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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/29764134/plane-barely-misses-cameraman-in-harrowing-landing/
  2. Lol not sure ...i didnt bite, i actually said go for it....i dont get worked up over this sort of stuff...but i do find it rather entertaining qhen others do
  3. For those with a sense of humour, not up too tight and flexible adaptive types....who cares... Wanna label me a wannna be pilot, flying a toy, or an anti pussy...go fo it..... Its only when its actually discriminatory it worries me or when people act on these things... Society is way too up tight ....chill, smile laugh relax...your not dead yet! Up tight politically correct thought nazis probably have a far worse impact on society than people makeing politically incorrect jokes
  4. When we went north on the Friday of the long weekend the circuit wasnt so busy, but the CTAF was horrendous and there where a lot of aircraft overflying not making calls ... We where doing the trip north and I think there must have been plenty making the trip to Gympie plus just travelling past for the long weekend.. Our return on the saturday was relatively quiet. Just out of interest, that stretch from the point to the south Banksia ??? to the island near Tangalooma ...what frequency is that on... we tried area, caloundra and 126.70 and there where several aircraft in close visual proximity we couldnt contact.
  5. Flew through there last weekend, wow what a crazy busy spot it was
  6. I carry a small hammer mounted near my knee just incase i go inverted and need to smash the perspex to get out...give me a sliding canopy over a hinged one anyday in a low wing for just this reason... Many will know this, but for others, The other huge factor in survivability is angle of impact...there are survivability charts with air speed and angle of impact and this angle plays a large part...i will try and find one and edit this post inserting it...
  7. Interestingly in this same article they talk about swarming drones
  8. Hi Mick welcome...stick your elbows out, keep your chin up smile and enjoy the great info, the shenanigans and the occasional dummy spit :)
  9. Im hearing you, but in just discussing this rather than being judge and executioner, I have to say it would seem at 3700ft with a perfectly good parachute, id be livid we got hurt and not told to jump...that could so easily have been a hell of a lot worse for all those POB. If I was a highly trained jumper I would trust myself in a chute to land safer than a fully loaded 182 at 54 plus knots in an emergency off field landing anyday... It seems difficult to comprehend how such a landing was perceived safer than a jump.
  10. Im sure he will get the judgement it seems he deserves...without knowing the specifics...it looks like very poor judgment at best.
  11. If its ground based they where prob talking about microwave guns?? Fromm what i read, EMP is best used at high altitude as its most effective when bounced of the atmosphere...they may have a new version of it...but i could be totally wrong I noticed the Japs have already developed technology to see most Stealth aircraft...so far they only have a version that requires a recon aircraft, but it wont be long and they will develop it in other formats.ie ground or marine The russians certainly have some very serious electronic weapons already. check out the pain ray which causes so much pain to the skin with no burns that even a trained marine runs from it. This is more for crowd comtrol, but it demonstrates whats happening
  12. I too hate death by powerpoint...and im not for a moment proposing that... Thats why i said...tell us the problem with crunchy instantly actionable solutions, less than 5 minutes and not theory.
  13. Why not go and do some of the RAAus practice questions and see if you do actually know about the current teachings on human factors ?? quiz 9 and 10 http://www.pilotpracticeexams.com/
  14. Videos are easy and cheap...Its the information in them that is vital, not the production skills. I produce instructional videos all the time, shoot them with my iphone and not even any lighting.. and any CASA or RAA member is capable of doing so.. Once they knew the content they could make edit and upload it in under an hour at no expense other than wages of that one person. They can than have it transcribed and the full transcript posted below the video. Those members that cant cope with this can have it emailed to them or even posted via snail mail. or the transcript can be placed in the monthly magazine. I also teach others how to do it ...it really is easy now, its the fastest cheapest and easiest method to produce engaging content.
