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Ref the recent GM


A few people have put in a lot of time & effort etc into their proposals and presented their case here in a logical and reasonable manner


When others jump on the bandwagon with extreme views distracts from the well intended and logically presented points.


Statements to the effect of too many exGA and shouldn't have LSA and the like - Well if there is too many then remember that they also have votes.


The unusually large number of proxies could well have been generated by the soliciting of proxies for the "against" move with the associated comments about sacking the whole board and the like, even though this was not the stated intent of the proposers.


Multiple GMs and threats of legal action may well result in a divided membership and an outcome that no one wants.


My thoughts are that selecting the best candidates and promoting their views/abilities in a timely manner and having the whole membership decide at the AGM would produce the best outcome.


I don't expect much support here but remember it is not me that has to convinced BUT the majority of about 10,000 members.


I suspect that what has occurred will result in a much higher number of voting members at the forthcoming AGM


Maybe worth considering?





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All depends where the AGM is held. Distance keeps most members away.


Voting in your reps based on written motherhood statements enclosed with the ballot paper is part of our problem.


We need to make use of video links or similar technology. It's not hard, and possibly the only way for all members to see the board in action.



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Problem with video links at the moment is how to make sure only members will view it. No doubt that as soon as link to view a Meeting is sent to members, that link will appear on this site. The next step will be the ability to vote on motions via Internet.


There are many ways around this, but it takes time and money....



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Well as far as I am concerned, the recent meeting was in the ACT, then we will have Natfly, all down south, I would like to see the next major meeting up here in QLD somewhere...003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



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Motherhood statements are easy to make and BREAK. If you don't know your candidate talk to someone who knows more than you. Abstinence might be OK if you are sent to AA. but in a democracy every vote counts, though an uninformed one can cancell out a thoughtfull one. We have the right to vote at the moment. A lot of people seek it around the world and we shouldn't just throw it away. I just want to fly my plane may be your attitude, but as you have seen this can't be taken for granted.


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. and you can't just take out of an organisation and not be prepared to put something back at some stage.. Nev



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Frank, I happy to admit to falling into the "lynch mob" way of thinking.Do you think the exec are responding to the threat of another CASA audit or members needs?

To my way of thinking, the Executive have a duty to ensure that all CASA audit requirements are met. Non-compliance to the legislation will have serious consequences for us all!



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Guest Andys@coffs

I believe the motion that Geoff Kidd (Captain) put and Spencer Ferrier (Google that name!) seconded and basically the whole meeting supported will if done correctly be for the betterment of the organisation, however its a long term action and the benefits will be long time coming, We just need to ensure that we survive until then.


The board in my opinion is shallow in commercial experience in large organisations, being a CFI or small business owner is NOTHING like what is needed to run a medium to large business, yet the membership has multiple times the experience needed and Its my view that hopefully the board are prepared to accept help and we are prepared to help.


If they accept and we offer (or even better teh other way around, we offer first) then we may well get there. Light in experience means they dont know what they dont know? So pick up the phone before mistakes are made!


So, lets help where we can.....





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