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Guest Cloudsuck

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Guest Cloudsuck

What is going on?


I am receiving reports from the proposed RAAus general meeting which was held on the Friday at Natfly.


From those that were present, it has been reported that the meeting set down as a ‘General Meeting’ was deliberately degenerated into a talkfest rather than a formal meeting.


I have also been reliably informed that when a respected member of the flying community and president of one of the largest ultralight clubs in Qld asked Treasure Dave Cavin if we could have a copy of the financial report printed and attached to our magazine the same as the SAAA, he was rudely and abruptly told, “No, if you want that you can go and join the SAAA”. What has Mr Cavin and RAAus got to hide and how dare he/they treat members like that. Who the hell does he think he is?


On another note, I have been told that we now have the third CEO in as many months. On this occasion, RAAus have raised the CEO’s salary to 20k over the approved salary cap without the approval by the board.


It seems that the rot has set in and they are taking great lengths not to disclose what is happening to our money.


Unless we have open and honest governance, we will be set for same path of the HGFA; Implosion!



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Guest Escadrille

Oh dear.....some members have expressed their concern about this sort of thing happening..:no no:



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My interpretation of what was said goes like this. yes Dave did say something along the lines of not including the financial report in the mag, however his reasoning was that the report was to large. A suggestion for a brief report in the raaus mag recieved a yes from the board. We were also informed that if we required a full report then all we had to do was contact the office.



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Whoa there...back up a bit Mate


Firstly yes, the general meeting was suppose to have happened and I turned up expecting the same but I don't know what happened about that yet but I am going to find out.


Regarding the CEO as I said here:




the CEO we employed was on a 3 month probation period as any new executive would be. When the review process started towards the end of the period he felt he didn't have the knowledge in our industry now having tried it for almost 3 months to do us justice.


There is a lot involved in knowing how to handle CASA, ATSB etc plus the intricacies of our industry are certainly different from any other form of aviation of which are very common throughout the world but when it comes to our industry it is different all around the world (eg LSA is different all around the world, we have 20hrs yet NZ have 40 etc etc etc).


There is nothing wrong with a person feeling they wouldn't do us justice if they stayed on so he resigned basically at the end of the probationary period so please don't start the negative theories on hearsay or guessing the worst :big_grin:


To question Dave Caban from something you heard from a 3rd party on what he said and why he said it you could use the Contact Us page of this site


Recreational Flying - Contacts


and send him an email and ask him to clarify and let us all know what his reply is - would that be better?


Oh, and about the $20k more thing...the board was asked to approve employing a CEO at x dollars...it was discussed and then voted on. Not everything that is discussed gets a 100% yes vote, crikey some things I have disagreed with have got a yes vote but that is the good thing about having 13 board members for different views - a new manager could not have been employed and at X dollars had the vote been against it.



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Guest Cloudsuck
Whoa there...back up a bit Mate

Ummm .... Little bit condescending mate!


To question Dave Caban from something you heard from a 3rd party on what he said and why he said it you could use the Contact Us page of this site


Recreational Flying - Contacts


and send him an email and ask him to clarify and let us all know what his reply is - would that be better?


I did not get that informant from a third party. I got it from a person who was a party to the conversation. Known as the horse's mouth. I also got it from others who were there.


Oh, and about the $20k more thing...the board was asked to approve employing a CEO at x dollars...it was discussed and then voted on. Not everything that is discussed gets a 100% yes vote, crikey some things I have disagreed with have got a yes vote but that is the good thing about having 13 board members for different views - a new manager could not have been employed and at X dollars had the vote been against it.

So did the board vote for the extra 20k increase of not? If so, that is fine. How much is the CEO getting then? I take it it would have been advertised in the Australian or such. Is there a gag order forbidding board members from disclosing financial information?



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Guest Walter Buschor

Hi all,


I don't know what happened with our "new CEO " and I don't know the "in's and out's " but IF it got approved an extra $ 20000 there is a reason for it. I for one will have to take it in good faith that this is reasonable considering the members numbers and the scope of responsibility required to be effective. I do understand that many members will get their hackles up when more money is required but..... . I for one do not feel knowledgeable enough nor do I dare say " commited " enough to even in theory accept such an appointment. In my view anyone who brings the right expertise and commitment to the job is worth every cent. The CEO " just gone" obviously has acknowledged that he's not up to the task for what-ever reason and we should congratulate him. We will find someone more suited and - yes - I for one don't mind to pay a little extra - I do want proper and professional representation for all of us . " within reason no matter what the cost ". After all we want to fly with as little restriction as possible - it's worth every cent.


fly safe - and often!





