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Guest ozzie

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Just had to share this news with all the guys here.


Yesterday whilst the missus was at work i thought i'd do the right thing as the shower recess was in need of a clean. I sprayed it and scubbed it, came up a treat.


When the missus came home i was in the good books until she worked out i scrubbed it with steel wool. strewth talk about straight to the doghouse.


The end outcome from doing the right thing is that i have been banned from doing any form of housework. forever, period!!


Damm, i guess i'll just have to live with that decision.:big_grin:





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There is a lesson for us guys to learn from this:


Go to your local hardware store and buy some steel wool and get back home and do some house work but note that this comes with a warning - make sure you have enough money left to buy fuel for the plane as you will get to go flying a lot more 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Well done Ozzie in helping out your fellow man 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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BBQ is about as close as i can get. she makes sure i don't cook by making sure that there are meals prepared if i'm home whilst she works. But as i have to spend a few nights in Sydney most weeks i can indulge in my bad ways, like drinking milk straight from the carton, cloths on the floor, maccas, ect. suppose i'm really spoilt.





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Ozzie, what on earth came over you to use steel wool on a showerbase--well done , what a great idea--Just bought some stainless steel wool-do you think it would work as well.





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I can understand a lot of the guys getting excited about your sad? news/hot tip.


Dos'nt help me much though, as I live on my own:crying:


My beautiful French maid is never allowd to waste her tallents cleaning the shower ;););).------------------------------------------------------- What bull:censored:!!



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Guest Fred Bear

006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif Good thread. I have been told off tonight as Emma wants to order 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif over-the-counter pizza instead of my gourmet one. I do the cooking here. You think she would be happy? No, let's order Cholesterol Hut instead!!! 068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif Can't win. Next thing will be the lounge for me.


PS, I'm making the pizza anyway so this time I win.



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When I do something wrong, my wife never lets me hear the end of it.


If I do something REALLY wrong, she gives me the silent treatment.


Sometimes it's worth the exta effort.





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How'd we get in the joke dept. i was serious about getting banned!!


The steel wool was handy at the time.


Yeh the dreaded silent treatment. sometimes i get it when i haven't done anything. i think she just wants to keep current with the procedure.


Hmm pizza. We always make our own. i bought a pizza maker. much better than the oven. www.thepizzamaker.com.au brilliant.


other things i have problems with explaining to the missus


we wouldn't have to leave the back gate open to let the 'roos out if it was closed in the first place. ie if they can't get in then they don't have to get out.


the possums and magpies would go back and live in the bush if she stops feeding them





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Ozzie.... you appear to have forgotten 1 thing....you are dealing with a female and asking her to be logical...;)006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


whoops...that's gunna get me a hiding :big_grin::black_eye:


There's a great book out by Barbara and Allan Pease called "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps"


It explains the differences between us and makes for a good laugh at the same time..;)006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif







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i could read a million books but still never understand her fully.


but when all is said she has more good points than bad. i just hope she sees that in me.


there was a catch to being banned from housework. (of course). apparently tidying up after myself is not housework. now if i can just get her to put the garden tools back in the shed i'll be happy.





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Ozzie....youse never gunna understand a female bro 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif and as for tidying up after yourself, correct, that's not housework as you've found out but it still has me buggered how we get lumped with putting the garden tools away:censored:. Oh well, we're all in the same boat;):;)6::big_grin:...







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OK you guys i give up. My Wife must be different than the rest because every time i get it wrong she makes me fix it! And that is often........By the way i purchased a book a few years ago with the title "Every Thing Man Knows and Understands About Women"! It was expensive and it has 1000 blank pages.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Rough end of the pineapple


Its got me buggered why my misus makes me mix the lawn mower fuel for her, Ive shown her 1000 times how to do it and she still insists!!! How rude and unkind, I dont know why she just does'nt insert the broom up my kahoona and I can sweep the floor as I go.





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I had the same problem - until I found the perfect solution, old grandpa's pusher mower - you know -the old cast iron green heavyweight. ;) (I even oiled the wheels for her!)


No more fuel mix hassels for me. 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif


(the wifes looking a bit tired, I hope she not coming down with something) :;)4:





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After she locked up the ol victa celestrial for the second time i bought her a new 4 stroke. problem solved, huh. i came home last friday and it was sitting in the middle of the front lawn at a fast idle. the cable had come out of adjustment and it would not stop when it was closed. as you can't turn off the fuel she just left it running with a near full tank. i took her out to it and showed her the little lever on the carb and pulled it back till it stopped. ohhhh she says. she still needs me.


that reminds me better check the oil and air pressures in her car.





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Matt seems to have trouble washing the dishes (hurts his back to bend over the sink), so I developed a back problem whenever I use the Vacuum. Worked well ;)


I used to cook very badly, but Matt noticed how many cooking shows I watch and decided I was bluffing... DAMMIT! Now I cook too... still can't BBQ though!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Guys, if you really don't want to do it, develop an allergy (skin disease, hayfever, coughing, dizziness etc). It's your best bet!;)



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On the cooking front, my wife asked me to buy her a watch for her birthday.... I said what for? There's a clock on the cooker!


And why do women have smaller feet then men? So they cand stand closer to the sink! Duhh.


Redair, chef, cleaner, mechanic and general dogs-body.



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