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About turboplanner

  • Birthday 24/07/1902


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    PA28 LSA55, J160, J170, V115, AA5B, C210
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  1. A lot of puppets in the air this time of year.
  2. Good perception, good action taken, probably a lot of money about to be saved. One guy I now solved this by flying 30 minutes every week then went on a decent flight when he wanted to. The other possibility is that when you can spend the hours, you at least have the financial bundle to do a concentrated two oir three weeks of restraining and get back in the groove fast.
  3. Too late, the information’s out there and some people will do it now.
  4. Ben's not a Planner - this will either not need any action if the buyer wants to continue as an airport, or will need a Planner.
  5. The online agendas and minutes only go back to 2018. Pre-digital most Counclls had a storage issue with Agendas and Minutes which could be from20 to 50 mm thick. Some Councils (not referring to this one) who wanted to bury information would take a truckload to the State Public Record Office and then claim it wasn't practical to search for the data you wanted (except on one occasion where a CEO agreed with me and wanted to spear a Councilor and sent a team of six across to the PRO vault and found the data in about an hour). As we know digital files are much more easily stored and there's no reason why all their Agendas and Minutes can't be sitting there available for checking. I'd suggest a Goulburn Mulwaree ratepayer ask Amy for a copy of the Minutes that resulted in the Sale on 2/9/13, and in particular, the Covenant presented to the Councillors and the Covenant which became part of the Contract of Sale. Amy will tell you if it is Commercial in Confidence, and can't be released to the public, but it any case it shouldn't be posted public here. There are other ways to handle it.
  6. Link to Agendas and Minutes, Goulburn Mulwaree Council: https://www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/Council
  7. The Title search will show the date of transfer (not the lease). If the Airport was leased and has since been transferred to the current owner and is still being used as an airport, then that's between the Council and the owner. I'm just trying to get the date of the Council Meeting which approved the sale, to save hours and maybe weeks of sifting through Agendas and Minutes to find the details of the covenant if is was included. A Planning lawyer woud still be needed to decide if it carried any weight after a new sale, and what was specified in the case that the current owner sold it.
  8. Can you remember when, or find out the date of the Council Meeting where it approved the sale to the current owner?
  9. That's an Auto-Industry secret for Thanks.
  10. Is there a public copy of the covenant? Often the Council will not publish it, claiming its commercial, in confidence, but sometimes on important matters it will be attached to the documents to be passed at a meeting. I'm not sure what it's legal standing will be if the operator no longer owns the property, but a lawyer would.
  11. Have you got any details of this covenant?
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