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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. Please take note L1 cannot do everything...there is a list of what can be done by L1 and L2 L1 can do the basic maintenance tasks, L2 can do most things including approved modifications or changes. See : http://www.recreationalflying.com/tutorials/students/maintenance.html
  2. I was replacing my SAVA every hundred hours...i now have 100 on these and they look brand new
  3. Recently we and our club changed from SAVA to TRELLEBORG tyres on our aircraft... both very very happy campers. They are a bigger and heavier tyre, but the wear we are getting out of them is outstanding and I certainly think they would be tremendously more puncture resistant for you guys using a lot of rougher strips We bought them through WAGGA tyres who are now advertising on this site...
  4. I like cool innovations and i LOVE STOL, but no thanks ...two engines in this config at that price...pass thanks... Give me a STOL variation with big HP anyday in a single Bloody hard to work on too
  5. i like a bloke that can take a ribbing and come out smiling...
  6. You ride a goldwing? Then we don't expect you to understand anything about bikes. Goldwinds are like the bike you get when you want it to handle like a Truck or perhaps when you want the only bike thats so uncool you need a radio blaring as you ride.. When guys in here talk about us wanting every gadget till our plane weighs 1.5 tons I always think about guys who buy bikes like goldwings and how it kind of defeats the purpose of having a nimble free riding moto.
  7. Jabiru 4355 10nm semi straight in final for runway 11 Bankstown left turn in 5 nm, currently at 1300 over head Parramatta...that should work or Jabiru 4355 very extended left base for runway 11 Bankstown left turn Final in 5 nm, currently at 1300 over head Parramatta...that should work
  8. Bex , I tried to understand foriegn policy for a long time...gave up as they all lie, run covert operations, propoganda, biased press etc...dont fool yourslef that 500 hours reading will get you any closer to the truth. there are simply to mang hidden ops and agendas and too much misinformation for the average punter to get remotely close It will undoubtably give you a better understanding of some issues, but the picture of whos right or wrong only becomes more blurred
  9. The silly thing is people have purchased these properties and will complain and the GC airport will be required to make the travelling public absorb huge costs and inneficiencies to resolve the issue at some point down the track...where as they just ought to say...sorry mate we allow cheap housing under flight paths for people who love planes and people who hate planes but where to stupid to realise...your category B
  10. Ada this late i cant answer that in the detail i thnk it needs... Other than to say..if we did everything's ng to the letter of the some interpretations of law most things could not be done... One brief concept is that one can possibly argue that the approach path is in the act of landing....and thus ok
  11. Gareth i ride a WR450 and agree a quick blat on the throttle and an otherwise blinkered driver straying into my lane soon knows I am there...it genuinely is a safety issue for bikes... My point is it can be sold as a safety issue for aircraft as well....if we totally pander to the silent morons and dont develop a method to sell some noise to the masses we lose and simply get muzzled more and more each year...
  12. Great read, i agree more rules wont help...cultural change is needed... It starts with us...but ...CASA could do well to learn the basics of human persuasion. Those who promote your dreams, justify your failures, calm your anxieties, and help you demote your common enemies can get you to do almost anything.... CASA needs to look extremely hard at how it sells itself to us... People switch off and never listen to others they hate or fear.... If casa wants to create cultural change that is immediately meaningful they need to start by employing much smarter marketing gurus rather than moronic safety advisors that keep harping on with the same shit in the same manner year after year... Introducing new rules, new penalties and then sending out pamphlets and doing a few seminars has not worked and will not work, while ever people hate and fear the messenger... The first step is create a culture where we have a common enemy....that enemy is death and beraucracey... CASA needs to convince us they hate the rules as much or more than us... Perhaps they should blame iCAO Then genuinely take steps to sell us on a mission to improve our safety by making flying easier, safer, less of a burden administratively... By becoming our new best friend they will actually ensure that when they speak we listen. In doing so they could easily achieve significantly greater outcomes then what they currently do with 20,000 pages of rules that only some know, fewer follow and many hate...
