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Unusual Attitude Safety is a culture. By Richard VanGrunsven


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Great read, i agree more rules wont help...cultural change is needed...


It starts with us...but ...CASA could do well to learn the basics of human persuasion.


Those who promote your dreams, justify your failures, calm your anxieties, and help you demote your common enemies can get you to do almost anything....


CASA needs to look extremely hard at how it sells itself to us... People switch off and never listen to others they hate or fear....


If casa wants to create cultural change that is immediately meaningful they need to start by employing much smarter marketing gurus rather than moronic safety advisors that keep harping on with the same shit in the same manner year after year... Introducing new rules, new penalties and then sending out pamphlets and doing a few seminars has not worked and will not work, while ever people hate and fear the messenger...


The first step is create a culture where we have a common enemy....that enemy is death and beraucracey...


CASA needs to convince us they hate the rules as much or more than us... Perhaps they should blame iCAO


Then genuinely take steps to sell us on a mission to improve our safety by making flying easier, safer, less of a burden administratively... By becoming our new best friend they will actually ensure that when they speak we listen. In doing so they could easily achieve significantly greater outcomes then what they currently do with 20,000 pages of rules that only some know, fewer follow and many hate...



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We can all be knockers of CASA, but I have learnt a lot from reading the Aviation Safety Digest, or whatever it is currently called. I go back to the sixties, when as a new pilot there was a vast amount that I didn't know. In those days it was all new, but nowadays there is a lot of irrelevent stuff, but it is still a good safety read.


The biggest problem with it is that it is now only on line, just as our Sport Pilot is for me.



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