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Posts posted by turboplanner

  1. Dear mysterious Reverend:


    (a) Refer BLA's advice


    (b) Refer the Never Ending Story where there is a photo of what your Jab will look like if you keep this up


    © Find a gum tree


    (d) make sure my daughter behaves herself (On second thoughts don't worry about this one.


    I won't tell anyone about the yellow mud, eating grubs, or crutching sheep for stubbies......



  2. "Jesus, he's back" (no not Jesus, BigPete) said Turbo, almost falling of his log "and under what strange circumstances.


    "One of the Waggas definitely had the Philadelphia Experiment electrics on last night, because I responded to a 10.26 pm post at 12.55 am,and no one had posted, yet this morning every other regular NESSER had published, and what should fall out of the sky but a cloth clad carping monk, who we used to know in previous lives as BigPete."


    "Not only that" said a clearly shaken TurboSurprised "but he addressed his message to Friar Puck, who left us for dead some time ago.


    "And not only that, but he managed to find EMOTICONS!"


    "I'll be STUFFED" said TurboStunned, but immediately spun round and ran as he saw the wrinkled apparition heading towards him.


    "Where have you BEEN" he yelled over his shoulder to Reverend Pete, "Don't you know it's Southern 80 weekend? Haven't you seen my daughter hooning around the town? How are you going to find a spare gum tree?.....



  3. Thanks Rick, the RAA had the responsibility of investigating the accident, so we really need to see their report if we are to learn anything about this incident in order to improve our safety.


    Unfortunately, when I double checked the RAA website, the only Accident Reports I found were those posted above, so there's an immediate improvement the RAA could make to improve safety advice.



  4. Startabitfaster, because this was the only positive comment he'd heard about a Sheeter, and he wondered if the praise extended to one with puce paint covered in possum droppings.


    Turbo wasn't fooled by LeCrappe's statement, because he knew LeCrappe, and he knew leCrappe was just winding up for a monumental spit about something, and this was just a proviso in case he was accused of being biased.


    Although, Turbo himself had to say that through the recent heat wave, not one Jabertwo had melted and not one aluminium assbumper had blown a rivet, and even the paper covered skeletons had come through, and this comared very favourably with the number of B&S Utes parked beside the road waiting for resuscitation.


    Turbo did notice, however that LeCrappe was still keeping a close eye on his aunt in the garden; he thought it very peculiar that an aunt should be kicked out to survive in a garden for days on end, and wondered if they all did that in Wegga Wegga.


    He thought he might fly up to have a look and take some photos, and had just crossed the border and was overflying Henty when....


    ...the garden in the aunt was dropping its leaves...



  5. Just then ............

    ....the green and grey Sheeter, with the Jab engine screaming on two cylinders (Big$ had left one on the pump by mistake) connected with the Lovakian backside, which had become very tough after being forced to sit on the hard aluminium of the SczR. To his surprise Big$ bounced off...



  6. Volksy, there are two separate subjects:


    1. An Accident Investigation, which is carried out by RAA. I haven't seen one, and I'm not sure where they are published, but they should be on the Web like the CASA report so we can all learn from them, and throw in our ten cents worth afterwards.


    2. A Coroner's hearing. THIS IS NOT THE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, and we don't have any option on whether the Coroner decides to make enquiries or not - it's an automatic process. If you choked on a peanut at a restaurant, the Coroner will investigate the cause of your death. In an ideal world, the Coroner, usually a Magistrate with a long legal background would call for a copy of any investigation report and take evidence from relevant people, then sift though the truths of the matter.


    Re "they flew the plane at their own risk" I need to be careful here, but I'm talkinging about Speedway, not some other form of Motorsport, and these two cases explain the intricacies.


