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Lessons for the 'market' from aviation


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How to Escape a Death Spiral


Politicians and economists often use the term 'death spiral'. Maybe there are some lessons from aviation for the market - just like aviation checklists have helped surgeons not leave instruments inside people!


And for all of us who (rightly) complain about journalists knowledge, Toni Wall Joudon, who wrote the story linked above, has done a LOT of research! We need some journo's like her here in Oz!





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This article was run in SMH and Canberra Times


Peter Martin: Why electricity prices are set to climb ever higher


Aviation population


Health insurance


Myer and David Jones


Base load electricity generation and electricity transmission


Wired broadband


Each has a disruptor of some sort. For aviation and HI it's cost. For the others it's competition from a service that does the same thing better or differently


Yes we have the journalists here



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Didn't last long enough to be worth the effort?

The doctrine of the day was that only the night fighter pilots needed instrument ratings, it put the day fighter pilot at a huge disadvantage later in the war when the weather was bad and they got shot down in droves because the allied pilots could break off into the clouds whenever they needed too.



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just like aviation checklists have helped surgeons not leave instruments inside people

Wow, I didn't realise an aviation checklist could be so helpful! - they can even extend to helping surgeons?! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif

Where's the Comma Police, when you need them? 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



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