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Greg Spiers

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Hi all,


I am the latest addition to this forum it seems, am in my twilight years at 60 but still trying to fly. I have been in helicopters, GA fixed wing, ultralights and more recently LSA. Well, time to move on so I am now embarking on some gyro training after the hip replacement next month jeez, sounds ominous doen't it? I may then have flown most genre with engines. Not too keen on the stuff without engines though I did get keen on hang gliding when I was 17 but had to wait too long for the right conditions, frustrating!!


I look forward to learning more and I hope I can do that here as well as perhaps, tell the odd near death experience and maybe help where I can, love to.


Cheers and safe flying,





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Hi and welcome Greg.


Yeh, UR a youngster mate. I am 66 and, thanks God, very healthy.


I intend to fly at least another 1000 hrs recreational flying before I loose my licence. Well, maybe I should aim for 2000 as I have done 350 in the last two years.


Blessing with the hip replacement.



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Hi and welcome Greg.Yeh, UR a youngster mate. I am 66 and, thanks God, very healthy.

I intend to fly at least another 1000 hrs recreational flying before I loose my licence. Well, maybe I should aim for 2000 as I have done 350 in the last two years.


Blessing with the hip replacement.

Thanks Hans, you'll be right, have a look at the Ken Wallis vid on utube, he was the guy that built and flew the Little Nellie gyro in the movie Live and Let Die. He is now in his 90's and planning to fly one of his 23 gyros round the world. Inspirational at the very least. There are quite a few on him, they have a Ken Wallis day in England where he appears and flies his gyro, the look on his face in some of them is priceless.





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