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Flyboard anyone?

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Wow! Very cool!


A couple of observations / ideas / suggestions.


1) If it doesn't already have the type of stabilisation that the Segways and other 2 wheeled riders have, that would be useful.


2) For something that size it would be good for it to have some very bright strobes on it.


3) Since there is nothing aerodynamic about it it's totally reliant on fuel to keep it aloft. The rider was wearing a parachute which is an obvious necessity.


4) For operation over water as in the demo, I hope they have a very quick release mechanism for the pilots feet (I'm assuming his feet are fastened to the craft).


5) I'd love to give it a go!



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I'd love to give it a go!


You and me both. Looks a reeeeal buzz!


Need a soft landing though because of my crook back.


Noticed the jet-ski boys were never far away, which was good.



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