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Everything posted by sseeker

  1. It's strange, I get a "Can't find image file. Use Search image file button" when there's clearly a path to the .ozfx3 file, then I hit ok and it says "An error occurred while reading image" Maybe it doesn't like Windows 7? Sorry for going a bit off topic, maybe I should open another thread? -Andrew
  2. Hi tracktop, Thanks for your reply, I purchased the maps from Maptrax last night and downloaded them this morning. I had to convert the .TIF file to .PNG and then use the Orux Dekstop software to calibrate it with the Ozi .map file and convert it to an Orux readable file. Can you use the Ozi files directly through Orux? -Andrew
  3. I downloaded the application and it looks very useful, who should I contact to get aeronautical charts made up? Or do I have to calibrate my own? I'm sure I could do it but it seems like a lengthy process, so I'd be better off paying for someone to do it. -Andrew
  4. Who in their right mind would want to blow up a plane!? :ah_oh: -Andrew
  5. Saw the new strip on the 7th when I was doing a NAVEX with the instructor. The 27-09 strip is very well maintained. I look forward to flying in more often :) Disappointed you got rid of that Bantam though :P I was looking forward to getting some time in that thing. -Andrew
  6. Thanks for that, Announcing on Perth Radar is something I'm going to do all the way down and back up the coast. I considered announcing on Jandakot tower while transiting past inbound/outbound points but keeping a listening watch would be more appropriate. The Jabiru isn't transponder equipped unfortunately. It's a dual nav so I'll have to see what my instructor thinks. Thanks, Andrew
  7. I'm a bit stuck with planning this nav, I've planned all my other navs successfully but this one is a bit tricky. I'm doing a flight down the WA coast to Serpentine (32° 23.698' South 115° 52.259' East) from Bindoon. I've planned the flight to Serpentine over the water (only 2nm out) however by procedure the return flight (heading North) must be conducted over land, no problems right? Nah, if I followed that rule I'd be transiting past 3 major inbound points for Jandakot airport at the same altitude as aircraft joining but on a converging path (aircraft flying towards me from my left) and I MUST be at 1500' transiting North and 2000' transiting South. If I don't follow the rule and go out over the water heading North I'll be flying straight into oncoming traffic. So really I have no other option but to fly over the Jandakot inbound points :S Does anyone from WA have experience with this? Or can anyone give me some ideas? -Andrew
  8. Jabiru Aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That will probably be a lot more helpful and straight to the point. Will save you browsing through loads of pages. -Andrew
  9. 55-3845 Skyfox Aviation Skyfox Ca25 19/12/2002 - My schools Skyfox and I can confirm it's tailwheel. (I have photos if you want them) 24-3957 Skyfox Aviation Gazelle Ca25n 7/08/2003 - My schools Skyfox Gazelle (nosewheel) (The above information was extracted from the RA-Aus registration number sequence.) -Andrew
  10. Hi Mike, I think you'll find that's a CA25, except the CA25 is tailwheel and the CA25N is nosewheel. Although I'm not an expert when it comes to Skyfox aircraft, there might be some other things you can tell the difference between. I thought the CA22 had the counter clockwise rotation from the cockpit? -Andrew
  11. Hi Tomo, Looks great! Coming along nicely. Be sure to keep us updated! Also, I'll drop you an email with the full quality images this weekend. Please confirm your email is: tomo at recreationflying dot com dot au ?? -Andrew
  12. Well done :big_grin: one of many exciting achievements that you'll accomplish on your journey. -Andrew
  13. I'm pretty sure Jandakot has been doing it for some time now. There are some signs up in the Royal Aero Club saying that weekends are landing fee free. -Andrew
  14. I did mine in 25 hours with no additional endorsements + 5 hours for PAX so around 30 really. I stretched my training over quite some time though. -Andrew
  15. Thought I'd add a few more And Not that great but they work! -Andrew
  16. Frank, I was asking your personal opinion on the matter, I understand what your advice is worth and who to contact on the matter. I thought the whole point of a forum was to discuss puzzling topics like this? Maybe I thought wrong... -Andrew
  17. Hi David, In all of my posts I have referenced the appropriate CAR/CAO and most of the content in posts has been repeated. So you'll be able to see where the info came from if you reference the start of the thread. -Andrew
  18. Hi Frank, There was no 'point' to it, it was a question to you. If someone has purchased an aeroplane off me and I charge them to deliver the aeroplane (just the operating cost) is that considered commercial? Because I know a lot of people do that. -Andrew
  19. Frank, Would that include the delivery of an RA-Aus aircraft to the purchaser? -Andrew
  20. This guy calls himself "crazy old larry", seen a few of his youtube videos. I saw one of his comments saying that the Ultralight is very uneconomical, so really the only kicks he gets is having a big noise maker on the back :big_grin:
  21. Hi Arthur, There's about 31 hangars at Bindoon currently and more are in development stages. The name rings a bell but there are a few members on this forum that have been around at Bindoon a lot longer than me. I've been flying there since ~August 2009. Thanks for the information on the crash & registrations. Much appreciated. -Andrew
  22. Hi Pylon, Encoded the file into MP3 but it jumped from 14MB in .wma format to 18MB in MP3! I kept it in .wma and uploaded it to my server and is available for download at: http://worldofaviation.net.au/recflying/ultralightcrash.wma - now I regret that decision because I just remembered you're on a mac. Hopefully your audio playing software is able to read from .wma files :big_grin: RE: Bindoon Amazing how much the airfield has changed in 19 years, I have some photos of the aerodrome recently taken here: Flickr: andrewaeroplane's Photostream I plan on uploading some more in depth ones later tonight, I'll PM you when that's done. Also that aeroplane looks rather interesting to flying :P I've never seen it at Bindoon though. -Andrew
  23. I just installed Real Player and it worked fine. If you like I can convert the audio clip to a .mp3 for you. -Andrew
  24. Hi Pylon, Thanks for the info, so basically this clip is really old yet Basair is still making a thing about it? I quote their website, "Emergency at Bankstown Listen in as an Ultralight aircraft has an engine failure right overhead Parramatta in the middle of the Sydney suburbs - at night! Ultralights aren't supposed to fly at night - why was he up there?" -Andrew
  25. Bankstown Ultralight Crash Note: This crash happened quite a while ago and I'm just after some info. I found a recording on the Basair website about an ultralight crash in the Parramatta area quite some time ago. When listening to the clip I heard it was a Lightwing registration 25-0692. Has anyone got any info regarding this accident? Basair claims the aircraft was flying at night, any reports or news sites? Here's the link to the recording: Live ATC Radio browse down the page to find the "ultralight crash" I'm about 15 minutes into the 1 hour clip. I have a question, when the tower was contacting him, he was addressing the lightwing as "Papa six niner two" Why was there something about P in his registration? Appreciate any info. Thanks, Andrew Disregard 1 hour clip, for some reason my player was glitching up, clip goes for about 20 minutes. Turns out he got on the ground safely and called the Police, now about his callsign?
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