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AIr marshalls not being used of Domestic flights.

dazza 38

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+1... After all we have to tick all the boxes just for the licence... another cash-cow IMO.


Even if a baddie got into a RAA plane, anyone with 1/2 a clue would know an aircraft <600kg AUW would be a skidmark on nearly all surfaces.


Sure the media drama would be there but the casualties wouldn't (in comparison).



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Even if a baddie got into a RAA plane, anyone with 1/2 a clue would know an aircraft <600kg AUW would be a skidmark on nearly all surfaces.

The recent ferris wheel incident was a good example of this (that's a serious observation....not meant to be humorous).



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There would certainly be a lot of other possibilities posing a greater threat than a 90 Kt aeroplane with an AUW of 600 Kgs. It has a payload far less than the average little trailer you would take rubbish to the tip in. Nev



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Ok Guys, this means that our skies our safe according to the government.Lets finally get Rid of the ASIC.Which IMO was a waste of money from the Start.

Hi dazza,

Could not agree more and would suport the removal of this "waste of money" but "they" have created an industry of sorts and therfore, like so many other similar cock ups, keep it running to keep those running it employed.



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Hi dazza,Could not agree more and would suport the removal of this "waste of money" but "they" have created an industry of sorts and therfore, like so many other similar **** ups, keep it running to keep those running it employed.

HI David,as you have mentioned, that is where the problem is .People are employed to process the ASIC cards.If they got rid of the cards, they would have to either move those people onto other jobs.Or make them redundant.I guess.



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Most of this stuff is just to create the illusion of safety. Politicians seem to find it hard to say "these things happen", so they legislate! A couple of well placed explosives on major bridges could bring any major city to a standstill, with practically no risk to the terrorist. Aircraft-based terrorism is not the biggest threat, but it is the one place where pollies can actually have some control in a democracy, so they legislate.



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FT as well as the money how many (like myself) stay away because of the hassles. Their tourism suffers. Their medical system kills over 600,000 people per year by misadventure and incompetence, prescribing wrong and incompatible drugs for example.. ( these are official figures that can be obtained). That's 3 jumbo's per day (just to get things into perspective). . Nev



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There would certainly be a lot of other possibilities posing a greater threat than a 90 Kt aeroplane with an AUW of 600 Kgs. It has a payload far less than the average little trailer you would take rubbish to the tip in. Nev

The second most deadly attack in the USA was done with a pick-up truck full of ammon nitrate fertiliser parked in the carpark under a multi-storey building.


Imagine what could be done with a cement mixer truck and ask yourself how many of those require ASIC's!?


I'm all for the 10 year photo licence with checks on renewal. The photo should be chipped (like passports) and it should be the means for accessing secure areas leaving a record of who has been where... no keys and no gate codes.





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