    Case 1


    A country club organised a race meeting, a volunteer placed ads, made up fliers, typed up the Programme, a spectator was injured by flying dirt, and sued the Club for damages (perhaps $40,000)


    The Club defence was that motor racing was dangerous, and flying dirt was part of it. They lost the case when the plaintiff's lawyers pointed out that if that was the case they should have had a warning on the ticket or the Programme (the Wet Pavement warning), and in fact had advertised the race meeting as a family event, implying it was safe for a family to attend.


    CASE 2 (On a track which had the above warning on the Programme)


    Some years ago a kid was injured by a flying car. The Promoter was distraught and visited the kid in hospital, paid the medical expenses, did all he could for the family etc.


    A couple of years later the father was sitting round the table with some friends when the subject came up. "Why didn't you sue them" asked a friend "because it said on the programme that "Motor Racing is dangerous, you enter the track at your own risk" said the father.


    The friend said don't take any notice of that, go and see a Public Liability lawyer. He was short of money, and he did.


    The case went on for several years, and the outcome was that it is not lawful for someone to give away their right to sue (similar situation where you are asked to "sign" that you do something at your risk.), that the accident had occurred because part of the catch fence was incorrectly attached (similar to the wrong nyloc procedure) and therefore the promoter was negligent. I think the compensation argument started at about $1 million. IN this case the fence had probably been that way through several ownerships, but Public Liability can be black and white.


    So, after the first case, we had reminded all tracks to put the motor racing is dangerous warning on all programmes and at the track entrance, but after the seonc case we had to advise them to change it to read something like "Motor Racing is danregous and you enter the premises at your own risk, however you have the right to take legal action related to any negligence by the Promoter."



  7. The Hauptman is pleased to report to his NES colleagues that he has been approached by a major GA Aircraft manufacturer, requesting the rights to use the above (but para 1 only) as their marketing pitch from now on. How good is that, and we'll all get a nice little earner.

    Turbo thought "Everyone to his own ideas, but I wouldn't have thought "I'll give you Bombadier lear Jet, you Administrative dick-weed", would have gone down well as a GA marketing strategy"


    He was used to them say things like "G'day" as part of their formal radio procedure (which he noted RAA Brency has picked up, though in pidgin form), while blasting any RAA jock in the area if there was a word out of place...



  8. BaconLettucenadApricots didn't realise the huge risk in stirring up TinCanLovaks.


    He might shake the hand of the famous Aviator, but he was damned if he was going to cuddle him.


    There was a movement high in the sky too. Using the Whipstall technique, BigW reversed direction in a flash and headed straight for the NES bunker. Kelpie indeed! he didn't let dogs in the back of his B&S Ute. There'd been a few blond scrubbers under the cover for sure, but you had to draw the line somewhere.


    Meanwhile Somewhere along the Murray CharlieP lurked. He'd had an early morning swin in the Murray and was now covered in a film the unique colour which is produced by yellow mud, cow manure, sheep droppings, and campers unmentionables.


    As he lay there in the undergrowth basking in the morning sunh, a tiger snake reluctantly came down to the river to drink. In an instant CharlieP reached out his hand, grabbe it and bit its bloody head off.


    "I know how BigW feels" he thought "we try to be nice to them and they gang up on us"


    He thought BigW had been treated unfairly in some ways


    "He writes a simple trip report about going for a fly to Tocumwal" he thought "and they pick it to pieces whining about this being wrong, that being wrong, should have done this, should have done that" he thought.


    CharlieP was smarter than the others and had noted that BigW was reallya a master dead reckoner and was just downplaying his skills.


    "Any pilot can find Camden or Wagga or Albury" he thought, "but it takes a master to find a pin prick like Cobargo"


    "And I know all about the Rock and the Lost features" he added to himself "I know they turn those features off usings surplus material from the Philadelphia experiment, as soon as the hear a plane coming near their precious airport, which is a crappy moonscape anyway.


    "So they kicked Biggles out to the NES, saying "there punk, see how you like it with the fantasisers", then, just when he had made up a good story about how a diseased pilot, against all odds managed to start his engine, then fly round some imaginary clouds they say "you can't write about yourself here" and kick him back out with the politically corrects."