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Dick smith seams a reasonable sort of guy, whould he do the job of CEO? im sure he knows the ins and outs of CASA, ATSB and governemnt

Second that.. Cost would be huge but it would be a great investment for US.



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Guest Maj Millard

Hey Dicks' even an RAA licensed pilot and paid-up member isn't he ??...and real business savvy !....it would be a great choice......................................................................................Maj..024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Why the devil is "big money" the only draw to a job such as this?


The Prime Minister is paid heaps less than those in private business but does it because that is what he wants to do.


Junior football coaches, scout leaders, school councillors all put their efforts in for nothing - just the satisfaction of putting something back into their community.


Of course this position should be paid but why the "big big money" (to quote Alex DeLarge)


The love of money is the problem to the answer.


I do not want our organisation to become a mini CASA and I sense it coming.


Mark D



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There seems to be quite a split between those that love flying ultralights, and those that love flying but don't want to pay GA prices. Farmer Bob flying his Quicksilver from a paddock doesn't really need _that_ much oversight, just as long he doesn't fly very high and cross any public roads. If the RAA gets too annoying he might just stop renewing but continue to fly illegally.


One could almost say there needs to be a group to manage the tiny little planes that don't have much in common with your avarage Tecnam/Jabiru. Some sort of 'Ultralight Federation', if you will 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif



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mmmm...Dick Smith as CEO of RAAaus, he certainly would enjoy picking up the mantle and running with it...bit of unfinished business there with CASAs reforms so it could be a good win for RAA or a huge loose...certainly be interesting..so Dick, have you applied for the job yet?041_helmet.gif.78baac70954ea905d688a02676ee110c.gif



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Guest basscheffers

How big is big? $20K more than what, what was the previous number?


I doubt Dick Smith would be interested in a full time job these days. :)



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Dick Smith./CEO


As said, Doubt if he would want it. You wouldn't want someone with their own agenda either. Aopa have had a lot of experience of that and it nearly finished them off. The fellow we had (briefly) Costmeyer, seems like a nice bloke. Obviously felt a bit overwhelmed. Makes you wonder how much the job description matched reality and how effective the selection process was, and how we are going to ensure that it works out better in the future.


Airlines don't have pilots running them like they did once, Now its commercially trained and orientated managers. The show might be more profitable, but the maintenance and pilot groups often feel out of the picture.


Being CEO of RAAus would not be an easy job as the growth has been almost meteoric and the game is (or was) changing almost daily. If we find the right person we shouldn't quibble about his/her salary. The management needs good support from the reps too. (As never before). Nev



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Guest sirius

Dick Smith was never CEO of AOPA. He was a very popular and elected president for a time before being offered the job of chairman of the CASA board. He resigned so there was no conflict of interest. I doubt he was ever paid one cent.


Given AOPA's succession of board members with varying agendas it would be impossible for any paid functionary to have any influence over their matters.


RAA is a bit more mature and obviously recognises the need for a business manager to bear the load and carry out the 10,000 members demands that the elected representatives act on behalf of.


If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.



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Guest David C

The question remains .... How much are we paying the CEO ??? ... It is our money after all , so I think there is an obligation to us all to be told ..



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"If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys"


Cant say I agree with that one


Look at the world financial crisis we just went though paid obseen amounts and still got monkeys


I think that saying belongs in the bin with the same quote


"Hard work never hurt anyone"


I think maybe you get better poeple who want to be there and make a differance and are not totally driven by money.


Sorry folks but just had to say this



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"If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys" Cant say I agree with that one

Look at the world financial crisis we just went though paid obseen amounts and still got monkeys


I think that saying belongs in the bin with the same quote


"Hard work never hurt anyone"


I think maybe you get better poeple who want to be there and make a differance and are not totally driven by money.


Sorry folks but just had to say this

Cool as can be Robert!



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Guest sirius

I note EAA are looking for a marketing manager. Passion is part of the job description. How much would you expect to pay him?


EAA HQ SEEKS DIRECTOR OF MARKETINGA full-time staff position in Oshkosh is now available for an experienced marketing director who will oversee EAA's in-house marketing resources and support the marketing and promotions activities of the association. Reporting to the VP of Marketing & Communications, the position will play a key role of managing the look, feel, and voice of a worldwide association representing a highly engaged membership united by a common passion for flight. This position typically requires a Bachelor's degree in Business with an emphasis in a Marketing, Communications, Graphic Design or related field (advanced degree a plus). Requires a minimum of 10 or more years experience.

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Guest Escadrille

That position would have to be paying 100K plus USD before they hired someone that could do the job justice...



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Guest David C
Let's get back to basics. As a recent addition to the member ranks of RAAus from GA flying, the members deserve full and free disclosure otherwise history tells us disaster always follows.

Couldn't agree more ..



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