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raaus loss of control series videos

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i am looking forward to these videos which start thursday 3/11 at 1900.

for learners like myself they will be great . lots of experienced pilots giving actual in flight demos and talks on the subject.

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Just now, BrendAn said:

i am looking forward to these videos which start thursday 3/11 at 1900.

for learners like myself they will be great . lots of experienced pilots giving actual in flight demos and talks on the subject.


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Hopefully the idea of rotating at the speed called for in the POH will get a mention. Positive control by the pilot, not raise the nose wheel and the aircraft will fly when it is ready BS. A departure stall will mess up your day especially in high performance aircraft.   



Edited by Thruster88
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Crosswind take offs MUST do a clean lift off with no chance of a later wheel contact. IF an Auster starts bouncing on take off you have to get airborne and fly in ground effect OR abort the take off.. Planes vary. Weight on a jabiru nosewheel is not desired for "best" control either .A lot of pilots don't allow for conditions and varying the technique appropriately.. Hot and /or heavy will require a lot more runway so don't rotate at your "normal" distance or speed. Early rotation creates more drag and the plane doesn't accelerate at its best rate for the conditions.   Be ready to abort IF it doesn't look as though it's going fast enough at a pre-determined point. Nev

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8 hours ago, Thruster88 said:

The first vid was ok, lots of wishy washy talk that might be confusing for new pilots. The words "rotate speed" and "best climb speed" were not used once. 

Yes . They covered the topic of lift off but didn't really explain the right way to do it.  My instructor gets me to hold the stick back a little bit until the plane flys then level off in ground effect until it hits around 65 knots. Then climb out .

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