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Everything posted by DrZoos

  1. I think they do it so they cant be measured...then they focus on a shit area so they can easily fix it and create a resume bullet point for their next job I successfully reduced the incidence of XYZ at company ABC from 74 accidents per 100,000 hours to 20 accidents in under 2 years..... nothing else can be measured or used against them
  2. Dan your clearly going great...perhaps there is something your not telling us and thats fine DONT...but be warned if you are seriously only 4 hours experience, when shit hits the fan, and it will with a gust of wind or a mistake, its best to have the instructor on board...even if he is seriously board out of his brains... your paying for him anyway so dont be in a rush to kick him out... pick his brains to bits....get him to challenge you , but be cautious about letting him or wanting him out of the plane prematurely... Not to mention the legalities of doing so form insurance for the FTF, club etc and your own insurance if you get hurt or hurt someone else... I was similar when i learned, i got it pretty quick after plenty of time in the right seats as a kid doing touch and goes on the beach...but twice i got in horrible shape at touch down with cross winds at around 10 hours and thank god the instructor was on board
  3. Im not sure yet what they classify as technical, but I am confident maintenance would fall within that category..hence the focus on HF and Maintenance Whatever does fall within Technical is clearly the area CASA and RAA will want us to address The closest reference to is i can find on the ATSB site is on sentence saying "which pilot actions or technical events occur, and usually impact upon a pilot’s ability to control his or her actions."
  4. But people who can demonstrate they have the ability and have been maintaining should be exempt
  5. This is good idea, however three of the 3 CFI's I know openly say they dont know one end of a spanner from the other..Its great they admit it, but are thy qualified to assess my ability? I think they are qualified to look at the paper trail and make an assessment. But there wouldnt necesairly be good practical training involved by choosing CFI's. There are already people like this, everywhere they just need to accredit them as such. True...im not implying I would do anything so reckless. I am implying that some young pup like him who has grown up with gadgets rather than tools has now clue...and they could easily get together enough money to by a used aircraft and be qualified to work on it...I dont think thats a good idea... More of this younger generation coming thru really has no clue compared to the older generation about building and repairing things. Oldies had to work on and fix things by economic necessity. I dont think RAAus would go down the path of RTO's most just make it more complex than it needs to be and attach a ridiculous price to things...but some form of training or testing would be a good idea. At least a 2-3 day course on stuff that might kill you! eg: leaving a control surface bolt looose, or jamming an elevator pully Totally agree...there needs to be a realistic course 2-3 days make you aware of critical stuff and get you to know what you need to call on others for...with no time what so ever spent on legalistic crap designed to cover canberra bums. we need a course designed to make it as safe as possible for as many people as possible in the minimum amount of time and cost.
  6. andy i agree but when i think that my 18 year old who flies could technically sit that exam and rhen maintain my aircraft...thats bloody scary...he is a smart kid, but he has had no experience swinging spanners and fixing things like i did as a kidd and at his age.. Those guys need to attan a standard surely
  7. The current L1 online test is a step in the right direction compared to the everybody wins a prize system they had in place of granting every one an L1 But when I did it, i did a hell of a lot of study and was bitterly disappointed that the vast majority of the test was focused on legalistic bullshit to cover their ass and say , well you passed L1 so you know the rules... Where as little things like making sure you know how to tighten a screw into fibreglass or wood without damaging them, putting thermal paste on plugs, lock wire etc would be more useful to most people. Teach them about diagnosing spark plug problems by looking at a plug color , to look for metal in the oil filter, etc etc... you get the jist...
  8. They need to get with the program and recognise Kevs rotax course as Recognized Prior LEarning... This tripe of we only recognise A, B C is garbage that went out 20 years ago...if you can demonstrate competency you get recognition....
