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Myrtle taking a flight over Chicago.

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In other words, she was too busy enjoying her life to know some egomaniacal control freak manchild was barging through town spewing bullsh!t to people who already know he's a joke.


I like her.



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Yeh I could see that a elderly Lady Flying a J3 Cub, in the evening be a threat to National Security. lol I agree FT Good Old Barrick hasnt realy done much yet has he.Apart from getting the US to raise the debt level above a level which is already way too high.Not his fault for the massive debt though.It should have been knocked on the head back in the day when it was well I dont know "just a thought 10 TRILLION".



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Forget the politics. If it wasn't a little old lady it wouldn't be on the news.


She didn't check her NOTAM, and didn't have her radio on, and didn't seem to have much awareness of what two fighter jets really mean.


What would the media be saying if some 23 year old flew a 172 into Brisbane controlled airspace?


She deserves punishment, not praise just because people don't like the president.


My comments are direction not at the people in this post, but at the several news articles I have read on this so far today.





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