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Posts posted by mkennard

  1. Hi FolksI can categorically state that we (as I run AvPlan EFB) have no issues and have never had an issue with sharing traffic data (google it and you will see statements from me to that effect in other forums). When I heard that OzRunways were recently saying that we didn't and they did want to share I again approached them. I have received no reply to that message in over 4 weeks.


    This thread is getting more positive. I sincerely do hope this happens.
  2. The Dynon Skyview can have a camera attached so you don't need a seperate display.


    Dynon Avionics | Video Input Adapter


    ya know what, I always thought that a tail dragger with a forward vision problem would benefit significantly by having a little camera mounted under the nose of the aircraftyou could feed the video back to a drop down tablet for reference while on the ground, and then fold it up and record the flight onto the tablet for future viewing - it ain't rocket surgery, folks...

    this stuff is available for FPV options for drones and does not cost a lot, and it's not all that difficult to set up...after a few grubs were seen checking out houses in our street I popped a camera inside my letterbox that transmits to the house for under $50 - records vehicle details and number plates perfectly and nobody even knows it's there...



  3. There are quite a few aerodromes where x country aircraft fly through at circuit height. It's a really dangerous practice. They apparently don't know where these aerodromes are (or don't care). An aircraft climbing to turn crosswind or depart won't see over the nose particularly well. On prolonged climbs one is meant to lower the nose periodically. To make any turn one should clear the area you will turn into visually. Skidding the plane and looking to the rear was once a common practice prior to turning.. Are we too casual ? Nev

    Yes, I was taught to dip the nose to look around every 1000ft on a climb.



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  4. I had the closest call I've ever had last year with an aircraft overflying the airfield at circuit height. I was climbing to circuit height after a touch and go and dipped the nose getting ready to turn downwind and there was the aircraft. No radio calls, nothing. RAAUS didn't do anything and I did some research and found which aircraft it was, told RAAUS and they forwarded it to CASA and still have heard nothing.


    It could have been a training flight but if something was done, maybe that person would know in the future just how close I was to making the news.



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  5. Didn't they try with the VFR Guide though useful, need to apply the RAAUS rules on top of this.


    Civil Aviation Safety Authority | Visual Flight Rules Guide


    It would still be a good idea to have user( pilot ) friendly UNAMBIGUOUS operating rules. Even check captains don't understand CASR's. They are too legalistic and were not intended to be used directly at the coalface (so to speak).A format such as.... Before you fly your U/L, across Australia, you should be familiar with A,B ,C .... Common errors occur with X, Y, Z,. It's not as easy as it should be to understand. Explain the thought music behind some of the rules. More work should be done there . Facilitate rather than just regulate. It's not for some to know and others just find out by something like luck. Nev

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  6. I heard it as well, I'm near Haberfield and it felt like it was directly over the top. Saw on an app saying it was a Cessna 206 but that's all. Was up there for about an hour. I saw something like this flying the same area on a Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago doing steep turns. I thought it was weird since it's restricted airspace and when it went the planes started coming in again for Sydney Airport. Must be some sort of surveillance.





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