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Quote from Lee Ungermann's notification:


"RA-Aus continues to engage with CASA to provide an equitable outcome for members and urges RA-Aus members to allow the organisation to continue negotiation without undue interference"


What the hell's he talking about? Who is interfering? Is the RAA not running Recreational Aviation?


Are we paying money each year to a bunch of lazy Directors and a spin doctor who waves in the breeze?


Isn't it interesting how gliders and balloons are exempted, but no efort has been made to set up similar arrangements to allow Recreational Aircraft to transit some areas to avoid unsafe ground?



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Guest Qwerty

This is not urban myth, this is some information that I have that I feel should be passed on to RAAus members.


I was talking to a bloke who was with John McCormick (CEO of CASA) at Narromine this year. I was told by this bloke that there were a couple of incidents that occurred at Narromine that convinced John not to mix Recreational aviation with GA or RPT and certainly not in CTA. The incidents themselves are disturbing enough but their effect on John was was immediate, negative and FINAL. In relating this to me, John's attitude was described as turning from considered, understanding and amiable to VERY negative in a very short period.


I have been given a similar account from a second independant source. I have no reason to doubt either of these blokes.


I guess this underlines Lee Ungermann's signoff that How we act today, paves the way for our freedoms tomorrow.





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If that's the case Qwerty, and a few imbeciles wrecked it for everyone else, it must be very distressing for all the members who spend their money to ensure they are thoroughly trained, who maintain their aircraft by the book, and who take safety and airmanship seriously.


However, that sort of situation is manageable. If that's really what happened there's no point in Lee Ungermann giving an obscure speech like a friggin' Roman Centurion, he needs to carry out the work he is employed to do and clean up our act.


And that can start with showing that something was or will be done about the well known and clearly identified, and disgraceful behaviour at Natfly.


If that's not done, and there's not a visible improvement in behaviour, we'll be talking about this for years to come.



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CASA have decided that GAAPs will become class D by 21 April next year and that from now on there will be a limit of 6 aircraft in the circuit, per controller. If there are 2 controllers working 2 different runways there can be 12 aircraft. They will also make it mandatory for all aircraft in licensed aerodromes to have radio.



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Heon, if what I heard this morning about what went on at Natfly this year is true, we, as in the few referred to earlier plus a motor mouth, are directly responsible for this, and I as a member expect the Directors of RAA to get off their bums, get to the bottom of this and take some very positive action to get the show back on the rails.



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Guest Qwerty
Can someone PM me and tell me what happened at Narromine? - Please.regards

Never mind the PM....


It was related to me that there were several occurrences of poor....NO.....appalling airmanship by RAAus pilots witnessed by John McCormick.


Another uncomfirmed incident related to me today involved a rag and tube flying after last light evedently ending with a crashing sound.


Also there was evidently an unnecessary adversarial exchange in public with John that went well beyond the last straw.


I was there for about 2 hrs on Saturday morning and I saw two Gyros doing a low level display. I was very impressed; a) with the display and b) that they managed to get a clearance to do it. Judging from Mick Pool's comment in the following RAAus mag, I'm thinking that they may not have had the clearance......I really hope that my suspicions are wrong about this.


It seems to me that the CASA CEO came to our premier event and witnessed what amounts to a bunch of cowboys!!



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Destiny Flyer, given that thousands of genuine pilots have been disadvantaged, its going to be interesting to see whether the people involved are going to be honest enough to come clean.



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Guest ozzie

As for this CEO of CASA i would really not be to worried about him. over the last 34 years of being involved in aviation i've seen plenty of Departments, CEOs, presidents and execs and committees come and go with a pretty regular turnover. they pop up and make a lot of noise, rip up past efforts then disappear leaving every thing in a confused mess and then someone else crops up and the show repeats it's self with just a different cast and has the same ending. this guy will be no different and at the end of it most of us will still be here when no one can remember his name.


what we as members have to do is start voting in people who will do what we ask them to do, who are qualified for the position not just a blow in from some other area of aviation and be capable of representing us and who are not just mates or paid execs who are out for revenge or on their own agenda/ego trip, because it is what they want and don't give a rats ass for either the majority or minority.


I have been looking at buying either a complete aircraft or kit for about a year now but i will not invest my hard earned readies whilst this mess is up in the air. i have however set a time period and if the whole scene is not sorted out by then i'll just go and complete my PPL and go that way. I'll never stop flying my Lazair but i will seriously consider not putting my hand in my pocket to finance an association that does not represent me at my end of the show.


As for people acting like boneheads and bringing the rest of us into poor view with the current god like being . do what was done at mangalore years ago when something similar happend .saw one blade off their prop. and abuse them loudly in mass


they tend to get the message with that.





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Guest Crezzi
... i will seriously consider not putting my hand in my pocket to finance an association that does not represent me at my end of the show.

