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VFR into IMC


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So tonight I went VFR into IMC. It was definitely dark when I left for home but it was less than 20 minutes, and I knew the areas well so I thought whats the worse that could happen? So off I went, right into a rainstorm which combined with the darkness made it much harder to see. Visibility was terrible, and couldn't have been more than 10 metres at best. Instruments weren't much help either, and I relied on navigation by what small features and reflections I could make out on the ground. The reflections from my lights also helped. In the end I managed to make it home, even though I was considering giving up because of the crappy conditions.


I managed to make it home, but it wasn't a fun trip either way.


Even though I was in a car and the above describes my trip home form work, it still wasn't too fun 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif



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mmm.. Motorcycle as my main form of transport to work in Melbourne. 69k ride at 2-3am in the morning - Saturday mornings are the worst with all the drunk drivers and the dumba&^% around on the Monash Freeway. Add some fog and 2 degrees across the western port swamps and it becomes an really enjoyable experiance.


Wet weather gear still leaks no matter what you do.



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I've done 8.5 hours of flying in one day and then getting into my ute to drive home felt pretty weird, steering with your feet in a ute isn't real productive!



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Hey,want to talk cross wind technique?.... Try this one!


Years ago when I was much younger, more adventurous and rode motorbikes, a cyclone was approaching the coast.


As the wind increased I decided I`d jump on my bike, go for a ride and experience what was happening.


I got about 10 k from home and the wind just kept increasing so I decided to go back before I got into trouble.


As I headed home the wind was coming at me at about 2 oclock. It increased to the point, that to remain on the bike and be able to keep riding, I had to lean the bike into the wind as though I was turning into a tight right hand corner..... I was in fact, riding in a straight line.


Ps, I know,I know !..... What a mad bastar+d..insane.gif.b56be3c4390e84bce5e5e6bf4f69a458.gif... I got home saftely and enjoyed the experience, though.



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Hey,want to talk cross wind technique?.... Try this one!Years ago when I was much younger, more adventurous and rode motorbikes, a cyclone was approaching the coast.


As the wind increased I decided I`d jump on my bike, go for a ride and experience what was happening.


I got about 10 k from home and the wind just kept increasing so I decided to go back before I got into trouble.


As I headed home the wind was coming at me at about 2 oclock. It increased to the point, that to remain on the bike and be able to keep riding, I had to lean the bike into the wind as though I was turning into a tight right hand corner..... I was in fact, riding in a straight line.


Ps, I know,I know !..... What a mad bastar+d..insane.gif.b56be3c4390e84bce5e5e6bf4f69a458.gif... I got home saftely and enjoyed the experience, though.

Perfect ' Auster ' technique.....two wheels and lean into wind. 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif





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As I headed home the wind was coming at me at about 2 oclock. It increased to the point, that to remain on the bike and be able to keep riding, I had to lean the bike into the wind as though I was turning into a tight right hand corner..... I was in fact, riding in a straight line.




Farri I have done that too- leaning hard into a strong RH side wind at speed. When a semi approaches you learn very quickly to run to the far left of the road; the truck cuts off the side wind for a second or so, just enough time to "suck" the bike violently towards it!




The longer the truck the greater the "suction" towards it; B Doubles and Road Trains can be lethal.







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