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Terry's accident

Guest terry

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Guest terry

Hi all, have been away for a while.


Explanation, loss power at 100 feet


Result, one badly damaged thruster T500, repairable maybe.


Terry, two weeks in a hospital bed


Three operations


Two bad allergic reactions to anaesthetic.


One ankle smashed to pieces, ankle non repairable held together with pins, bars and screws.


About 50 tablets a day.


three bouts of constipation, bloody hell


One very happy pilot that found a patch of grass in a very heavily treed area.


one very proud pilot that couldn't save his plane but did save his life.


an experience to remember and learn from.


You won't fly again will you, is what people say to me.


But they don't know Terry nor do they know the thrill of flying.


I'll be back in the air as soon as I can


Regards Terry



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Guest Decca

Terry, may your recovery be swift, sounds like there could be just a little pain, keep it under control using pain management methods. There should be pain police at your hospital.


I'll challenge you to see who's first back in the air between you & I.


Get well soon, Decca.010_chuffed.gif.c2575b31dcd1e7cce10574d86ccb2d9d.gif



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Guest terry

Thanks everyone, this is along story with many twists and turns and I'll share it with you when I'm feeling a little better





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Guest Fred Bear

Terry, well done in staying alive and with us mate :thumb_up: Good to see you posting again. You have many broken bones. I tend to only get a few at a time so I can't say 'I know how you are feeling' but I truly hope you get better soon mate. Share your story when you have time and feel, err, mended albeit slightly.



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G'day Terry, Just want to add my sympathy, did I ever tell you about when the Pteradactyl wing decided to fold on me... so I know a little of what it's like to survive a disaster, cheers mate & don't let the anti-aviationists get you down! Kind regards, Don T-300 '393.:thumb_up:



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Guest TOSGcentral

When you do things you do not believe in half measures do you?keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif


Once you are up and about mate get some pics of the wreck to me if you wish and I will do a repair analysis and costing for you - it may be a lot cheaper than you think.


If it is really damaged then this may be an opportunity to re-build it as a Swift. The two Swift prototypes are underway at the moment and a third is now going to be built at Roma. A fourth will not go astray.


I will give you any help that I can and at least that will not cost you anything.







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Guest terry

Thanks fellows for your good wishes. Thats a good idea Tony and I will Take you up on your offer later. How do I get some photos to you. I've had two friends offer me the use of their planes, now that's what you call mates.





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Guest TOSGcentral

Hi Terry,


You can send prints to me at TOSG, MS336, Toogoolawah 4313 but I prefer electronic images so that I can enlarge them.


You will need access to a digital camera and email the pics as an attachment in JPEG format at about half a mb, to [email protected]





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Guest terry

hi guys just spent a week in hospital due to a few problems with my operations. Don I'll fill you in later when I'm not so tried. But just one point it appears that the thruster factory installed my fuel lines incorrectly leaving it susepable to air lock. Even though it was built in 97 it's only done 200hrs in total. the oringinal owner had the identical accident at 67 hrs thanks guys catch ya's later.


Regards Terry



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Guest TOSGcentral

That means it was one of the last built. Even though some were built after 1995 I am very keen for a description of what the mis-installation was so I can bang an alert in the TOSG Bulletin and on the Thruster section of this forum.


Just doing that may save someone else.


When you have time mate.







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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest terry

Hi tony, I'll send you a photo of the installation as soon as I can. My computer is playing up and my son is away at the moment so I have to wait until he sorts it out. Sorry for the delay in reply I've been back in hospital for a couple of weeks. I'm sick and tired of lying on my back in a hospital bed I've nearly lost my mind. I hope its all over now and i can start on getting my life back in order. The confinement and inactivity is at the moment my biggest struggle. We take our freedom for granted until its taken from us by circumstances beyond our control. Thanks guys for comments and I'll catch up later.


Regards Terry



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