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Rumour has it


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Rumour has it that a certain technical person that may or may not be referred to here as Techman ;) was last seen in a sudden mad rush leaving the RA-Aus office in a mad panic on Wednesday. It is believed that his last contact in this sane world that he will leave behind was from his partner requesting his presence at the hospital for a pending birth.


All attempts to confirm this rumour have been met with closed lips as the person in question has not been seen of again and thus is not available for comment.


More on this breaking story as it comes to hand!


and now for the weather.....



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Update...it seems that nature isn't as fast as the staff of RA-Aus (i.e. the great speed that they get our certificates out to us) but I believe that it will be a lot shorter then getting an ASIC 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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From my experience the getting of an ASIC is equal to the gestation period. I am still waiting, but I have been debited $186 on 10 Dec. It has been solong that the price has doubled. I am sure the form gave about $90 as the cost.


Best of luck for Techman and future Techperson.



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Welcome to the world Mr. TechMan 2 - born yesterday and all are doing well!


Flowers etc sent on behalf of all the Recreational Flying Forum Members!



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Our precious child of innocent grace,


You make this world a better place,


Our lives have never been the same


Since the long awaited day you came.


We thought our hearts knew how to love,


But what you’ve brought is from above,


A special gift that knows no bounds,


The love of a parent for their child.


It’s that of a father


With his fierce, loving pride


In this child he created


And his wonder can’t hide.


It’s that of a mother


And her fierce, gentle love,


So protective she’d die


For this child of her love.


And so my sweet child


With your quaint little ways,


May God keep you safely


Through the passing days.



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Thank You


A big thank you to the rumour monger and his disciples for the most wonderful flowers and gifts that arrived very unexpectedly at the hospital.


Nardi and I were amazed at what arrived and she will surely enjoy using the bag of goodies.


Sam was born on Saturday weighing in at 3.12kg and 51cm.


A cruisy kid who likes to eat sleep and poo his pants, has his parents wrapped around his finger already, is a joy to us both and his big (step) brother.


Thanks again Ian.


Let the sleepless nights begin... yey :-)









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