  13. Personally I dont dispute a thing she says, but I think shes largely fighting an already largely lost battle.. Social media responding to events has filled the void that traditional media is unable to do...and that is respond immediately... So few people will read this and only some will take it on board... Tongues will continue to wag and rumours will continue to fly. People have an insatiable appetite for breaking news of interest and being the bearer of news for egocentric reasons. In my past roll for a decade we always had to shut up and fought the social media barrage of misinformation sometimes for days weeks, months and occasionally results of social media misinformation would land several people in court on very serious charges, for a variety of reasons. In my industry we began educating people and fighting this around 6 years ago and it barely makes a dent... With this audience who read and think, it might have an impact, but in larger society...????
  14. Good article , for those that dont want to click and just want the jist of it read below, but the inital part about ho wall the social media posts on facebook etc caused a lot of confusion and pain is well worth a read. Positive Communication Reactions I’m sure we can all spot the themes here. So what can we all learn from what has happened? I had a chat with Stu about this and here are a few things that you could choose to do in various scenarios… If you… 1, Believe that your friend may be involved in an accident Take a breath, STOP and think: how is the best way to get hold of this person? In particular, if I choose to communicate on a public social forum, what repercussions might that have? Call your friend by phone. If this fails, text them. Try to establish communications with them directly, one-to-one. 
If they are ok, they will answer. 
If they are not ok, be prepared for the fact that they won’t answer. Physically go to your friend’s house/the drop zone/where you believe they are. When you get there, find out who’s in charge. If you’re up to it, volunteer to help. Otherwise, wait for news from official channels. This means the police, an APF Area Safety Officer or the APF office… or if you are in their inner circle, from their partner, parent, sibling, etc. It’s really hard but the main things you might need to do in this situation are to wait and be patient. If you… 2, Know the spouse of a person involved in an accident (I mean really know them, as in, you are in their inner circle of 3-5 closest friends): Same as above…. Call them and find out where they are, and ask what you can do to help. Physically get to them if you can because they will be out of their mind with worry and panic, and potentially, grief. They will need your practical/physical help, a ride to the airport maybe, cash, a toothbrush, clothes. They will neither see nor care about a message you’ve sent them via Facebook. (A friend of Stu’s flew down from Mission Beach because Stu didn’t answer his phone! What a champ.) If you… 3, Know an accident has taken place and you want to find out information about who, what, why, where Take a breath, STOP and think: why do I need this information? What am I going to do with it? Are there other people who should receive this information before me? Question yourself: if I choose to communicate on a public social forum, what implications would that have? Wait ten minutes to consider the consequences, then take your chosen action (if any). Wait for information. If you can’t get any info through private channels then you are far enough removed that you can wait for official reports to come out. If you… 4, Know a fatal accident has taken place and you feel you want to share information about it with other people: Take a breath, STOP and think: are you performing a role on behalf of the APF, the drop zone or the police/emergency services? If not, you need to think carefully about who you share information with, how you share it, and what the repercussions may be, such as media leaks, incorrect information reaching families. If you… 5, Are at the drop zone when an accident takes place: Let your loved ones know you are ok! If you must use Facebook, just a simple, “I’m ok” on your status is all you need. Better still, make a non-sensational post such as ‘going to dinner with friends’, which tells your family/friends you are okay but doesn’t fan the rumor mill. Stay close to the police, your Chief Instructor, and other instructors who will direct you to available support if you need it… or, Talk to a close friend or family member
  15. So Andy what's the technique here for smoothing out GPS induced oscillation...have waypoints as far apart as possible???
  16. Just do what the Harley crew do and argue that its for safety...eg so morons walking across grass runways can hear us when we are coming in. and so golfers can hear us in emergency landings on golf courses, and so other aircraft can hear us...lol It seems to work for those playing dressups no probs
  17. Apparently the version of BUK from the fragments in the flight crews bodies indicated is was a very late version and thus "likely" to be actual Russian troops or very recently supplied by Pro-Russian Rebels . I have no idea about these models personally..but that sounds like something worth clinging to and going to war over... At times like these it pays to have a President like Obama rather than Bush V1 V2 or RR.. The Russians will say its propaganda, the US will say its fact and Australia will make a lot of noise about shirt fronting or similar and do nothing. But the sun will come up tomorrow and a new news headline will have us on our merry way. And the truth will probably never be known. But the one thing for certain is justice will never be served.