    "On the other hand if he wants to be a successful NESSER, full of crap I suppose he should build his story into the thread line - that's what comes of listening to Dire Straits, first you go blind (Ref Riverina and Gippsland), then you lose your concentration."


    CharlieP got up, slunk along the river bank, infiltrated a mob of sheep, crutched 17 fly blown ones, then reeling from the smell, ambled over to the deserted Station homestead and grabbed a dozen stubbies for lunch.....


    ....or should that be "Mama, don't let your cowboys grow up to be babies"



  9. The NES crew were having none of that blackmail. "Did you say your name was Sue?" asked Avlovaks who was polishing the aluminium on his machine to scare away the Feds, just like the defence of Alexandria, "I didn't know you were that way inclined"


    "Do you cross dress too Slatts" asked HoHolandsonhisas "How long have you been up to this mischief?"


    Startarumourfaster was visibly shaken by these attacks and thought it was about time he slatted them all.


    They didn't appreciate a good build job with Obscene Brown paint covered in possum droppings, and no one had commented on his matching silk flying suit with the big wide zipper down the front, and a collar like Elvis, and no one had even commented how he'd slicked his hair down with Brylcreme (in case he needed to throw a handful down before landing to ensure a smooth arrival).


    He'd made a good effort at poetry, even though the 31 word poem had taken him three weeks to write.


    But still they scorned him. He wondered if it had something to do with the wing shape of his aircraft......



  10. Volksy - sign: it's there in RAA aircraft for the purpose you suggest.


    Similarly you'll often see signs warning about hazardous operations - even wet footpaths. You Duty of Care includes warning people (but you still have to ensure they can't be hurt - it just that the costs are greater if you didn't warn them). Ansett Airlines had the best one I've seen on their baggage trucks "passengers only permitted to ride on seats"; there was only one seat.




    A non compliance needs to be uncovered before the Rule can be enforced. If someone knows a rule is being breached but still does something, it's probable to be charged with Manslaughter if a death occurs. Talk to a lawyer Volksy.



  11. This is a rather puzzling report in two areas:


    1. The "unacceptable level of fatalities among Ultralight users" comment would appear to be clearly incorrect in fact, and since recommendations of the tightening up type, in my opinion flow from it, if I was CASA I wouldn't weight that heavily.


    2. Two sequences took place, not one:


    (a) the engine failed, something which can happen in RAA, GA or even on the Hudson. That was the cause of an emergency requiring a forced landing.


    (b) at that point the aircraft was flying dead stick, and it seemed to me there was one suggestion that it started the gliding sequence at over 4000 feet.


    Again, this can happen in RAA and GA.


    In my opinion the cause of the deaths was failure to complete a successful forced landing, and that could have gone down the Pilot action path, mechanical path, or other.


    So again, my opinion is that experienced CASA people may not place too much weighting on the report.


    We are self regulating, which means that when an accident happens which we are involved in by being part of designing, building, testing, maintaining and operating a product, we have a Duty of Care to ensure no one is hurt.


    If we don't exercise out Duty of Care, for example if we forget to tighten the nuts after we change a wheel and someone is injured or killed, under self regulation we will be compensating that person, who if made a quadriplegic will get about $6 million, and if we knew the nuts were loose, or we sold a product with loose nuts, then if they caused the accident we will spend around 6.5 years in prison.


    So that's a much stronger disincentive than the pre 1980's licence suspension of hundred dollar fine.


    If the Government, as some suggest, might want to take over and check each aircraft, ticking off each item, and they missed some nuts, they would assume the public liability, and that's why you don't see them rushing back to inspections where they have to OK something.


    Under self regulation the people who derive the profit or enjoyment pay the penalty if they don't discharge their duty of care, which seems fair to me.


    There will be a transcript of proceedings somewhere, and that could shed some light on the direction the Coroner took in coming to these conculsions.


