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Everything posted by SplitS

  1. It's more than that there are ventilators is operating theater's spare one's in ambulance's etc. Sure there are only 2,000 in ICU's but there are heaps more spread thu the hospital system. There are 4 within 250 meters of me now and they are not being used. Australia's chief medical officer has made announcements regarding this I cannot be bothered going back over his speech but feel free.
  2. You provided a link to a "fake news" web site I provided a link to the UK government web site. This virus scare is all about the mathematical illiterate.
  3. Ventilators are not going to be an issue. There are over 4,000 ventilators in oz currently there are 4163 cases with 28 in critical care (on ventilators) . On the current numbers we would need to have over 400,000 cases to come close to causing a ventilator issue. Listen to Australia's chief medical officer he is whingeing back on the need for ICU bed's
  4. "COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK" https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid Going to be interesting to see how they whined back their rhetoric. Social isolation has a huge effect of people's health this stupid lock down is going to have a massive impact. We are already seeing an impact on peoples mental health.The cure is way worse than the virus. https://www.aginglifecarejournal.org/health-effects-of-social-isolation-and-loneliness/
  5. This lock down is looking more and more and more stupid. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2238473-you-could-be-spreading-the-coronavirus-without-realising-youve-got-it/ "The study concluded that 86 per cent of cases were “undocumented” – that is, asymptomatic or had only very mild symptoms" This makes it way less lethal than the flu. We are destroying peoples lives and lively hood's for what? Those that want to lock down go ahead for everyone else especially if you are under 50 this thing is a very bad joke.
  6. I know my self well enough to not start. Sorry did add anything usefull
  7. Hour's to build https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/italian-engineers-make-ventilators-out-of-snorkelling-masks-using-3d-printed-parts/news-story/08f64d7501210618cad01c8abda13944
  8. 4 - Let it rip thru the under 50's protect the over 60's and anyone with health problems. Keep the economy intact as best we can. Based on the latest data very few bed's will be needed and the hospital system will not be over run.
  9. You have to use the South Koren data because they have been doing the most testing South Korea Coronavirus: 9,583 Cases and 152 Deaths - Worldometer The problem with most other countries data is they are only testing sick people this distorts the results big time. We don't need to use projections. Just use the best country's data.
  10. But whats your end game extending it out 12 months? The economy with be destroyed. depression and suicide thru the roof. If you focus on one thing you will miss the bigger picture. With the economy destroyed who is going to fund the hospitals?? A healthy economy = a healthy health care system. That's if the population will even cop a 12 month lock down and I have my doubts. BTW It's not 20% it's way less than 5%.
  11. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/03/28/australia-vigilantes-slash-tyres-of-coronavirus-refugees-pouring-into-outback-from-cities/ I note you have not supplied any link. So a Federal MP lied and created an untrue narrative wonder where we have seen that before. Even if it's not true the anger is starting to boil over.
  12. He was presented with a model that turns out to be wildly inaccurate. But it was the best they could do at the time. https://techstartups.com/2020/03/26/coronavirus-doomsday-prediction-how-the-experts-have-failed-us-with-faulty-modeling-and-used-skewed-covid-19-data-to-stoke-panic/ Now we have a better idea about death rates and risk I have changed my mind. We do not need a lock down for under 60's What is the end game here? Flattening the curve just means we extend the period of time for the virus to work it's way thru. This lock down could go on for over 12 months and most of us will catch it anyway. It is here to stay 20% of people who catch it show no symptoms but are contagious how do you contain that? There is no way the population is going to put up with a 12 month lock down. We are seeing fractures appear in lots of countries already and it's only been about 2 weeks. The risk here is not the virus.
  13. Millions of people have lost there job's and businesses this will bump the suicide rate. Its a very simple cause and effect. It's exactly what we are doing replacing one death for another with this lock down. Ressession job losses = increase suicide rate. I don't disagree with your assessment of the over 60's thats why I think it should be a targeted lock down. Over 60's self isolate and be supported. Let it rip thru the rest of the population on the current numbers it will be like a bad flu season for anyone under 50. Its how Sweden is handeling it so we are going to find out.
