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Everything posted by pylon500

  1. The good thing about animation is we can suspend our belief in physics and just enjoy the show; [MEDIA=vimeo]126090217[/MEDIA]
  2. Seriously?! I'm not smoking any crack, but my question would be, "What rock are you living under?" It may be true that 95% of the moslyms that move here are actually getting away from the oppression that has grown in their own countries. But that other 5% have latched onto our pathetic PC crowd (that believe minorities need to be heard and catered for) that are demanding their rights take precedent, or we get called discriminatory and or racist! I guess living in Mackay you only get to see the odd Asian tourist, but trust me, having moved out of Sydney nearly ten years ago, every time I go back, the change hits you in the face. And we are at least ten years behind what's happening in Europe.
  3. Of course having hindsight is pointless to him, but some things to note; •It's a two stroke Pulsar, ie; fairly quick but has flaps. •Motor gave first signs about five to eight seconds earlier (usually all you get) but he didn't seem to react until it run down to seizure? •Interesting to note the rpm build up after lift off? Not sure if overly coarse prop holding engine below powerband until speed attained, or prop set too fine and not loading the engine by climbing after lift off. There is a third effect (which I know of from experience) that he may have 'cooked' the engine on the previous flight. I inadvertently did this to a 582 some years back during a long descent, but as I didn't need any power for the rest of the landing, the engine kept going. It was the next week that I took off, and the engine ran for about the same length of time as in the video, then started to drop off [by which time I was already picking options] before failing completely. I only lost one cylinder, so the motor ran for about eight~ten seconds at reduced power before stopping completely and against supposedly better judgement, I had began to turn back and got back on the strip. •Can't see if he applied flaps to slow the glide (in a plane of that performance and with all the landing spots around him, best L/D glide clean, was not really needed. Look at all the roads below to the left, looks like a new estate, just roads, no houses. •In a clean plane like that, and at the speed he was climbing, he didn't need to jam the stick forward to maintain speed, but still had a long 'This can't be happening to me!' moment. In my failure, I had the nose level at the first change of engine note, and was already descending back to the strip before it stopped, had about 400ft •Can't tell if he checked his ASI once in the glide, or just followed the programmed training of 'dive at the ground to maintain speed'? As a side note, applying a little bit of flap (take off or less) while degrading the glide performance, gives you that little bit of extra washout, which can protect you a little from ham-fisted control inputs. In my failure, I still had takeoff flap, about 10º •Just before the final touchdown, he looked to have a lot of rudder on and almost locked to be dropping the left wing at impact? I guess EVERY take off is a case of; 'I'm going down there, then there, then there, until you know you can get back, which might not be until turning downwind, or later!
  4. Would be nice to measure the Warp prop, once sorted, and carve a new wood to that setting, just to add to the scale look.
  5. Noted. Slightly sideways to the thread, but the 'funny' pushbike thing has another answer that is somewhat applicable to flying in that both the pushbike and the aircraft are usually capable of controlling themselves. You can ride a pushbike (a properly set up one) no hands, get it going and observe it's habits. One of the first things I do with my students is to prove the fact that most aircraft will fly themselves, by trimming on climbout and letting the stick go. I later tell them that I was cheating a bit, because I'm was still in control of the aircraft via the rudder pedals, but this gets them to release their 'death grip' on the stick and start feeling what the aeroplane is doing. Obviously this is all done in a controlled environment, and the earlier the better, so that the feel and stability part is remembered, not so much the letting go of the stick bit. This also quickens the learning how to trim part of training. Once student know they don't have to 'hold the plane up in the air', they relax and can concentrate on learning better. 'Fly by attitude, then fly by feel, and if all else fails, read the instruments..' Let the tirade begin...
  6. Not sure if that is a typo, or if you really believe we are not allowed to do side-slips, figure eights, etc? If you are in a flying club or school, and they wont teach side-slips, find another school! OK, so some of the flying depicted in some of these videos can be a bit extreme, but we shouldn't teach students to just fly straight and level. Sure, a little bit of fear about what can go wrong is a good thing, but every pilot needs to be aware of the aircrafts abilities, even if they are beyond the pilots abilities. This is where the 'further training' bit comes in after getting a certificate. It's OK to keep new certificate holders a little fearful of aircraft (creates respect and caution), but it doesn't hurt to slowly expand their personal envelope towards that of the aircraft. Naturally, the instructor needs to have the ability to proceed in this direction, so sometimes the instructors need to keep their game up. Some 'driver' converts may not be up to speed in this area, so they should be looking for continuation training as well. You will be surprised how far 45° pitch and 60° roll really are, especially when combined, or more so when going from one extreme to the other. Not going to happen every day, but most ultralights will do it without problem, and pilots need to know that, that amount of authority can sometimes be achieved. flame suit on,,, again
  7. Most ideas are more feasible than the Moller Skycar. Not many have sucked up as much investment money though...
  8. If you're using a Mac, it's pretty simple, but if you're on Windows, it gets a bit involved.. Things to consider, most cameras these day take fairly large photos, so you don't really want to upload a raw image. Sometimes you want to crop out extra background. On my Mac, I open the photo I want, and resize the window I'm looking at, so the window is about the size I want it when I upload it to the website. I then do a sized capture of the picture by pressing the; Command, shift, 4, keys. This gives me a crosshair +, which I left click and drag across the photo to 'box' what I want, and release the left click. My computer is already set up to save this capture to the desktop. I rename it, then, when on the website (here), press the 'Upload a file' button, look for the renamed picture in the drop box and press open. This should not be a very high res photo, but it will be a small file, which should upload easy and quickly. On Windows it can be a bit more complicated, in fact, have a bit of a read of the search I did here; http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows As I mentioned, you may need to set up where your screen shots go once taken, and change it to desktop, or an easily found folder of your choice. Mac; shift, Command, 4, Drag the 'Box', Upload from desktop, Done. Here's another windows version; http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/use-snipping-tool-capture-screen-shots#1TC=windows-8
