considered, and no doubt he has the right to be heard.Additionally, his regular contributions on this forum are generally most appreciated by many, who know his imput well.

I am personally totally upset over the whole 'secrecey' thing within the board, and will support any efforts to eliminate it . I am also upset about the way Ian Baker has been treated as an elected board member. Eugenes' behaviour at Temora also leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and I think he has a lot of explaining to do, to the membership as a whole..................................................Ross,



I have no doubt that what you are saying about Ozzie is true and he certainly is entitled to his opinion but I am also entitled to mine and as I said, when people say things like 'sack the lot' it makes me wonder what the hell I am doing on the board. Mate, if you are so upset about everything the board does and you, and the majority of the members, think the solution is to sack everyone I will happily leave and I look forward to seeing your nomination to volunteer!





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Guest Maj Millard

Steve, I don't believe I supported the 'sack them all" train of thought at all. I do believe we have some internal problems that need to be taken care of, and if we don't bring these things out into the open by open discussion, then they never will be corrected.


I certainly would not have a problem doing my bit for the organization...........if it wasn't situated in the coldest bloody city in Australia !. Bring it up to Brisbane and I'm certainly interested !......................................Ross.



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Guest Steven Runciman
come on fellas...let chill for a moment.......



I'm chilled mate, I'm chilled :thumb_up:





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Guest ozzie

Steve i do appreciate what you are doing and the effort you are putting in to try and get things straight. But how long will it take, and during this period how much repositioning and "cover up" will take place. A full 18 months will have to go by until a full new complete board is in place and that will only happen if the membership can make correct decisions when and only if they can be convinced to vote. The chance is still very real that those who have put the RAAus in this postion we now have can be returned to the board and we will continue down the same road because those who are working hard now, those like you, will run out of puff.


Many of our members are not young any more, most are trying to make the most of their retirerment and wish to spend money but are unsure whether the RAAus is a safe investment. The time it will take to slowly rebuild is a large chunk of their remaining lives. Fairer on all to just call a complete no confidence and call for a new board and exec ASAP.


Remember i do not wish to belong to the RAAusas but i am made to so and whilst that situation exists everyone is just going to have to put up with me.



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Ozzie,It is attitudes like this that make me wonder why the hell I spend so much time and effort on the organisation!





I trust that you (and the others) will take as much notice of Board Member Caban's sticking tight on the issue of Board solidarity, by publicly indicating that he thinks that the Board is dysfunctional, as per post #1 of this thread, and I note that he did not deny that in his response.


But don't be too disheartened that the members are showing an interest and expressing their positions. With a bit of luck there will be some key changes at the next elections and you/we will simply end up with a majority group at Board level that will appreciate that the members really do deserve to be considered and informed, as indeed you appear to feel.


Regards Geoff



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Guest Steven Runciman
Steve,I trust that you (and the others) will take as much notice of Board Member Caban's sticking tight on the issue of Board solidarity, by publicly indicating that he thinks that the Board is dysfunctional, as per post #1 of this thread, and I note that he did not deny that in his response.


But don't be too disheartened that the members are showing an interest and expressing their positions. With a bit of luck there will be some key changes at the next elections and you/we will simply end up with a majority group at Board level that will appreciate that the members really do deserve to be considered and informed, as indeed you appear to feel.


Regards Geoff



Dave Caban is entitled to his opinion and it is not my place to comment on them. I have no problem with members showing an interest and expressing their positions and I welcome it but I am also entitled to my opinion. I just think that a complete change to the board is a bit extreme and certainly not in the best interest of RA-Aus. Again, the interest shown in the next election is great and as you say we may see some changes. You are right, I am interested in ensuring that members rights are observed and the board continue to work towards ensuring this continues.







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Geoff,I just think that a complete change to the board is a bit extreme and certainly not in the best interest of RA-Aus. Again, the interest shown in the next election is great and as you say we may see some changes. You are right, I am interested in ensuring that members rights are observed and the board continue to work towards ensuring this continues.







I agree with you that it is essential that a degree of continuity be maintained and that will occur with the rotating board election mechanism.


Unless, of course, Ozzie moves that the entire board be given Life Memberships (an attempt at humour on my part).


However I also hope that some better people stand and that appears to be the case in NSW, and I also prey that some of the present experienced board members see the incorrect position that the board has moved to on communication with, and reporting to, the membership.


To further explain my position, Board Member Jarvis lost me when he was the prime mover behind the Super Secrecy Bylaw and the President totally lost my support by his behaviour, stated attitude to communication with the members, and my observation of his performance at the Meeting of Members. Were you as embarrassed as I was at the President's attempts not to provide straight answers to straight-forward questions from members on the Board Secrecy issue, and others ..... when those questions were on notice and he had a month to prepare?


Regards Geoff



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Guest ozzie
hey oz...."u gotta do what u gotta do"...if that means being a member of RAA to fly legally ...then so be it........I have no beef with your opinions and i share some of them............i just feel we need to expend our energy creating change rather than banging the noggin on the brick wall.....ps i'd love to fly a lazair!

Now were getting some disscussion going!



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Steve,I agree with you that it is essential that a degree of continuity be maintained and that will occur with the rotating board election mechanism.


Regards Geoff

Hi Mr Rat,


You are right to agree with Steve R. There needs to be some continuity with the Board. The first term is a steep learning period, and there is much to learn. The second term is a real productive one for the member as they now know the procedures, get to know the senior CASA officials, and can have real productive input. With a third term a Board member can provide a steadying influence and historical knowledge for the newer members. After that I think they should have a break and let some new blood in.


Re the Life members. They are listed in the Board Room in Canberra. If you write to the Secretary I am sure he will provide a list for you, and yes, they should be on our web site. I personally think more input should be put into a such an important decision, perhaps an article in the magazine where ordinary members can have prior input as well, particularly if it concerns another Board member. Current Board Members voting for a current Board Member could be perceived as nepotism, and in my opinion is not transparent or appropriate, regardless of the worthiness of the applicnt.




John McK



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