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Using an Octopus to fly better

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The idea of sucking and blowing the boundary layer to reduce separation, has been around for a long time. Nev

I remember reading of an example of an glider that the military (WW2) were using which was fitted with an engine which sucked air over the top of a very thick chorded wing. The glider was towed by another aircraft and was designed to be used to deliver troops well behind enemy lines. now if I can only find where I read about it, I could post more info and a pic here :bad computer:



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I remember something about this from long time back. air was sucked off the top surface via many small holes and pumped back overboard thru the rear of the fuse. it allowed for some amazing slow speed approaches and landings. unfortunatly the aircraft crashed short of the runway early one morning. No one wittnessed the accident so what exactly happened was just guess work but it seemd that the airpump failed and the aircraft stalled. can't remember the details of the aircraft tho.



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here 'tis!!




No. 6811. de Havilland Australia GLAS II Suction Wing Glider (A57-1) Royal Australian Air Force






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:drums: Original built as a DHA-G2 glider this aircraft was delivered to the RAAF on May 6, 1942. It was stored from 1946 to 1949, where after it was converted by the Government Aircraft Factory for wing suction trials. It was fitted with a wing designed by Mr. Griffith that contained the GLAS II suction system developed by Mr. Glauter. A 96 hp Mercury 59A engine provided the power for the suction system. The aircraft was tested from early 1949 to July 24, 1951 and the aircraft was struck off charge on December 17, 1952 and subsequently disposed off.


Created September 30, 2007



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