  9. Have you had a look at the SPA Panther? http://flywithspa.com/panther-2/
  10. Saw a cartoon of that somewhere, but the live action is definitely funnier.
  11. New to this thread, but used a 503 some time back. What I did spot reading this is 'no electrical fuel pump', but I assume you are still using the Rotax supplied Mikuni diaphragm pump? If so, have a look at the tiny bleed hole from the pulse line. It should be pointing downwards (not always done), and may have gummed up a bit, differing temperatures may change the viscosity of the 'goo' in the hole, changing fuel levels in the float bowls? Maybe a bit of a grab, but nothing else has cured it yet?
  12. "I would really like a Sinus, Santa." But I'm only going to put me in it.... Maybe I still miss gliding..?
  13. I'll bet 'Sambo' was trying to scare you more than impress?
  14. G'Day Mike, these were the things I was thinking while watching, and I commented as much on the youtube page. You can watch on the youtube page, and read comments by clicking on the youtube button bottom right of screen. You still got your Salto? Arthur Armour, (yes, Len's son)
  15. Sounds like what I feed my rabbits. T h r e a d D r i f t
  16. Bankstown and or Kingsford Smith? Never heard of those airfoils, now I'm confused.
  17. So will you still want to fly a Jabiru after the Technam?
  18. Basically what I was getting at. I was going to ad some diagrams (but went and had tea instead) Here ya go.....; The bottom surface of the old Clark Y section can have a negative angle (I know, irrelevant) while producing lift, in fact at high speeds even the chord line can be at a negative AoA, and still producing lift! The above polar is for some variations of the Clark Y section, hence the different colour plots. (I just pinched this off the net without reading too much..) The horizontal plot line above is AoA, while the vertical line is the lift coefficient. You can see that at 0° AoA, the wing is still producing about 45% of it's capable lift. Yes, the aircraft would be descending, but it IS flying, not plummeting out of the sky. Most gliders.....
  19. That was a good start. It seemed pointless trying to stop religious fanatics when you had one in office.. I think the world has almost grown up to the stage we no longer need to have a society run by unaccountable groups preaching unquantifiable beliefs under the fear of retribution of the soul (?), while dangling the promise (greed) of eternal satisfaction, all the while holding the masses down a level to stop them thinking for themselves. I'm talking about religion FT.... IS is about five hundred years too late, which considering that I-slam was only invented about eight hundred (?) years ago, means they were never in the running. Yes, I know there are still lots of them, but there's just as many Hindus, almost as many Catholics, and neither of them are trying for world domination.
  20. Actually it's interesting that you say that. I usually like watching the high tech stuff you find on the NASA website/youtube, until I came across this one, and started to think, 'Whoa, hang on a minute, what's that?'; < Actually some of the discussion in the comments started to sound a lot like here.. And if you haven't/don't read the comments, my take on it all was, 'They have discovered the benefits of aspect ratio'.
  21. So FT, you're telling us the problem (which we all know by the way). but what are your thoughts on sorting it out? You don't want the 'Fascists' (you mean the liberal party/coalition?) to sort it out, even though statistically they are the only party that have ever improved Australia? They're the ones that make life better for the 'working' class who then get threatened with more taxes, (needed to pay for the good life) so they vote for the socialist (I'm in a union and don't want to work) party again, who promise tax cuts, hand-outs and so, until the country goes broke again. You need to remember that most of the 'PC' people that are screwing up our ability to be ourselves and protect our way of life, all generally from the bottom end of the academia, studying the arts, sociology, community, and so on. Not real tertiary studies like science, medicine, engineering, chemistry, physics, etc. The 'PC' peoples favorite studies are usually written by Marx, Tolstoy, Lenin and the like. The problem is that Communism (their ultimate goal) does not really work, it's a myth. Show me a communist country, and I'll show you a country that is really socialist to enforce it's communism, and currently they're ALL falling apart and looking toward democracy. Remember, USA is not a democracy, it's Capitalist, which is the antithesis of communism, they're each end of the scale. Oh dear, I've run off at a bit of a rant. Anyway, what's needed now is for government (I don't care which side) to grow a set of BALLS and start making real decisions for Australia, screw the rest of the PC world, minorities need to remain just that, minorities! By the same token, I will have to grant you that you're mate Putin is getting the right idea, collateral damage is just a fact of life.
  22. There's a lot of merit in this concept. Everyone looks to wind tunnel testing of airfoils to crunch out figures of lift coefficients and drag, etc, but the problem I have with this is that the air in a wind tunnel is moving! This air has energy, and can create effects caused by how it interacts around things. In real life, the air is stationary, the wing travels through it, and for the split second that the wing and air interact, ALL this lift and drag and stuff is produced? What the ?
  23. Well that's interesting. You just contradicted yourself. The concept of mass displacement relies on moving (or changing the direction of) mass to use (as you said) Newton's laws. The change of direction is caused by the airflow turning around the curve of the wing, or deflecting off the lower side, if you believe that theory. There would be no need for any pressure changes to occur, to uphold this theory. On the other hand, if it's all done with pressure changes as generated by making air travel over dissimilar distances, then lift can be created without the need of angle of attack. If you look at most of the airfoil data around, you will find lift still being generated by sections running right down to NEGATIVE angles of attack! Now I'm not going to say it's only ONE theory that's involved in the generation of lift, I believe that it is a combination of ALL factors that make planes fly. Of course, none of these theories apply to helicopters, they just rely on the fact they are so ugly, the Earth repels them. [/i]
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