    As to the engine, I would be very wary about speculating what was wrong with it or who knew about it.


    Finally, I'm not a lawyer, just been involved with a few of these cases, but if you've designed any part of an aircraft, built or helped to build, tested, or own an aircraft, or if you are not really familiar with public liability and negligence cases, I would very strongly recommend you spend the $150 or whatever and get an explanation from a lawyer who is a public liability or negligence specialist. I think if every member was to do that there wouldn't be too many issues about record keeping and safety actions for a long long time.



  12. 05 Feb, 2009 - 12:30 PM


    The New South Wales police counter terrorism response unit is at Wagga Wagga's Airport today as part of measures to improve security.


    "...get those (emoticonx6) from Wagga once and for all" CarliePete said as yellow Barmah Forest mud slid down his cheeks (he had been walking in the wrong direction, Wagga was the other way). He picked an emoticon out of his pack, banged its head against a tree, and swallowed it whole as a trained killer does.


    "I'll get them" he said "(emoticon), enough already"


    But what's this.....what's on today's news??????


    " 05 Feb, 2009 - 12:30 PM


    The New South Wales police counter terrorism response unit is at Wagga Wagga's Airport today as part of measures to improve security."


    CharliePete wasn't mistakenly heading in the wrong direction, he was running away.


    "Got the emoticon emoticon Wagga Wagga emoticons" he said "every one of them" and he drooled as he thought of them under interrogation for days.


    And the interrogation would be harsh because he'd drawn from some of the far fetched stories out of NES, and really laid it on thick, noting a certian Captain's pyschological analysis skills, and another who was always travelling to Eastern Europe with money in his pockets.


    He finished with "What could they be up to?" after describing the SCZporstczars instruments as like a MIG Flogger; "and those stars on the tail of the other one" he said " notice the similarity to the Cold War aircraft - they also had stars.


    But GuiltyPete knew there would be a reckoning. If his thong was tight now, it was going to be singing like the finest violin string when the Waggas reached the Barmah Forest......



  13. BigW, I've been thinking about the 60 degree angle of bank, where you would be at 2G's, and given the $5 compass, nick down to any shop which sells school equipment, get a Big$2 protractor, drill a 1 mm hole on thecentre of the base line, whach a nail through it into the dashboard, and two things will happen:


    (a) You'll have a better dash than Slarty


    (b) It will react faster and give you a more accurate reading than an EFIS.



  14. ...his copy was forty years old, so he phoned BBBBBB........back to base for an updated copy of "Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe", and immediately reeled back at the much more colourful language.


    "Well I'll be XXX (where did the emoticons go?)" he said, but of course couldn't so Jabiru Joe, who was ACDC parked the Prefect, slammed the doors and applied the central locking by pulling the distributor lead out (you bloody wooses, bursting into poetry just because AdMinIan comes on the line - I had to disappear top get the fire fighting unit ready to fight two grass fires, both deliberately lit, but the CFA beat me to it - fast for fat b[emoticon]ggers they are thank goodness. Had an interesting experienced too - passed a car with orange cones around it and what turned out to be an electronic number plate camera stickling out at an odd angle low down, turned round a corner and there was a bozze bus, so you unregistereds, unlicenceds, thieves, and non fine payers are pretty well stuffed from here on - take out the word Random from the equation, this is a smart bit of gear).


    Turbo promised to link the thread from several wayward, obviously cabbage roll instigated deviations but he was becoming concerned that BigPete seemed to have replastered himself with mud and taken up the role of Charlie again, because no one could find him, and he's obviously been over to Wentworth and listened to the scratchy recording about Possum (which should have been replaced in 1972) because various sheep properties have been reporting food taken from refrigerators, and particularly stubbies which have been replaced by critching and dags. Radiop station 3SH put out a broadcast, to say that this was fine, but it's not necessary for Charlie to put the crutchings in the fridge.....



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