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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Yeh my stupid statement should have said "Excluding Cessna 15anything" in any temp over -50 with pilots >1kg and fuel > 500ml But i was mainly referring to our two engines Jabs and Rotax... Jabs I have little experience with , but most sub 600kg Rotax 912 should in lower temps cope easily and still climb at 1000ft/min+ even at mtow near sea level...
  2. Yeh im not auggesting in high ambient temps...but ihigh humidity and cooler temps it sounded like good advice... One also has to remember some POH is generally written as a once size fits all situation manual.. Eg they dont say anything about step climbing in hot conditions... but people do it...
  3. A wise old bloke at our club reckons if conditions are such that you need carb heat you are prob best to leave it on all the way to the ground...even if a go round is needed you generally only lose 50-70 rpm and in such conditions carb ice is far less safe than a 50-70 rpm drop at max revs... his other point was that leaving it on can warm the carb body on climb out and ensure your safe on the next approach, especially when its really needed... ???? sounded like good advice to me... adn my aircraft has ample power to be able to climb at 1000 fpm with carb heat on or not...
  4. A lower level medical for CTA and RPL is needed perhaps up to say 6 POB or anything larger than a Bonanza / 182 ish... This is warranted from several view points 1. to keep costs down for recreational, private and trainee, struggling small CPL operations 2. to allow for the reduced risk - eg a cessna 182 or smaller wont destroy half of westfield and 3 city blocks and wont take out 300 people if it goes down...and as someone already said... passenger cars full of upto 8 people are driving around having accidents all the time with people having no real medical requirements or tests other than age related restrictions. 3. to encourage private, recreational and small CPL operators to see doctors when necessary rather than avoid it in fear of being bankrupted or having a $70-100k aircraft in a hanger they cant use, because of some overly strict ruling that assumes your flying a380's - This last one is huge... my first thought now, is not I should go see the doctor...its Far out if i see the doctor and he writes this down wrong, or wants an unnecessary test to rule something out, and make his monthly quota of referrals, to get a free trip to Switzerland....i lose my ability to fly...and it shouldnt be like that. Or even if he/she is doing it for great reasons, just to be careful..this can disqualify you and make it almost impossible to get back in the air. The patient and doctor should be free to talk about what ever they want and get any test done they want to rule out anything...and the pilot should only be grounded when needed or when unsafe...not because a wrong or precautionary test or medication was used as a just in case, or lets see if this helps... Only when the medication, condition, symptoms affect the persons safety should the be grounded...and as soon as those safety factors are gone, the person should be free to fly again.
  5. I would generally agree Nev, but sometimes silence and political correctness detract from the strength of the venom...and these guys need some serious venom...
  6. My reference to CASA as maggots is at the organisation..not any particular individual, although Im sure there are many there.... and there are probably lots of nice people too...but the "CASA" yes is a maggot CASA as an organisation is feeding on the carcass of general aviation and pilots, to grow into more blow flies and feed on it again until it is non existent.... And whilst i respect you right to object...I also reserve my right after such a long drawn out frustrating effort...i have never had to deal with such an inept organisation in my life!
  7. FT start another thread instead of hijacking this sand pit...
  8. I know their motives, because these people are within my circles....it is not to get cheap treatment...it is to avoid dealing with CASA at all costs... What you say about some surgery and procedures is true.... but when it comes to anesthetics and your life is on a teetering edge between death/coma/sedation/or horrific surgery while paralyzed..... going to third world countries for some issues is a concern... But the biggest concern is these people are getting diagnosed and treated off the records, with no propper follow ups or health plans for some possibly serious issues... and why...so they can avoid dealing with CASA avemed... CASA has finally acknowledged in recent times that working with the aviation community in an educational way rather than as executioner will produce better outcomes for safety and compliance... unfortunately it has not at all filtered into avmed... Avmed are the worst of the worst
  9. And that is exactly the bastardry that they need to be slapped for... same thing has happened to my father... GP, DAME and Specialist all said my father was 100% fit and cured from a AF problem after having the surgery that cures it rather than staying on the meds that manage it... So CASA decide he needs extra tests and reports...despite Australias leading AF surgeon saying it was fixed.... All test done and what do you know....countless hours, months of waitng , thousands of dollars and he comes up clear...by then he has less than 8 months left for his C2 medical till they want it all done again and then they said they will only grant it to him on a 12 monthly basis.... #####wits
  10. Yes absolutely guilty as charged ....and there is the the problem...honesty and ethics DOES NOT work with CASA... LIE LIE LIE and then make #### up To all the new pilots, i wish i didnt have to say this.... Medically if you have a problem, go to the doctor and seek help... CASA licence wise....your an idiot..it will cost you
  11. Yeh and thats a huge issue The only way, long flights in GA or RAA make any sense now, is as an experience or to places RPT wont go or wont go direct enough.... they are now financially non viable except in short to medium ranges and where PAX are enough to offset the cost of airline tickets.... eg my family of 4 would get further in a GA at less disadvantage then 2 POB..... The problem is in RAA and 2POB GA is the range is limited to around a 1 hour RPT flight before it makes sense to take RPT.... you can use excuses to make it viable to say 2 hours, but beyond that RPT wins hands down, especially when you can take reasonable luggage and have no planning, stress etc.... Then the secondary problem is affording flight for a 4 POB in a private aircraft is not a young persons game...and thus that have a family of 4 generally wont afford to have a current licence or access to a plane.... By the time they can afford it all, the kids have left home and they are back to 2POB... Which basically leaves groups of 4 adults travelling together...and we know that's a minority group, as hotels and other tourism providers will clearly tell you... So basically GA and RAA are slowly dying and will die based on the economics....so unless CASA can find away to somehow promote it GA and take in some of RAA , they may find they have finally done themselves partially out of a job and actually crumbled their own empire ...lets face it , if its only RPT left they will ahve a tough time justifying their ridiculous current budgets and staffing...
