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  1. Number of bars only measures signal strength. It does not measure how much capacity is unused on a particular base station. Users in rural areas often attach a directional yagi antenna to their 3g/4g/5g broadband modem/router so they can point at a lessor used but weaker signal out of town base station. Regardless, I would not be relying on mobile phones for critical comms. Have a look at something like Garmins inReach Mini 2.
  2. A lot of this is already available for free and more if you are prepared to pay. Really not something new. Detailed , high zoom level, current aerial photos of all of Australia would be great but I do not see it happening. Everybody wants 10 times the bucks they spent producing these images. I do not see many uploading their data to Soar not after the politics that occurred with MapsMe.
  3. https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/reports-of-fatalities-after-light-plane-crash-off-nambucca-heads/news-story/03d440da266c56d369aaf765ee7d06d5
  4. Agreed, if more investigations occur then the cost will go up. Currently they are not travelling to incident sites and only doing (very) limited information gathering before deciding not to investigate. I am suggesting, for now, that the ATSB publicaly explain why they are not performing many investigations. I suspect that some of their reasoning is less than robust.
  5. We are already paying for it. ATSB produce internal documentation including on incidents they do not investigate. I am asking that this be put in the public arena and if the justifications do not stand up then negative public comment.
  6. At Shellharbour we have GA, RA, jump planes and scheduled services in uncontrolled airspace. ie it is all intermingled as is risk and learnings. If ATSB is not going to invesigate an incident we should a least get a 1 pager on why. As they seem to decide very quickly I see no reason why this reason paper could not be published within 30 days.
  7. We are already funding it with our taxes. The real question is are ATSB investigations occurring were they should be regardless of aircraft registration?
  8. I hate this shit. The ride operator did not have enough staff/fences in place to stop a customer doing something really stupid. We all pay and the next operator (of anything) hesitates setting up a similar business.
  9. I would run your config past a Garmin dealer or Garmin Aus support line first. Bert Flood Rotax may also be able to confirm what you need to interface the 916 engine sensors to a Garmin G3X Touch. Some retailers are a bit hit and miss with what you need. You do not want to pay too much (or too little) and cause delays to your installation.
  10. Check which units come with mounting/connector kits. Some do and some do not. Can delay your installation when you discover something missing.
  11. If you have the panel space I would personally go with a panel mount radio. Some people like knobs and it improves the resale. Cost is similar. Either a remote mount or panel mount Garmin radio can both be controlled from the G3X Touch.
  12. Yes, the G5 shares the same Pitot and temp probe. I would be checking with the source of your info as a Magnetometer is a essential part of your setup. Also, are you sure a GEA25 is not required ? The 915 I have seen use it and I believed the 916 also required it. You need a magnetic compass You need a separate GPS antenna for the G5
  13. Google is your friend; https://www.pacificavionics.com.au/product/garmin-gmu-11-magnetometer-experimental/ Consider it a remote compass that feeds into the G3X Touch (and G5).
  14. Do you really want to skimp on lights ? As a miniumum you probably want to run all the cabling for future lights and test. Some of the options you are looking at are high end - Rotax 916 and Garmin G3X suite. Personally I would go full LED from brand names.
  15. Basics for meaningful display on Garmin G3X Touch; GSU25 ADAHRS GAP26 Pitot/AOA GAD13/GTP59 interface/temp probe GMU11 Magnetometer GEA24 interface for engine sensors You can do cross country (but not IFR) naviation using the internal GPS. You need an antenna either GA35 (external fuselage mount) or GA26 (internal dash mount) Maps are additional cost. Backup; G5 G5 backup battery GA26 GPS antenna (2nd) You also need a radio that will accept audio alerts from the G3X so probably a Garmin radio. An ADS-B in/out transponder is also recommended. Note you need an approved GPS source for ADS-B which the internal G3X GPS is not. Real answer is talk to a Garmin shop, above is just the basics. PS Buy the 10 inch screen as the 7 inch displays a lot less (not just smaller screen).
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