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Flight planner programs suggestions

Guest watto

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I have been doing a bit of study towards PPL/CPL and there is an onbvious requirement to calculate pressure height and density height and to also bring current ambient temp into the equasion! never having been a math wizz at the best of time I was looking for recommendations on a simple cheap effective flight planner or spread sheet similar to the AUSNAV exel spread sheet that will allow you to put the figures into eg altitude, QNH, temp etc and calculates all the variables against the ISA etc without to much trouble.


Has anyone got such an animal?091_help.gif.c9d9d46309e7eda87084010b3a256229.gif



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Yes I have a jeppeson CR-2 and the numbers on that part are so small you need a microscope to see them and being far sighted that poses a problem with fumbling around looking for glasses I rarely ever wear.



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Guest tmpffisch

Hmm.....you can take a spreadsheet into your PPL & CPL exams. Worth thinking about learning how to do the maths instead? Only a few simple equations you need to remember.


Real world? You won't be going to a spreadsheet to calculate pressure height or density height. P Charts generally calculate pressure height for you anyway. (If you did go to a spreadsheet, ensure your employer didn't see you doing it, or you'll have some dole payment calculations to start making)



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No You cannot of course take it into exams but like everything these days there are alternatives once you are qualified, like GPS which of course nobody ever uses.


Also when you are unsure of your calculations in the early practice you have a method of confirming your results against, nothing worse than practicing and perfecting a mistake!!!!!!



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$5.95 for 'flight planner' on Itunes for the iphone or Ipod touch. There are some other great tools including a GPS moving map tool for $29.95.


Great digital EB6 calculator with export. I use it on a daily basis and very simple to use midflight for those unforseen calculations.



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