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First flight without my instructor

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I should have guessed it was going to happen as Kev was singing about the dog on the tuckerbox again and when we landed, he mentioned that with one on board the drifter will lift off and climb quicker. He said to pullover and I said "your not hopping out are you?" Yep! Do a circuit and come back and get me.


Was I nervous? Not really. A little apprehensive and still in shock that I was alone in the plane, but what a feeling when I pushed that throttle forward and left the ground behind. The circuit just didn't last long enough but what a rush.



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  • 2 weeks later...

What a ride on my last lesson. .5 in to it and I was almost losing my breakfast. Steep turns add a few Gs that I wasn't used to and when you start doing steep figure 8s, it was all over red rover. Didn't quite let it out but the dry heaves lasted a while. And to make things a little interesting Kev made me fly back to base while trying not to sick up and keep my heading. The two gents sitting back at the hangers had big smirks on their faces. I guess they knew the shortened lesson on steep turns in not too gentle air would have had me looking pretty green. Ahh well......Next time.....



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Keep at it Pete, it does get better and soon you'll be looking forward to those steep figure '8's .


Then you'll be a Drifter addict like me.......012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif







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Steep figure 8's are a good exercise. You will be working the throttles too. Once you are actually doing the thing yourself you will find you don't get as nauseous. When someone else is demonstrating you are more aware of the movement of the plane. This is probably the most extreme thing you have done so far. Nev



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