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Hi from Israel


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Hello folks. At the behest of the site's spirit, I'm introducing myself.


I'm an ULM/LSA pilot from Israel, started to fly in 2007, owned a Zenair 701 for a while and now own a Drifter 582. Besides flying I shoot a lot as a hobby and both fields are places where governments are constantly breathing down my necks and having us being ever vigilant to defend our freedoms.


As a busy self-employed office wallah, I have to compress my fun into a few hours a week, which makes flying from a nearby drome just the ticket. I took some gliding lessons recently, but prefer the lower logistic challenges of powered aircraft for now.


Thanks all for reading - there is an apparent wealth of information hereabouts.



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Welcome. I can imagine that being an amateur pilot in Israel would be challenging. You would certainly want to know your geography very well to avoid the neighbours. That's one advantage of living on a big island. Even the natives on our neighbouring islands of Tas Maniacs and New Sealanders are friendly enough, although that may be a rumour. 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif





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Thanks for the welcome, folks. Being a pilot often means reading one's friends obituaries at least. The weather here is fair and predictable and the terrain and ladies beautiful, but a thirsty 582 on a draggy airframe makes fuel calculations interesting. Like other parts of the world, one shouldn't fly where one would feel unwelcome on the ground, but there is enough freedom to be found between the airspace restrictions. Many of our landing strips are austere 200X7 meter jobs surrounded in farmland and runway excursions involving sexy new aircraft are commonplace. Until about a year ago we were limited to 500' AGL, but with new maps 2000' AGL regions in some parts of the country give us reasons for aeronautical mirth.


Gnarly, re combining my hobbies, other people have expressed similar sentiment. It would be a blast if I could get an STC for a Scarff ring on a Drifter. I usually fly armed out of personal preference (Glock 19C), but most pilots here don't bother.


My current steed, 4X-HFQ, was the first ultralight aircraft to fly from Israel to Cyprus on auxiliary pontoons, but I shy away from such aquatic adventures.



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Hi Lior, and welcome to the forum.


I don't know anyone who flies armed here in the UK, I think it might be described as illegal, as no ordnace is allowed to be carried, even a FLARE PISTOL is actually against the law, as it is classed as a firearm ! But a mate of mine once had a forced landing and found he was in a safari park, with a few lions moving about ! A gun of some sort would be a good idea in those circumstances I think !!


Welcome anyway. Tell us more about your experiences, and how about some pictures too ? ? ?





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