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First Lesson done, what to expect from here......

Guest Bigfella

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Guest Bigfella

Hi Everyone,


This is all still very new to me but as a mature age, 40 something, student I'm loving it!


I've done my TIF and had my first lesson yesterday out of YMMB


There seems to be so much to get my head around, it doesn't feel daunting but there's just so much to know!


What to expect from here? it seems comments are made regularly about not giving up and that it is all worth it in the end, sounds like I'm about to take the ride of my life!







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Congratulation Bigfella!... Every journey starts with the first step and you`ve taken it!...If you keep taking the steps you must eventually get there.


Everyone on this forum who is a pilot had to start somewhere and take that first step, or if you prefer, that first flight.


All the best,





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Hi Bigfella


i had my 23 rd lesson today passed my air legislation and radio but today i regressed back about 6 lessons !!there is a lot to learn and frustration gets at your head but one must look at it and learn from mistakes today i did flapless landings 4 were consistant and good the last 2 were dreadful i can see how some people give it in my head was not in a good place next week 2 lessons i hope it is better





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mature age, 40 something, student

Hey, Bigfella.


For a lot of us on this forum, 40 something is "kid brother" territory. You've got 20-odd years on a lot of us.


Enjoy yourself, and don't forget to include the family.


Old Man Emu



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there is a lot to learn and frustration gets at your head but one must look at it and learn from mistakes today i did flapless landings 4 were consistant and good the last 2 were dreadful bad_mood.gif.04f799b8c2da677a1c244b54433f2aa7.gif

Hi gareth, keep in mind that every landing is a new one and that there are so many variable factors involved, that the chance of any two landings being exactly the same or requiring the exact same methodology, is very small, if not impossible.


Don`t be too hard on yourself or become fixated with the bad landings, it only makes it worse!..No one does a perfect landing each and every time, they just get better with practise.





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Yep, it's a trip you're going to remember fondly I reckon. Learning to fly is the best part of flying IMHO! I wish I could forget how so I could learn again :)



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Guest Bigfella

Thanks for all the encouragement guys!


Back up again tomorrow weather pending......I live in Melbourne..... :)







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Guest aussie carl
Prepare to experience the full range of human emotion from sheer terror to pure ecstasy and beyond ;)

in a nut shell



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