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Performing quick turn-arounds


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I was scratching my head for a second when I read the Heading "Quick turn arounds". We used to call "recovering a Jet, re-fuelling it, bombing up the jet, then launching it a turn around'.


When I watched the video and actually saw the jet turning around.I though 2 things A- WOW and B- there is alot of dust and crap being sucked it the intakes. (one engine, two intakes.one each side of the fuselage)



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The Swedes have widened roads every where for emergency landing strips. With "Heavy" reverse thrust at low forward speed there is a lot of opportunity to get FOD.. Reverse thrust is not very effective at low speeds either. Obviously a bit of a "promo" for the plane.. Reversing is theoretically possible for most jets using reverse thrust and big piston planes could just set reverse and move back. It's not Permitted in most company manuals , but with outside marshalling and a training course it's definately a goer. Some Russians did it at Heathrow to escape a ban on towing by some union. You would need a squeeky clean Tarmac area.. Nev



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I have seen a Dash reverse out of a bay in MKY... Pilot appeared to over run his mark in the bay... Apparently made a quick call to HQ, jumped back in, reversed out nicely and left. Ironically he had a Eastern European accent! lol



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From my RAF days, Blackburn Beverley lands, quick stop, reversed through 90 degrees with rear end to spectators, Clamb-Shell doors open, ramps come down, troops and Land-Rovers disgorge, ramps return, doors shut, plane moves forward through 90 degrees and takes off on remaining half of the runway.


Time taken, about 10 minutes.



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