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Posts posted by turboplanner

  1. 14 hours ago, GolfWhiskeyHotel said:

    It was reported to me that  " Examining Engineers"  cant even be çertain that the thrust line is correct!  (The elevator trim lever remains in the original position )

    The thrust lines can be measured on the finished aircraft using plumb bobs and datums.

  2. 44 minutes ago, skippydiesel said:



    Problemo! - don't seem to be able to find "private messages" to me.

    You know the ones from Samantha or Sally who loves flying and would like to be your friend.

    • Haha 2
  3. ......the local sewerage farm, and this became known among the in-crowd as an "outlanding" (derived from "Outhouse, or Dunny").

    Outlandings could be "easy", when the drying pond was only up to your knees or "tough" if your head went under, or .....................

    • Haha 1
  4. ....stop the engine turning over, after many failed versions he added a solenoid (note, a solenoid not a relay) which pushed a blade out into the prop's path. When he was just about at the bar he pressed a button and the blade extended and sheared the prop blades, and he was the new record-holder, but .........

    • Haha 1
  5. ......full of exaggerations, but the sales of the Turbine Aviator Gear, such as "Aluminum" threaded gowns and "Featherweight" prayor mats just flew [avref] out the door. One of the new Fly-Ins events was the Limbo Championship. It was introduced because everyone was getting bored by over-cooked steaks and hard-yolk eggs. bull in his Jacka was leading the points system with some very low passes under the bar which these days started at 1.5 metres, which required the tail fin and undercarriage to be cut off. While this wasn't optimum, bull's 1.2 metres was the record and records are there to be broken so ..............

  6. ....ing Lee.

    Wally had been an aerobatics champion both here in Australia and all over Europe.

    It was said that his snap rolls were better than what you get at Maccas, his Cuban eights left you smoking for life, but he got on the turps and ....................

  7. .....off and running.

    Turbo could now look at updating the Challenger [avref] and took to announcing new products from the Hobart Town Hall stage, which was lit up by giant floodlights and dressed with tubs of fresh apples (the main product of Tasmania before the orchardists all switched to growing marijuana for medicinal purposes).

    Turbo would appear out of the smoke haze produced by six smoke machines, and a Tasmanian Devil chained to one of the apple tubs could be heard coughing and growling somewhere in the smoke.


    However, the press .......................................



  8. 5 hours ago, skippydiesel said:

    Anyone know why RAA's annual air show moved from:

    Narromine - Temora ?

    A couple of oversized egos and ambitions mixed up with their capabilities and the key person, probably the most valuable person in RAA, who was almost single-handedly responsible for the Narromine event walked away. NO ONE since has even been 5% as good as she was.

    If you go through the old photos from around 2005 - 2010 you'll see what it used to be.

    That could be recreated by either the same person or someone with the same outstanding skills.


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  9. 2 hours ago, Captain said:

    ..... Turbo was forced to go back, cap-in-hand, to the Registrar of Companies at the UN, and apply for a change back to "AI".


    This was opposed by Elon, Steve Jobs, Harvey Weinstein, Mark Zuckerburg, Michael Jackson, and 5 other billionaires who have their fingers in the AI pie.


    When questioned about his chances, Turbo remained tight lipped (which is his only part that remains "tight"), but he appeared to smirk with boyish confidence and seemed aggressively hopeful, which indicates .....

    ......that he and the Registrar had discussed old times on the Khyber Pass over a pathway of reds and dead Khybers.


    The Registrar hated these nouveau riche types "Do WE KNOW any of them, EH? ....EH?....Who ARE these upstarts" he said to Turbo who nodded in agreement, and a few days later the new Register (the old one had accidentally slipped off the table and into a bucket of molasses showed Turbine Industries holding the original AI registration and the other people not compliant with a rule introduced in 1993 requiring anyone not happy with his Registration details to respond by registered lette within 24 hours of receiving there new Certificate.

    Captain Bull, meanwhile was holding up the traffic with a trawler full of stinking prawns and ....



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