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"Mythbusters" test formations for economy


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I saw an episode of "Mythbusters" in which they flew a group of nine RV-6A's in a number of formations to see what impact they had on fuel economy.


They first flew a V formation with a separation of one aircraft length between planes over a straight and level course for 10 minutes and recorded the fuel flow in 3 of the aircraft, at different positions in the V. They then tested a straight line abreast formation, wingtip to wingtip, then a line astern, or Conga line, and finally, a V formation with a separation of about 10 aircraft lengths between planes.


The tests were to prove the theory that the V formation of migrating birds conserved energy. They found that all aircraft in the tight V formation, including the lead aircraft, had lower fuel burns than the other formations, the loose V was second and line astern was slightly worse than line abreast.



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Birds have particularly small brains. Being able to fly protected them until birds of prey came along. A brain (when used) consumes a lot of energy, so most creatures have the smallest brains they an get away with. Nev



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Birds have particularly small brains. Being able to fly protected them until birds of prey came along. A brain (when used) consumes a lot of energy, so most creatures have the smallest brains they an get away with. Nev

I know people like that....ISTR the USAF tested the formation flying thing with aircraft as large as C17's and found significant fuel savings as well.



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Formation flying requires high levels of pilot skill, concentration, disciplin and good communication but provides a great deal of satisfaction when done properly.


Formation flying with someone who is not trained and briefed is scary, dangerous and to be avoided.




Get the training, brief thoroughly and practice regularly. It can be great fun.






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