  15. Human factors are things like Avoiding alcohol prior to flyign and allowing enough time after a big night out to be sufficiently rested and hydrated, knowing how many drinks can be had and how long they take to get out of your system. The effects of drugs etc. Hydration and food to avoid dehydration, food poisoning, hunger, low blood pressure and sugar Stress management so that you fly with a clear head Following procedures so that you dont forget things...eg: having preflight check lists, following maintenance procedures, hanging tools back on peg boards so they done get left under the cowl, double checking you tightened bolts or reattached cables etc.. Flying in a safe manner , being courteous and not aggressive, knowing when to turn back, when pushing on is dangerous and not being a hero or crazy idiot Knowign how to avoid hypoxia, knowing what factors may cause you to have hypoxia at lower altitudes than someone else Knowing the signs of cardiac problems, food poisoning etc... Knowing your VMC minima prior to take off and having a plan for accident IMC Taking the right maps, checking you have paperwork, weight and balance calcs, good fuel calcs etc etc etc Basically anything where your body, or brain can make a mess of things. These can be things you do in the air or things during planning , maintenance or while taxiing and refueling
  16. One suggestion would be a series of short videos that focus on known common problems and solutions... maybe 5 minutes each... mandate that you have to watch one or two every month... that way we stay current and they can supply us with crucial information that may just save our lives... If next month they discover lots of accidents are being caused by poor XYZ, they can alert us to the fact, require us to watch it and we all come out for the better... We dont need hundred thousand dollar hollywood productions , just the relevant information and a great solution In the marketing world we call them crunchy solutions...ie things that you can chew on, things that you immediately feel more empowered by...not theory. Eg: For clients with high blood pressure in stressful jobs we advise that they Take the steps at least two floors every time before getting in the elevator That they stand when on stressful phone calls and that they walk at least 200m every time they feel and adrenaline rush... There is an example of a known problem and three crunchy solutions
  17. The problem is if you spend an hour on CASA website they don't clearly define it either...they have lots of legal documents for pointing the finger at organisations, but they have very little in in the way of actual suggestions that can make a real difference... One of the major problems I see in all areas of aviation, is everything is so over complicated, that only those flying for a living can even retain 1/5th of the rules, regulation, procedures, skills and processess. Thus the only way CASA and RAA can make a real difference to us is to break it down into manageable chunks that are desperately needed. You cant teach a kid basketball , if you sit them down and give them 50 years of basketball history, every stat ever fromt he game, every skill, every tactic, every cheat available etc...you get the point... The human brain can only retain so much information. The key to retaining information is training, repetition and continued learning. The problem we face as recreational and even GA pilots is this is only one small part of our complicated and busy lives. While we are making it a focus to pass exams , we attain a certain standard, but as soon as we go back to normal living we lose most of that knowledge ... The best thing CASA and RAA can do is work out whats really critical and reinforce reinforce reinforce those aspects after initial training has finished. Its the same in driving, first aid or any industry that's complicated or changes continually... the problem is though in aviation, is that they take a lecturing and enforcement approach, rather than a coaching and open approach... If CASA came up to you and asked hey tell me about your recent flying mistakes and what you suck at , you would shake in your boots and expect to have your licence revoked...where as when a sports coach does the same , most athletes willingly discuss what they need fixed and go about having it corrected. If they really want to change the Human Factors, they need a cultural change that focuses on being able to express your weaknesses, mistakes and medical issues without getting clubbed to death like a baby seal.
  18. According to CASA The term human factors refers to the wide range of issues affecting how people perform tasks in their work and non-work environments.The study of human factors involves applying scientific knowledge about the human body and mind, to better understand human capabilities and limitations so that there is the best possible fit between people and the systems in which they operate. Human factors knowledge can be used to reduce the likelihood of errors and at the same time build more error tolerant, and therefore more resilient, systems. Human factors are the social and personal skills (for example, communication and decision making) which complement technical skills, and are important for safe and efficient aviation.
  19. Exactly which is why I then wrote back to them and asked them to explain what factors where relevant and why are they being kept secret... Two newsletters now and a big launch and not one peice of information that we can take with us into our next flight to keep us safer... If its so important tell us what and how to avoid it.
  20. A public forum is not the place to discuss this, just dont do it or your going to create a lot of work and expense for everyone...and we as members will foot the bill and whinge about the consequences. I wont go into specifics other than to say do not post member numbers online...and if admin reads this you should do the whole organisation a favour and delete this thread or any posts that have done so.
  21. Important Important Important Important Important Guys stop giving away your ###### numbers...I wont say why other than its a security issue. Please trust me on this and definitely do not say why in here as it will provide your info and how to use it to scammers! Important Important Important Important Important If anyone else posts numbers elsewhere please repost this or something similar
  22. The real challenge for anyone will be getting in range for a close combat engagement without being out numbered as one of two of yours become burning wrecks. The challenge for the countries using F35's will be to overcome that huge cost and disadvantage when the others go to masses of unmanned high speed long range drones that the F35 simply hasn't got enough weapons or pilots on board to deal with. If China cant make or buy something to compete with F35's they will makes something cheap that simply outnumbers them and the cost of one F35 buys a lot of semi disposable jet drones capable of carrying some serious weapons. How would 2- 4x F35 handle 20 - 30 x J-11's or 50-100 jet drones in any scenario. They might take a few out and run, but they simply cant carry enough weapons. The biggest, best and fastest doesn't always win, especially with and F35 price tag attached.
  23. I would be extremely happy with what your looking at...you safe, saved a fortune compared to a parts failure.
  24. I have purchased from these guys and the service and quality of the tyres is outstanding!
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