  18. Here here...from my dealings and almost every person I know closely enough to hear the absolute truth form, that has had a dealing with CASA....they are so difficult and inflexible that if i had to make a choice between doing the right thing and hiding it from CASA, I now would unquestionably hide everything from CASA in every situation... When i first got into flying , I was shocked by peoples attitude towards CASA and I honestly thought they were making it up, exaggerating, sour grapes etc... but after dealing with them on several issues now, I realise they are a far worse than anything I could have comprehended... They are seriously the most dysfunctional confused mess of an organisation where there rules are so complex and so everchanging , that even their own staff cannot or will not answer questions..how on earth they expect pilots from all over the world , pilots who fly part time to ever have an understanding of even 10% of these issues is beyond me. The whole system is so over complicated that it dramatically inhibits its own safety objectives. As evidenced by the fact that even simple questions cannot be agreed remotely upon within flight training facilities, forums or even within cASA
  19. Another poster posted a in a thread and mentioned "noise nuisance" LOL there technically is no such thing unless its an airport where the airport was built, or the airport usage increased dramatically/unexpectedly after the area surrounding was developed... It really grates me that idiots build near boat ramps and then complain about boats, build near airports and complain about aircraft or build near roads and complain about cars or trucks.. Whilst I think being considerate is definitely desirable and warranted where ever possible, at some point we need councils to harden up and say...sorry folks you knew that was the case when you built / purchased aka buyer beware... If a new meat bomber operation or joy flight operation starts up and is flying 30 times a day sure, nuisance noise might be an issue...but lets get real and deflect some of this responsibility back on the morons buying their cheaper land because it is under flight paths... I was amazed when I was at maitland recently and asked to avoid a certain area on take off with approximately 20 brand new homes right up against the airport... in this case they really ought to be told to sod off
  20. So based on the definition in my previous post...I rightly or wrongly interpret that as if i can see a perfectly vacant paddock or two, a vacant race track, empty drag strip etc within glideable distance I am good to go... So far all the areas I have flown are country / regional , except the gold coast and maitland areas, so so its generally not an issue other than in our circuit and we have a Horse race track and an abandoned grass runway reachable from 03 and paddocks galore and the grass runway reachable from 21... Every where else I have been so far in NSW and SE QLD there is no issue... The section between Hinze Dam and Q1 on the gold coast could get you in trouble if you chose the wrong path as your under steps, over houses ..there are plenty pf options for an emergency landing, but I could see how a pilot could get themselves in trouble there and I would also imagine round Bankstown, west of Brisbane and perhaps a few other isolated areas it would be similar..
  21. This may not be the absolute latest definition, but it was in 2011
  22. A lot more evidence about his altitude, approach path and glideable options on his approaches would be necesary to reach this conclusion. However, if you feel someone is doing this then by all means YOU should have this conversation with that person and or bring it to the attention of a CFI for discussion
  23. Above 1000 AND able to glide clear UNLESS LANDING OR TAKING OFF OR other listed exemptions....eg training, search etc note : Landing and takeoff also includes more than just base, final and upwind crosswind... at the end of the day use good airmanship, be considerate and safe... If your approaching a lower airport over higher built up areas, then perhaps a descent from overhead or an alternative approach angle is best rather than flying 700 above houses just to arrive at circuit at 1000... But be warned if you fly over towns below 1000 or non glideable to safety and something happens , its going to become extrremely dangerous for you and others very quickly and it will be very easy to prove if you survive and if you are criminally negligent in someone elses death injury or loss.
  24. My god you look like Rick off Pawn Stars
  25. Hopefully we are plateauing a little The bottom graph is unemployment rate over the same period... However with an average age of 51 years, this would indicate approx 25% or more members are likely to be at , post or dont give a hoot about stable employment But I am sure for the < average and round average age members the post china boom and rising unemployment are beginning to cause minor concern For the retired members, prolonged record low interest rates and a sideways moving stock market would also be wreaking havoc to discretionary spending
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