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  1. My only concern with that concept is you never really 'own' anything beside a shed. And at the end of the lease, you may have to remove your shed and slab at your cost, depending how the lease agreement is written. it works well when the landlord/owner is supportive, but can be problematic towards the end of the lease period or even just trying to sell mid-lease.
  2. I'm not sure I'd be willing to fly in something that didn't have shoulder harnesses - but in saying that, they still have their limitations. Even the RV's with a 4/5 point harness have a dangerous tendancy to bend the longerons in a sudden stop causing the shoulder harness attachment points to move forward, loosening the harness and rendering it less (or in-) effective.
  3. Last I saw it was $3,109 and the auction's now closed and being "referred" - anyone know what the final price was at the fall of the hammer?
  4. I've had that in all of our cars for the last 6 or so years and wouldn't be without it for anything except short local drives. An OBD dongle plugs into the port and you can access various sensors connected to the computers though BT or wi-fi. Some more than others. For our Territory, we could access the parking sensor data down to 0.1m resolution, not just beeps or pretty colours and a host more in-depth stuff. Transmission temperature, exhaust gas temperature through to coolant or torque converter lockup status are often available in any vehicle. I use the "Torque Pro" app, (and ForScan for Fords) and it has the added benefit of being able to record whatever you're displaying, so if I got pinged by a speed camera, I can pull the datalog to confirm both indicated and GPS speeds.
  5. Looks good, but they're very late to the party. And from the brief read I've had, they're not (currently) TSO'd or STC'd, so that limits them to the Experimental crowd - who are already spoilt for choice with options from Garmin, Dynon, AFS, uAvionix, GRT and MGL each of which have already built up hundreds of thousands of hours of flight time for their products. Microair needs to compete with that, and I'm not sure how they're going to.
  6. A new - or even decent second-hand - 912 ain't gonna be cheap! Not worth much more than scrap value, sadly, @BrendAn is dead right, it'll probably go for some ridiculous price only to never fly again when the buyer wises up to what they've just set themselves up for. Shame, those Gazelle's are damn fine little aeroplanes. And is that a chord-wise tear in the skin to boot?
  7. AAAAhhhhhhh, That explains Mark McGowan's antics perfectly. Always hot in Perth...
  8. "Airventure Australia" (AIUI, a trust whose sole beneficiary was RAAus) ran a "Win a Bushcat" door-prize/raffle type contest at the Parkes airshow a few years back. They didn't get enough gate takings/entries to actually cover the cost of the damn thing (with many people who had no intention of even going to Parkes simply buying a ticket for the chance to win it), so they simply shrugged their shoulders and walked away leaving many aggrieved ticket-buyers. Made national news but no idea what the outcome was, besides the plane itself being offered for sale privately from the distributor months afterwards. I stand corrected. I had it in my mind that it was open to Aus Citizens only when they had their little map with a circle drawn around Oz, but a review of the Wayback Machine shows the following:
  9. And that's the rub... The Cirrus draw was live-streamed. The next "two" (cough, cough) weren't and were supposedly won by "Nick from Waikato" and "G from Dumbea", a "commune" in New Caledonia with the winners being announced in simultaneous FB posts.... Now I'm pretty sure the draw was only open to Australian residents, so how can two of the three draws have been won by non-residents?? The cynic in me suggests because there's no possible way for them to be verified or contacted.
  10. Not sure they're that much at fault, @Marty_d, AF say they had a lawyer go through the documents and if they didn't find fault, there's not much else you can do. Hell even I thought it was a bit sketchy after that RAAus Bushcat debacle, but went through the T's & C's, double checked myself with NSW Gaming that they were registered with them, and they also got a bucketload of publicity through the likes of Sunrise & the Today Show among others. But that scumbag took us all for fools. I'm not that annoyed about the money TBH, the KR KRew only lost a few hundred dollars, and while that would buy a few cartons or a tank of fuel for the RV, what really hurts is not only did AF not get the $$ raised, they also lost out on another $300K from what looks to be people sending the money to the raffle, vs AF directly. Afterall, as I said to the KRviatrix, if I wanted to donate $100 to AF, would I donate directly, or through a lotto where I had a chance to walk away with a Cirrus and AF would get their moolah. That (to Cirrus-wanting me) was a no-brainer. Between RAAus and their Bushcat, YourJetLife, and several other ones besides (Horses for Harmony, for example) goes to show the only lotteries that seem to be above board these days are the likes of Powerball, or the meat trays going off at the pub on a Friday night.
  11. Looks like the whole thing was a very well organized, well publicized scam. Check out this ACA report... AF haven't received their coin, ol' mate in WA hasn't received his Cirrus - which looks to still be in the US going by ADS-B trackers, and the Police are now investigating.
  12. Toppled as the gyro wound down. Nothing to be too concerned about unless it doesn't erect itself once you have vacuum Refer to my comment above about being stuffed around by brokers and agents! You get your skates on to get finance arranged and tee-up an inspection, perhaps travelling a fair distance to do it and maybe even arrange transport should you feel you'll win, all based on what is in the PlaneSales ad - that still says the "auction" finishes today - only to find out it doesn't even start until the end of the month... Just toppled as the gyro ran down. Nothing to be concerned about unless it doesn't erect itself when you reapply vacuum. Did they mention why GST is included? Can't imagine a Jab LSA55 like this one would be considered a tool of the trade for a sole trader or be registered in the name of a company...
  13. SO has it sold yet? Where's the sale process at? And what did he get for it?!?
  14. No thanks. I've had my fill of dealing with brokers and auctioneers who know less than nothing about the item they're selling and continually stuff me around when I'm trying to drop 6 figures on a light aircraft. Would anyone buy a hundred-grand classic car that had nothing in the ad but cylinder compression and "It's a fully sick V8, maaaaaattte!" But that doesn't mean we can't discuss the pros and cons of such sales when they come up, if only to try to educate those who don't know what they may be in for. Case in point, why is the buyer paying GST on this aircraft? Have you registered it in your name as a sole trader or the name of a company? If not, then GST is not applicable - buy the buyer's going to be charged it anyway. Because straight up, that's another 10% on top of the sale price and the 20% Pickles charge! Suddenly it's not so attractive and you'd probably have been better chucking it up on the RAAus classifieds for $10K - because for anything more than that, it's gonna be cheaper and a hell of a lot easier for someone to buy one of currently flyable ones overall. The other LSA55 that's for sale is listed as $26K fly-away and the ST3 for $24K. Deduct 10% GST and that's $21,818. Deduct 20% for the Pickles thing and you're down to $18,181. Deduct the cost of a new engine, gear leg and wing bolts and you're lucky if you'd be left with just enough for a carton of beer. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's the reality that I'd see as a potential buyer. If someone doesn't look at purchases like this objectively, then they're left with a money pit that does nothing but leave a sour taste in their mouth and turns them off aviation, which is no good for any of us.
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