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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Hahhha good call, but didnt you mean he wouldnt have run into those rocks if he could afford a nose wheel
  2. DrZoos

    IAS Calibration

    geoff thats how i thought you do it, but there is no need to make eaxh leg so long... You just need a few readings in each direction at different speeds for both ias and gps http://www.challengers101.com/CalASI.html
  3. i will be extremely suspicious of all findings in this case if it involves a bomb, or is made to look like it did... Too many major interests at stake here to trust anyone, and the propoganda by all sides is already showing that..
  4. My situational awareness also alerts me to the fact there are eyes and faces in those rocks top left.
  5. Nice, i would love one of them during my next mid life crisis
  6. Great links - A nice read ...and here lies the very logical explanation CIRRUS Engineer: When the engineering team at CIRRUS looked at the hard accident data, what we found was that the vast majority of spins takes place one-thousand feet above ground level and below. What this means, is that at such a low altitude to begin with, few pilots can recover from a stall or stall/spin before an impact with the ground. With most of the accidents initiating at or below 1,000 feet – and with recovery taking on average 1,200 feet – it became obvious that making a plane easy to recover from a spin, and then training the pilot group in spin recovery, is not enough to solve the vast majority of the stall/spin accidents because there simply is not enough altitude to recover. Most of these events are occurring during the take-off and landing phase of the flight, so it seemed much more logical to concentrate our efforts at CIRRUS at preventing spins in the first place. Also worth a read, especially the bottom half... http://whycirrus.com/engineering/stall-spin.aspx
  7. If the US govt asked me to start enforcing, collecting and administering thier tax....id tell them where to stick it...just like they will to us...That wont be happening anytime soon... It will have to be administered in Australia
  8. She either stomped a fat meercat to death or gave birth to one... And daffy duck observes with sunnies on...
  9. I think its brilliant marketing... think about who their market is......and what they value and have time for... They are people with loads of money and in 95%+ of the cases they will be time poor or very time poor. Meaning flying is likely an infrequent indulgence, means of personal or business transport.. etc etc... Most of these people pay and pay well for exactly these types of features... anything they can pay to have someone else take care of is deemed a bonus worth paying for... If Cirrus overcomplicate it and talk about it like you do they would be lucky to sell a single plane. Im not passing judgement on whether thats a safe or correct approach, but its a brilliant marketing move that perfectly matches the thinking of their primary targets. These people buy lots of fast food or restaurant meals , first class airline seats, have house cleaners, dog walkers and personal trainers... because it allows them to concentrate on what they do best, which is earning money and then enjoying it. They hate what ifs, focusing on negatives and finicky details, when there are fast solutions
  10. I was just a bit concerned with Bruce's statement that:
  11. Thats a pretty serious and dangerous issue..
  12. Kasper, i cant directly answer your comcern, but often removing clutter for outlyng irregular items makes the user experience for the vast majority of transaction a hundred times more streamlined... It may have been removed deliberately dor user experience or operational necesity.
  13. The legislators can only design for people with functional neurones...the rest belong to Darwin's theory of evolution...and somehow need to be stopped before they ever get and RPC
  14. Doc definitely check out the Vixxen 32 - aka new foxbat 115kts cruise short take off 230m to clear 50 feet , landing 245m over 50foot obstacle 27kts cruise http://www.foxbat.com.au/a32 http://www.foxbat.com.au/a32_dimensions_performance Our club has a foxbat for sale... A22 around $66K i think http://www.foxbat.com.au/a22ls_dimensions_performance There are several nice CH 701 for sale, but be warned the MTOW is very low on some and may hinder 2PAX travel plans to either no luggage or short stints between fuel. a CH 750 would be sweet ...but you would have to build it ... see http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/the-zenith-ch-701-ch-750-and-icp-savannah-vg-xl-and-s-comparison.36408/
  15. In that case I would suggest you could try a few things... Check the system date and time in your device... Then make sure your android version is the latest available for that phone... Then if you are running a third party virus protection...temporarily turn it off and be safe while its off in terms of clicking on email links and website links Try connceting to raa website... If the above fails then try this: It may also be a corrupt host file...eg the file raa puts on your phone and since raa has made lots of changes and requires a secure connection it might be rejecting it. Google how to delete host file on HTC ______ device See http://androidadvices.com/fix-establish-reliable-data-connection-server-error-android/ and read comments If all that fails 1. Turn off wifi and internet data connections of any sort in Settings. Then completely power phone off. Turn phone back on...wait a while 5min plus then turn mobile data on only / not wifi...test connection to raa website... if it works , then try it on wifi.... 2. If both those fail i suggest it is more likely related to your service provider and or APN settings.... you could try restoring APN settings to default or calling your service provider If your htc and samsung are on different service providers, its unlikely to be the service provider unless they are piggy backing each other...eg Aldi uses Telstra etc If say your HTC is on Telstra and your Samsung is on Optus then I would suggest its more likely your phone settings not the provider. Right now my number one suspect would be the host files are possibly corrupt.
  16. Yeh i much prefer twin sticks...but having flown both the foxbat with Y and Yoke the Y would be my pick anyday
  17. Having flown both, give me a Y stick any day...that yoke/yolk is only ok till you fly with something better...then its horrible going back. Its a brilliantly simple design, but also such an unnatural feel the way the yoke slides back directly rather than on a pivot arm. Having said that when i talk to people in our club who only know they yoke, they love it.
  18. The two stroke diesel would be interesting, but once you include the turbo or supercharger and valves you basically back to the weight of a four stroke, with some extra power and heat.
  19. Just got to fly in torrential rain to keep it cool
  20. Some people shouldn't be allowed near a sand pit that has children if they dont understand the responsibilities and legalities that are attached...these are not adults and we as adults are completely and totally responsible for their life when it comes to aviation... this is not a case of skinning a knee..if a 15 year old crashes a plane there is a reasonable chance they may actually die or kill others
  21. Best of luck with that, we will have to agree to disagree... I used to think along the exact lines you are speaking above...until I saw several cases where that got traction and the proof of informed consent thrown back on the institution...due to change in risk profile not being agreed to at that point in time.... As you say anyone can sue anyone for anything, but most will be unsuccessful. The problem arrises when one leaves them self open to a case gaining merit... because it then suddenly swings in favour of the victim.... and not having correct informed consent forms signed is a no brainer If the original forms specifically state that the point of going solo has significant risks attached and may involve serious injury and death, as well as the instructor will determine when that point is without discussion or consultation with the parent...you might possibly be slightly covered...but if you haven't made that clear in at least that level of detail, you absolutely HAVE NOT gained informed consent to send a minor solo based on your subjective opinion of when that student is ready. There are already so many ways to leave yourself open, why would you not take the dead simple step of having a parent sign a form to say they have agreed to the student (minor) and the risks have been explained and understood... this immediately removes an entire legal debate and challenge and makes one of the easiest legal avenues to sue you not available. For the sake of a 5 minute explanation and a 30 second form..
  22. What device and operating system, try resetting the device, the modem/router and google how to clear the cache...if its apple, make usre you update to the latest update as apple often get this warning... sounds to me its more an issue with your device than the website. Google your device types and that warning message to find solutions eg iphone 6 safari cant establish a secure connection or Samsung XYZ cant establish a secure connection The website is using https:// which requires a secure connection and your device is not letting it do so.... our devices are, so its not the website, its your device. and you will probably find its happening with many websites on https:// not all but lots. try some others websites that have https:// eg facebook etc If your on a non mac you can try very temporarily disabling any antivirus and firewall programs running Check your Anti-virus setup for any sort of 'Web-Shielding' and try turning it off. Especially Avast.
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