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Slow site response


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I have sought help from the forums of the forum software people and they have suggested a couple of modifications to the server. Even though the server is using next to nothing of it capacity:


Server load 0.11 (8 CPUs)


Memory Used 12.16% (1,982,892 of 16,311,948)


Swap Used 0% (0 of 2,097,144)


there are a couple of little changes that I can do before I do anything radical.


One thing that was mentioned was that non-current versions of web browsers can have a slowing down impact on the forum software so if you are using old versions of Firefox/Internet Explorer/Safari etc, then please see if you can update to the latest versions and check if that resolves any problems...I am using Firefox v.12



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Regarding cache, remember that if you have very little hard disk space left in your PC, there may not be any room left for your web cache...or...you may have your cache setting too low.


Here is a screen shot of my Firefox settings that show I am using 36.5meg of cache and that I have NOT limited the cache to 1024:




For those using Firefox, you could try clicking the "Clear Now" button next to the cache setting and then go on to the site and see if it is faster going back and forth between the same pages thus using the cache instead of pulling down the same files again and again.


Also, whilst I am here, just make sure that you have "Enable JavaScript" ticked to make sure the site works properly for you.





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Aviation enthusiast site is very quick!

That could be because there isn't much in it, not many users logged in or could be the different software that is used for it.

That site uses vBulletin and whilst it is better suited to our needs in terms of features, it is very labour intensive to maintain compared to the Xenforo software we use here plus I have invested over a thousand dollars in this forum software with extras things and so on. I asked the question before:




which resulted in a neck and neck response. The main problem was there are no off the shelf converters available to convert the Xenforo forums data over to vBulletin data format thus incurring further costs and impact to users.


And in reality I wouldn't like to guess whether vBulletin (as in the Enthusiasts site) would eliminate any problems that are being experienced now until it was put under load with all the threads, posts and users accessing the site...anyone want to buy a website 029_crazy.gif.9816c6ae32645165a9f09f734746de5f.gif



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...anyone want to buy a website 029_crazy.gif.9816c6ae32645165a9f09f734746de5f.gif

No thanks Ian, you're doing a good job 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif. As only a few of us seem to be affected, it's no big deal. If it can't be fixed easily, I can live with it.





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