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Everything posted by pudestcon

  1. Thanks Zenair Aust, this one was taken by Pol sitting in the right hand seat, as were a lot of the photos in this album.
  2. They sure are F22, Check out these photos in the Gallery here of a recent local flight we did. http://www.recreationalflying.com/useralbums/a-cool-morning-with-gaygirl.128/view Pud
  3. Commencing the roundout/flare sequence.
  4. Ploughing the paddock on Wirraway Farm.
  5. Fog surrounding Wirraway Farm homestead.
  6. Pol enjoying the view.
  7. 500' AGL on climb out.
  8. A great morning for a fly.
  9. Climbing out of ground effect
  10. Pick the good looking one!!
  11. Runway 28 just before sun up
  12. jjs, join the club :) Just get your instructor to demonstrate a few more times, with you looking out as you would if you were on the controls. What you want here is to get the picture in your head of what the flare looks and feels like, then repetition will build the correct picture and feel as you get a few correct, then a few more, then a few more. You will get it sooner or later - if you are like me, it will be later! No matter though because along they way to being an expert at flaring, you will become very, very good at the other aspects as well. Enjoy the journey. Pud
  13. Jeez, if I didn't know you were talking about Austers, I would have said "Thrusters for sure"!! Pud
  14. Perfect conditions for flying at North Gabbin - trouble is I'm in the office working, 3.5 hours away. Not good weather for the farmers though - my mate Pol says it's 'as dry as a nun's', whatever that means. They could do with some rain before too long. Pud
  15. Do you mean this site flyerme? http://www.willyweather.com.au/wa/wheatbelt/gabbin.html Pud
  16. ft, check out the forum front page, right side under "Our Pilot Supplies Special" or go here http://www.aircreation.com.au/ Pud
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