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Everything posted by pylon500

  1. It's been a few years now (10~15?), but there was a guy down Mandurah way that was blowing canopies, not far from the highway, amongst all the boat companies...?
  2. "We're all gonna die!!" But seriously, any Joe Bloggs off the street having watched that video, is going to be hard pressed to get the aircraft on the ground anywhere near the strip, let alone smoothly. Some of us experienced ultralight pilots (1000+ hours) are still going to be working hard to have a flyable aircraft after the landing......
  3. Just been doing a search on the Penrite TS40C (after I found half a bottle amongst my engine collection) only to find it discontinued. This post popped up during the search, but I can't really add any more info since the last post in 2009. The Penrite explanation was unavailability of a raw material, while others cite a backdown from an insurance problem (threat?) It is interesting to note Penrite's Technical Bulletin stating they have two replacement formulation oils, but neither is suitable ultralights; 91 NEW HI PERFORMANCE TWO STROKE OIL.pdf 91 NEW HI PERFORMANCE TWO STROKE OIL.pdf 91 NEW HI PERFORMANCE TWO STROKE OIL.pdf
  4. Interesting to note one report states 'A visiting Australian pilot', wasn't Ray Clamback (again)?
  5. There is also Aviall (in each state including Victoria), probably with a similar range to Spruce; <https://www.aviall.com/frontdoor/locations/australia/> There is also a 'mini' pack available with, like a half cup of sealant, good for little repairs, but as mentioned, BEWARE, the fast set sealants cant be quite fast! The usual part numbering system will be something like 'PR1422', then go onto either A or B, then ½ or 2. A is quite runny, while B is thick. The ½ or 2 is hours of cure time. I used the 3M product 'AMS-S-8802C, class B½ to seal in a fuel drain, and only just got it done before it went off! I bought this kit at Bankstown for around $12. (That's a 'pop'stick, stuck in the little cup)
  6. Somehow I don't think the position of the wheels makes much difference to the appearance of Heinz/Sav/clone/etc....
  7. Something has gone wrong with your file upload, original too big maybe?
  8. Which is why it's called 'flight idle' as opposed to 'ground idle', but yes, flight idle probably produces enough thrust to overcome the drag of the engines, and avoid the risk of a flame out. Dead engines would produce a bit more drag.
  9. These guys are pvssies, if you want to crash a Beaver, do it for REAL!!! (You've all probably seen this..., the movie is 'Mother Lode')
  10. All of the above story sounds credible, but when I got the the 'glide distance' comment, I also was a bit confused. However, I was confused at the author's questioning of the statement, as from the airline flying I've done (as a passenger), I would happily accept the implied glide ability of a B777. In my earlier years of travelling from Perth to Sydney and back, in the old B727's, it was not uncommon to hear the engines go to flight idle around Goulburn (90nm) at 30,000ft, and even then it was not unusual to see the speed brakes come out to avoid overspeeding in the glide. These days in the wide bodies, tending to start from closer to 40,oooft, and trying to be as efficient as possible (no wasting energy with speed brakes, no dropping below glidepath and no lowering of gear 30 miles out and 'driving' the plane toward the airport), it is not uncommon to hear the engines go back to flight idle passing Canberra (130nm) and not be touched till approaching the threshold. As such, I would think a 125nm glide to be quite reasonable.....
  11. I guess if they do find the wreckage, then they can go and find Amelia Earharts plane. All that ever washed up from the was a wheel (they think).
  12. Looks a bit like some dissatisfied customer may have suggested to CASA that something was amiss in the school? At least when our CASA defectors came to do an audit, they had first hand knowledge of what problems to look for, and knew they could find different problems in subsequent audits to keep the pressure on..... Fire suit on.
  13. Somehow I don't think CASA will have any nightmares finding that RAAus records are possibly below par, but I think the Board might be in for some sleepless nights !!! If an incident occurs, and it turns out the RAAus data doesn't match a member's logbook data, CASA will be looking to discipline some one, which could get messy.
  14. Who are you, and what have you done with 'fly_tornado'? Most of that made (some) sense, and didn't sound like a rant.....!?
  15. I guess you could tell 'em it's from a Trabant!
  16. Best I can do in a hurry... Takes a while to get back into using photoshop, and I was never a pro in the first place.
  17. Looking at the keys to the Foxbat I fly, they look very similar to the keys to my ride-on lawnmower (Husqvarna).
  18. Your ground tracks actually look pretty consistant, especially with turn points over water. One would normally assume you were doing left hand circuits, although the squeezing effect at the top right hand corner would suggest a gliding turn onto base? The height profile is interesting... You can glide better than your climb rate, which indicates a pretty good climb, are you in a Foxbat? (Just looked at your profile, I guess this was in the CTMC?) The little climb at the end of each downwind just before the decent would suggest pulling on flap while still a bit fast? It is also good to see real glide approaches, getting your circuits down to the 4~5 minute mark. Keep at it...
  19. I suppose all the Cirrus pages are stuck together?
  20. Was just questioned about GPS in Wifi only iPad Mini's.... Interesting?, just went back to the Ozrunways site; http://help.ozrunways.com/kb/getting-started/which-ipad-should-i-get Upon closer reading it suggests as was said, no GPS in WiFi onlys?! Had a dig into the Apple sites, which seems to suggest the same... http://www.apple.com/shop/buy-ipad/ipad-mini-2 (you need to open the tech section at bottom) Did read a site somewhere that said the iPhones don't have a GPS, but I know my old iPhone4 has GPS, as I was running Ozrunways demo on it a couple of months back. This is now a dilemma for me as I was going to get a WiFi Mini 2, and upload all required details from my computer before each flight, and if really needed other info, could tether to my iPhone to update. My other problem is being with Vodaphone, so I don't get real good coverage. I would change to Telstra, but they want nearly twice the price, just so I can get the last 10% of coverage that I miss with Vodaphone. All starting to get expensive what with a cellular Mini, a sim contract and subscription to Ozrunways. For the amount of cross country flying I do, maybe I'll stick to my handheld GPS's and maps 'borrowed' from some of the local GA pilots...
  21. Should point out that although Ozrunways advise a cellular Mini, the WiFi only Mini DOES have a GPS chip. The problems with a WiFi only device is that it takes longer to 'find' itself without the ability to cross reference it's cellular location. The other problem is that if you do need outside information, you need to WiFi to your phone (tether), and doing the cellular downloading AND WiFi'ing the info to the Mini can really chew up battery life in the phone. You also need to be with a decent provider to get your info, ie, not Vodaphone! (unless you can get a Telstra roaming plan).
  22. Actually, I had been wondering if there was going to be a folding tail with the amount of work there? Why not just add a hinge between the elevator horn arm and the elevator? It's getting late, so I've only 'shopped one side. Could also use an eyebolt into a couple of tabs..
  23. G'Day HITC, Afraid to say I haven't been watching too closely (being a sheet metal builder), although I must compliment you on your welding work. I'm terrible, hence I built with sheet and rivets. While trolling through the photo's and CAD images, I had a look at your elevator/horn connection, and was thinking, 'Going to have to put an anchor nut inside the elevator, or have some form of access to do up the nut?!' Not sure how often you want to take off the elevators (not a lot I imagine), but had the thought of attaching via 'cuff' either end of the horn, and just slot in the elevators on assembly. Have photoshopped your image below; In hindsight, probably should have depicted in a slightly different colour to highlight. Just a thought.....
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