I wonder if this is the feeling of the owners of the 451 aircraft which haven't renewed their registraion in the last 18 months.





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The proposal for RAAus CTA involved a knowledge to CPL standards and also a class 2 medical. It would appear easier to just do a PPL. As for the new GAAP procedures, nothing will change dramatically because less people will fly there because of the possible 45min taxi times etc.



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controlled airspace


The decision that RAA pilots cannot fly into controlled airspace is concerning because of the fact it is assumed that people who fly RAA cannot be trained to the same or better competency than pilots with their PPL. It is my understanding that there is no recognised syllabus for CTA training in PPL. At least you can give some credit to RAA in putting a sylabus into existence so their pilots can get the proper training and competency before they get their CTA endorsement.


The way alot of GA pilots are carrying on is if once this CTA endorsement is passed there would be eight and a half thousand members swarming into controlled air space.



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Guest Cloudsuck
Quote from Lee Ungermann's notification:"RA-Aus continues to engage with CASA to provide an equitable outcome for members and urges RA-Aus members to allow the organisation to continue negotiation without undue interference"

What the hell's he talking about? Who is interfering? Is the RAA not running Recreational Aviation?


Are we paying money each year to a bunch of lazy Directors and a spin doctor who waves in the breeze?


Isn't it interesting how gliders and balloons are exempted, but no efort has been made to set up similar arrangements to allow Recreational Aircraft to transit some areas to avoid unsafe ground?

Last time we did what Ungermann is asking, they slipped in mandatory ELB's without so much as asking the members what they think. As such there is a petition to stop RAAus executive from pulling the wool over the eyes of it's members again. Reading between the lines, I think that this is what Lee Ungermann's rant is about.


With regards to the last paragraph of McCormick's letter, where is the risk assessment to justify his comment?



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Perhaps after the next GA related accident 5000 letters to newspapers questioning CASA's safety.


But as I say that it is not the solution. However I am annoyed at the outcome. I have witnessed some very dodgey flying recently from overseas students training in GA. If I was to make any changes I would start there.


If there are a few accidents with these pilots our new CASA boss will wear the brunt of it. Good luck to him. You only last in one of those positions while the government does not look bad.


As to our RAA crew. Keep up the good work and lets revisit this ASAP. For safety if for nothing else.





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I go away for a week, and get back to read this crap.. what the 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif!!!


Its a sad day for the RAA when exec's attend our biggest flyin and decide hands down they don't want us mixing with "real pilots"...


Good job fella's.. picked a great time to show us your sensational flying skills and oustanding airmanship.. I was at Narromine, i won't post what i saw, but seriously, some blokes need thier heads read..


I know i get a bit preachy about this sort of thing, but mabye now some of you will realise, and get it through your thick heads... Its dumb, its dangerous, and your going to wreck it for evryone else when you paint yourself across a primary school roof during a PTA meeting...


You know who you are... P!ssoff and take up fishing....:baldy::baldy:



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Good advice Motzart, we did it to ourselves, and the people responsible need to own up to what happened, and they need to do it now.


It's counterproductive to go GA or CASA bashing; on the information I have John McCormick made the only decision he could have made, and I would have made the same decision- better to cut the cancers out of RAA.



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Clouldsuck get over it!


You place your name up for election. If you are elected you make decisions based on what your beliefs and representation suggests. Hence every government that we have in Australia.


I say PLB at a cost of $600 with a life of seven years is a great decision for someone going more that 50nm from home in a two seater.


If you disagree vote your rep out and put yourself into the seat. The stupid lobbying that has been occuring from Queensland over this item is outrageous. Seems to me it's all about personalities not the PLB's.


Our club will purchase several PLB's and rent them out. But most of our serious pilots believe it is well worth while to get their own.





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Guest Qwerty

I agree Motzart, but there is no point ranting here. The dorks that do dumb stuff in aeroplanes aren't on here, they are are right now glued to the idiot box, drinking alcohol, watching meatheads in shorts chase a ball.


I believe that the only answer is to walk over to them after their dumb stunt, wait for them to shut down and then pull them out of the cockpit, rip one of their legs off and use it to bash them about the head and shoulders.


If we don't rip into the idiots right there and then when they do dumb stuff, we will all end up with with perfectly good aircraft that we will only be allowed to fly indoors in our own homes.



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Guest ozzie

PLB at 600 bucks bargain and don't winge at that i'm being slugged over $2000.00 to put an AAD (auto opener) on my skydiving gear. then i have to fork out another grand to test the unit and replace the batteries several times over it's miserable short life span.



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Guest Qwerty

Motzart, I was talking in general, at our own fields but you are right....May be I should write an open letter to RAAus and ask them why they didn't come down on the idiots and make examples of them.


I should also ask why they continue even now not to persue them....It cant be that hard to get the relavant details and chase it up.



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