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Final Flight Test | My Thoughts on Becoming a Pilot

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Well, as you probably guessed from the title of this post I passed my flight test and can now finally call myself a Pilot!!!


I was really hoping to be able to film the flight test but for various reasons I wasn't able to. Instead, I thought I'd make a brief video sharing my thoughts on the whole student pilot journey:





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Congratulations on your achievement and all the best in your future flying. Thanks for posting videos and as you said, very well done by Bruce. Please pass on a big thank you , for I think he's instructing is brilliant. Cheers..



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Well done Rich and congrats...but you haven't finished yet mate...onto your navs now, the final step in your training...I have enjoyed watching your videos and also well done to Bruce...he is a very good instructor from what I have seen in your videos and very patient which goes very well for instructors...anyway good luck on for the rest of your training and I hope you can continue to post some videos of your cross country training aventures once you get started...002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif





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Well done Rich and congrats...but you haven't finished yet mate...onto your navs now, the final step in your training...I have enjoyed watching your videos and also well done to Bruce...he is a very good instructor from what I have seen in your videos and very patient which goes very well for instructors...anyway good luck on for the rest of your training and I hope you can continue to post some videos of your cross country training aventures once you get started...002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gifDavid..

Thanks David. I will be doing my Navs with Bruce and recording them. I don't want to keep 'spamming' the forums here with my videos so best to subscribe to the youtube channel.



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Is I've said previously your Instructor does it nicely and thoroughly. Interesting posts. Calling oneself a pilot? Well you are now legal to fly certain aeroplanes . Whether it's a certificate or a licence doesn't really matter. How you fly is an ongoing thing, depending on a lot of factors. I believe you should never stop learning, and I try to apply it to myself as well. Your attitude as well as your plane's is important. Nev



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Is I've said previously your Instructor does it nicely and thoroughly. Interesting posts. Calling oneself a pilot? Well you are now legal to fly certain aeroplanes . Whether it's a certificate or a licence doesn't really matter. How you fly is an ongoing thing, depending on a lot of factors. I believe you should never stop learning, and I try to apply it to myself as well. Your attitude as well as your plane's is important. Nev

One of the reasons I love aviation and flying is that you never stop learning, there is no end game. BTW Nev, thanks for all your comments and feedback along the way! Some of the points you have raised (and others here) have led to some interesting discussions between Bruce and myself.



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Flying training standards are where it all starts. You only build a house foundation ONCE. It's hard to re-do it after the house is built. Understanding WHY it happens is no load to carry. Just remembering because you were told you should, or it's in the exam, is less useful, more confusing potentially. Situational awareness is critical with aircraft. If you are prepared for something you will cope better, with better outcomes. I like the term "airman" as a definition, or a mind concept. not trying to exclude women . "Seafarer" doesn't translate to airfarer but you know what I mean. The "air " is the element you are in. Nev



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Rich, thanks for doing the videos.... I used them in a slightly different way to what I assume you originally intended... I used them as a resource whilst doing my RAAus instructors rating... I found them invaluable for listening to Bruce's sequences, patter and explanations whilst instructing the various elements of the competencies ... It was extremely helpful.


Many thanks to you (and Bruce) for the video help


Congrats on the Pilot Certificate.


Stay safe and keep enjoying the privileges and the challenge of flight





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Rich, thanks for doing the videos.... I used them in a slightly different way to what I assume you originally intended... I used them as a resource whilst doing my RAAus instructors rating... I found them invaluable for listening to Bruce's sequences, patter and explanations whilst instructing the various elements of the competencies ... It was extremely helpful.Many thanks to you (and Bruce) for the video help

Congrats on the Pilot Certificate.


Stay safe and keep enjoying the privileges and the challenge of flight



Glad you like the videos Piet. Your not the first person to tell me you use the videos as an instructor resource. I will pass on your thanks to Bruce.



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Enjoyed the honesty about the times where you doubted yourself....I think that we have all been there and probably will go there again from time to time if we are honest. All the effort is definitely worth it



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Congrats Rich, while I didn't watch all your vids the ones I did I enjoyed.


You see I was busy making my own as I have only passed my flight test earlier this year on the 4th of Jan.


I'm intrigued to know what Nev meant by the comment "Calling oneself a pilot?"


I understand that getting your ticket is a license to start learning without your instructor beside you but that just seemed like a bit of a backhanded congratulations.


I may have misread the intent but when do you get to call yourself a pilot?



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Congratulations Rich.


I have really enjoyed watching your warts and all lessons.


More instructors should have Bruce's attitude. I think he does a terrific job.



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Well, as you probably guessed from the title of this post I passed my flight test and can now finally call myself a Pilot!!!

How sensational. Congratulations! I'm only about 10 hours behind you, and intend to trail you (from a safe distance) :)


Happy days.



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Thanks guys! Really glad you found the videos worthwhile. I initially made them just for myself, to help with my training. I found them really useful that I thought others may benefit from them also. I never set out to be a video maker - but I must say I really enjoy the video-making process these days and connecting with the fantastic flying community.



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Well done I also did not watch every video but I did enjoy the ones that I viewed.


Interesting choice going to acrobatics I thought that you may have done some x country work first.


Is it your intention to learn more about recovery from unusual,attitudes? I had similar thoughts but my circumstances required me to do the x country and get some flight hours up navigating.


I will go back and do some acrobatics even if it is just for a trial flight.


Great work mate keep it up I am sure that you can tell by reading the posts on here that your videos are appreciated.


Cheers ✈️



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Thanks Kununurra. Glad to hear you enjoyed the videos. Plenty more coming. Will be releasing a video soon on my first lesson in a tail-dragger flying out of Camden with a new instructor who is certainly a character! Subscribe if you want to check it out.


I'm actually doing a few endorsements all at once (i try and go flying once a week so its a slow process). I got my RPC a while ago - just took me awhile to make the video so its a little outdated. Ive already done my first cross-country lesson with Bruce, and have started my aerobatics/ tail dragger lessons as well. On top of this, Bruce has moved the Jabiru 170 up to the mother school at the OAKS, which means I'm getting a few lessons from him getting checked out in his main training aircraft - the pipistrel alpha. I've also got to clock up a couple more hours solo time so I can get my passenger endorsement.


As for aerobatics, I did an aerobatic joyflight a few months ago in the Citabria and loved it. Mainly doing it for fun, but no doubt it is making me a better and more confident pilot. First time I did stalls, 2G steep turns and unusual attitudes I was a little scared to be honest...haha. Now, its just second nature and really enjoyable. An introduction to basic aerobatics should be part of the training curriculum in my opinion.



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