  14. So does the flu have a look at Italy in 2017. Very similar to now but know one was jumping up and down. The flu also kills young healthy people at almost the same rate. why is this so special and beat up? The numbers don't lie. During the same monthly period March 2020 over 250 people committed suicide most of them young equates to about 0.2 per 1000. Same period only 14 died from covid19 and almost all had co-morbidity's. If this destruction of the economy and lock down bumps the suicide rate even a little ( resessions and depressions always increase the rate) then the whole lock down will have produced way more harm than good. Also notice there are now riots in china and USA around the lock downs in Australia "out of towner's " are getting their tyres slashed civilization is way more fragile than most people think.
  15. If you are between 75 - 85 your death rate each year is around 15% per year anyways. The more I look at the stats the more idiotic I see this lock down is.
  16. The deaths will mainly be over 70's which could be self isolated and supported. 2019 was a particularly mild strain 2017 is a better figure to use. Also it depends on the way the deaths are reported if some one has comorbidity s what killed them? In the case's where covid-19 is involved it is blamed. Look up what happened to Italy during the 2017 flu season makes for a very interesting comparison. If we tracked the 2017 flu like we are tracking covid with the same kind of media beat up it would be just as easy to induced the same kind of panic. The numbers are now fairly clear under 50's (0.2) fatality rate a bad flu season (0.1). We have never considered a national lock down for the flu and for good reason.
  17. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries I am starting to think shutting down the economy and locking everyone down is a really bad idea. This thing is only slightly more deadly than the flu if you are under 50. The elderly and health compromised should be self isolated and assisted but shutting down the country for a virus that is around 0.2% fatal (under 50's) (the flu is around 0.1) is really dumb and going to cause far more damage. Watch what happens to the suicide rate rate, bankruptcy's the destruction of small business some of which are never coming back this has become a huge over reaction. I also think the longer this goes the greater chance of social instability which is a real risk here the longer and harder the government locks the population down the greater the chance of problems.
  18. Shut down VFR in Australia and a lot of mustering stops, bore/fence checks etc. The goverment would not be this stupid. Oh wait.
  19. Check the date's one can change one's mind when new data presents it's self. It's called science.
  20. Tell the bastards nothing. The Ozzie system is nothing like the FAA "The FAA believes that aviation safety is well served by incentives for operators to identify and correct their own instances of noncompliance, and to invest more resources in efforts to preclude their recurrence. FAA's policy of forgoing civil penalty actions when a covered entity detects violations, promptly discloses the violations to the FAA, and takes rapid corrective action to ensure that the same or similar violations do not recur, is designed to encourage compliance with the FAA's regulations, foster safe operating practices, and promote the development of Internal Evaluation Programs." This is why the FAA has a much more open dialogue. Simples
  21. The Seventh day Adventists do NOT have a fairly strict vegan diet. Vegans hijack the 7th day Adventist study but calling them vegan is a joke What can Seventh-day Adventists eat - Answers The blue zone's show the more meat you eat the longer you live. The longest lived people are from Hong Kong and they consume the most meat. Vegan diet cause brain damage The Trendy Diet Linked To Brain Damage - PsyBlog that's why there is a thing called vegan fog. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/a19941229/side-effects-of-vegetarianism/ You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.
  22. We are getting a depression for sure it's now baked in. Banking crisis next Australia's realestate bubble is popping and the fall out means someone is going to be eating trillion's. Every time the government "prints money" it reduces it value. Should not really call it money because money is meant to store value at the moment this is not the case it should be called currency. Take notice of the price of food it's going to be the real indicator going forward.
  23. We have very few rights in Australia one of them is the freedom of movement between state's http://www.primafacie.com.au/2017/03/08/rights-protected-australian-constitution/ “A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other State.” — Section 117
  24. Do miss quote it to be misleading? Or you just don't understand the meaning?? "trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_92_of_the_Constitution_of_Australia Simples.
  25. Just because you think that's true does not make it so. https://emergencylaw.wordpress.com/2019/12/25/what-is-a-national-emergency/
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