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Diddy Pilot

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Yes another bloody newbie !!!


After reading many posts on here it seems that I am not that unusual. Still very young at heart but a birth certificate that could have some believe that I am a mature adult.


Really wanted to learn to fly when I was a teenager, read some good books back then (no such thing as internet), started saving up but then life gets in the way of the best plans. Marriage, mortgage, kids etc soon took over as priorities.


That is until my lovely wife treated herself to something (which for the life of me I can't remember what) on the Living Social website. I took a look at the site, saw that the offer that day was a TIF with Goulburn Flight Training Centre and figured, what's good for the goose is good for the gander and bought a one hour TIF.


Whilst waiting for the day of my TIF we discussed how I would love to fly and if we could afford it I would love to get a pilots licence.


The TIF was awesome, I was hooked before we landed back at the airport. But the best part was, my wife had gone to get a coffee whilst I was in the air and took a flyer from GFTC with her, so when she came back to pick me up she uttered those most romantic of words "so have you booked some more flying lessons yet?" Needless to say within the next few minutes I was completing a RAA membership and booking lessons.


I have done six hours now in a Gazelle. Each lesson has been great, covering effects of control, flying straight and level, climbing and descending, turns, stalls and circuits. Looking back I have covered a lot in just a few hours and am thoroughly loving it.


I am keen to learn more and can't wait for those coming milestones, first solo, pilot certificate, being able to take up a passenger and cross-country endorsement. At my current rate of only a couple of hours a fortnight it won't be until next year that I am able to say "hey why don't we go out for lunch on Sunday, Moruya or Merimbula" (both seaside towns too far to drive but just a fly over the mountains - for the aske of those who are not familiar with the area).


There seems to be so much to learn about Recreational Aviation with the variety of aircraft and opportunities out there.



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What's diddy mean? . Anyhow things seem to be going well for you ar the moment. Goulburn is to be well regarded as a place to learn to fly. Welcome to the forum. Hope you get a lot from it and give some too. Going over to the coast involves a bit of interesting country, but you will learn allthose things. Nev



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Hi Diddy,


Sounds like an all too familiar story! Good aircraft the Gazelle (not that I am biased or anything....)


You seem to be having a great time with your flying - hope you continue to enjoy it - I certainly am!


Keep us posted on your progress with those milestones...







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Whats Diddy mean?



I guess it means Daddy. About 10 or so years ago I had one of my teenage daughters say something like “yo Diddy what’s happening” and say to her sister “ask the Diddy- Man”. This sort of stuck and so I ended up riding the Diddy- Bike and driving the Diddy-Car etc.



When I told my eldest that I was learning to fly she picked up the theme again and stated that I was going to be Diddy Pilot flying a Diddy-Plane. So when joining this forum and thinking of a name that I would remember, guess what came to mind.



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G`Day Diddy and 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif. I hope it all goes well for you.


In an hours time I`ll be up in the beautifull blue sky that we`re having at the moment and I`ll have a first timer with me in my Drifter. 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif





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ARRR DIDDLY What a lovely girl you've got there, an so romantic. Bet ya went weak in the knees when she uttered those words............have you booked more lessons yet .... sweeeet:happy dance: GOOD ON YA COBBER



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Welcome Diddy. Lovely story on the name. Gazelle's a great aircraft for learning. I've spent many happy hours instructing in a Gazelle, but it was sold on earlier this year so I'm back to Jabiru 160, 170 and 230 at our school. Stick with it Diddy, you sound like you're progressing well.



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Welcome Diddy!


I'm next door with Goulburn Aviation but it's good to hear another passionate aviator has been bitten by the bug.


Used to be just Goulburn Aviation's one little Gazelle floating around Goulburn for many many years - now the air is thick with them!


Merimbula for lunch is a big ask in the little Gazelle at 70 knots (It's about 2 hours each way in the Warrior at 110 allowing for a little sight-seeing/whale-spotting). That said it's a great fly-away destination for a weekend - we had 5 planes head down a year or two ago.


Fly safe.



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Good onya Diddy.. Does not seem like life has got in the way at all. Seems you are really living the life and lots more to come.. Always good to here of others enjoying the thrill of flight... Welcome to the forum





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Go Diddy!


The story of your entry to flying mirrors my own. About the only difference is that I booked my wife's TIF to see whether I was going to have a flying partner or an anchor pulling me back. She came back from the TIF with a grin that took three operations to remove. The rest is history. If you've got a willing partner, the rest is relatively easy.


Welcome to flying and the forums. Hope to catch up at a fly-in sometime...



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