  12. They have a clear set of disqualifying issues on thier website...but what they really need is a clear set of guidelines to get back from those disqualifying issues.... They also need a path where people like me who have basically been bludgeoned with bureaucracy can ask for an independent assessor to slap the bastards with some common sense....and just like every person in the real world, when they have staff members who consistently fail to meet acceptable standards...they need to be seriously retrained or sacked!
  13. Agree they do need to be thorough...bu they are being absolutely ridiculously incompetent beyond any normal level of comprehension..... The real concern is not whether they are being thorough enough, it is that they are makign it SO SO SO hard to get back in the air even after the most minor of issues that people absolutely will not report anything to them and CPL airline pilots are seeing DR's overseas and off the record as a result.... That speaks volumes.... We have a lot of ex air force, CPL and airline pilots in our club and they rightly told me--- Lie...do not tell CASA anything ever.... I STUPIDLY did the ethical and correct thing and mentioned a medication that had been accidently prescribed to me, was not necessary and for which i never had any diagnosis needing it or wanting it.... and i got sidelined for 16 months, it cost me almost $1000 and it will cost me a lot more going forward..... despite my GP and the DAME both sayign i was completely OK to fly and the medication was not prescribed correctly....... They are out of control....
  14. One of the understated reasons why GA RAA are diminishing... Why would i fly to say Nth QlD when i cant land near Port Douglas or Cairns and have to put up with CASA bs to do so at a higher cost....
  15. i cant this website prohibits profanity...otherwise you would get 5000 swear words in a row!
  16. Stupidly I have to see the same person who gave them a one paragraph "get #######" and they will supposedly re grant it... But if they dont, im just going to sell up and ride motorbikes
  17. Replace the barrel and key - its cheaper than a world tour There are not many that cannot be easily replaced with a spanner and or 1/8th drill bit... I have done several on motos in the last 2 years and they are easy to get online and easy to replace... i know we are talking about aircraft and thus approved parts...but still its only a certain sized barrel and switch
  18. If only it was that simplistic... thats not the issue at all... The issue is instead of them just writing and saying - we are concerned about X Please get your doctor to comment on whether X would make you dangerous int he skies. Whether you have any symptoms, ongoing treatment etc in relation to X They give you a list of 20+ things they want a doctors report on... When i went to my GP he said.... this is a joke...i do not have time to write this.... only 2 things on this entire page are even relevant Its a disgrace... i got what they wanted and that wasnt good enough...they asked for more more more until i just couldnt get anyone to write what they wanted... I had both my GP and DAME say I was fine to fly ...but no they needed a 30 page document In the end I got one paragraph from a specialist who basically said..."what he told you 16 months ago is true....the medication i gave him was to help with sleep" Then i threatened to go to my local MP, the transport minister, Nick Xenophon and the Aviation Complaints Commissioner.... Within one week of that email i got a 12 month approval.
  19. They really are morons.... No doubt people need to be stopped flying when unfit... i dont dispute that and they manage that part well... But the road to clearing your name...even when your own doctors use the words 100% cured , requires no further treatment etc...and the morons still want you to go and pay a fortune for someone you have never met to say what was just said .... dumb ###### In the course of doing this I have discovered some amazing things about CASA medicals... 1. I stupidly ignored people when they said - just lie - under no circumstances ever tell CASA anything 2. Doctors - in australia do cash consultations off the books at home - yes thats right...after telling people of my situation..i was directed to several 3. Professional pilots including some who fly for major airlines regularly see doctors in australia off the books and when / if they do need something done....they sometimes pay cash and get it done overseas simply because the cost and risk to their career is less. 4. Me and others will always be reluctant to go to doctors when we should be encouraged to do so due to fear of the CASA coal train mowing us down 5. I am led to believe current serving pilots of 747 a380 330 etc are having surgery done in 3rd world asian countries simply to avoid CASA and nothing is ever reported to CASA Avmed...
  20. Sorry title should read Class 2 medical - so excited i had an aneurysm and am now unfit for flight... OMG what an epic battle of paperwork and cost over nothing but a slight oversight.... but thank god i finally have it.... they put me thru the wringer and I honestly think i would be in the top 10 fittest pilots in the entire RAAus doing half ironman. The really are a disgusting disgraceful bunch of morons who are justifying their own existence by making life hard for ordinary people trying to do normal things.
  21. Hog wash, CASA do what they want when they want , with absolutely no regard for fairness, facts or common sense.... almost every person i know that has dealt with CASA on anything , but the simplest of matters, for any period of time will say similar... CASA is a beuaraucratic disaster that needs to have its wings clipped beynd recognition
  22. oMG that is so awesome...i want it yesterday! The tool every farmer should have
  23. from https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/_assets/main/fsa/2005/oct/33-35.pdf Entering the circuit: The preferred method for entering from the downwind side of the circuit is to approach the circuit on a course 45 degrees to the downwind leg and join the circuit at midfield. Give way to aircraft es- tablished in the circuit. Aircraft entering from the dead side should join crosswind at circuit height between mid- field and the departure end of the runway. Give way to aircraft established in the circuit and on the 45 degree entry to downwind. Nothing prevents you from overflying the field to ascertain the wind direction and/ or aerodrome condition. The aerodrome should be overflown at an altitude clear of circuit traffic.
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