  9. ah lets resort to what someone said 50 posts ago and jsut say its a bloody disaster, and the fact no one understands it highlights the entire problem...Full time beuracrats making full time empires that part time pilots will never understand follow or want
  10. I looked at one of these in the factory at Hervey Bay a few weeks ago..what a machine...the guy was telling me the performance and different variations they are making for OS military search and rescue... i was amazed Real nice guys too, if ever your there they will show you thru and have achat
  11. Not correct...i was in the process of landing on that river...honest
  12. Look lets not pick on Geoff, he rides a B Double, thats enough handicap for 3 lifetimes... But if you seriously want sex on wheels get yourself a modern fuel injected 450 F dirt bike , harden up the suspension and shove some road wheels and tyres on the thing..... Seriously nothing on two wheels in this world is as much fun as pulling a wheelie out of every corner and an endo into and thru every breaking corner.... If your into serious bike riding you will NEVER find anything that compares to a 450 with a motard setup on a windy mountain area... Im a dirt bike fanatic, but love all bikes and these things will seriously BLOW your socks off
  13. Why do they let them take girls and cigarettes in the cockpit?
  14. I have done an immense amount of reading on this lately as my rotax is very tightly cowled and in summer prolonged climbing and sitting on a taxi way waiting to access the runway can be problematic. it appears evans coolant is not a good choice if your already running hot, Im running pink nulon , but the Castrol radicool seems to be a better option The clearest solution for me seems to be a bigger oil cooler and or radiator. Depending in when you get the worst symotoms...in my case its when i climb, because the oil cooler is up top and loses air flow Other solutions include 1. Placing spacers betwwn your cowl and fuselage to allow more air to exit 2 creating exit ramps on the exit of your cowl 3. The bump- a 75 mm to 100 mm flat sheet of aluminium bent into a half cylender with a flat piece 1 cm to rivet to the lower fire wall just above where the air exits...creates a venturi effect. 4. More air exits on the lower cowl or a bigger air exit, particularly with a ramp to create some drag or low pressure in the exit area. 5. Attaching a clamp with big cooling fins to the oil filter and or oil tank 6. If you have available amps, running a small electrical fan on the radiator or oil cooler Irrespective of your engine type the jabiru engine installation manual has some really good info on the airflow within engine cowls... Recently we experimented on a friends 19 rego who also has temp issues and added two 30 mm 25 degrees small exit ramps to the bottom of the cowl and 2mm tap washers around the cowl...at oat 25c engine temps on climb dropped 15 degrees and reached a max of 102 on climb to 6000 Where as before with no spacers and ramps at oat 24c on climb his would hit 117c and he would level out take it back to 105 and go again and he took 2steps to get to 6000ft When we get a hot day soon we will duplicate that and re test .. It .. I will then ask my manufacturer for permission to try similar. Failing that I will be installing the large oil cooler
  15. Normally this question would start a huge debate... In light of CASA's massive over reaction discussing the topic could take down our largest manufacturer or our entire governing body, so its best just left alone... There are many many threads already on this site...use the search function and search something like jabiru engines, jabiru failure, jabiru safety, jabiru through bolts, jabiru temps, Keep in mind when they where written we had no idea our governing body would react in such a ridiculous way, we thought perhaps they might just investgate the issues and force the manufacturer to get some data
  16. Agreed, in light of CASA this needs deleting
  17. I am no lawyer but it basically means if you have owner built or kit built aircraft then the owner chooses who maintains it...and you live or die based on that decision.
  18. Kaz thats where several of my posts quote from...eg https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/_assets/main/lib100072/cao_95_55.pdf
  19. correct what you can do with an L1 or L2 varies with aircraft type.. If its LSA or 24 rego the rules are stricter. Mainly in relation to use in CTA or when used for hire , reward or any training (including BFR) At present if anyone that had L1 prior to some date in Nov 2013 still has it, although i would suggest they may be required to sit the test at some point in the future... But thats mainly speculation or intuition or lack of intuition
  20. Please dont go there....no matter how good your argument was CASA would shut the show down rather than relax regulations to be sensible and reflect reality
  21. You would need a mezzanine in your hanger , a scissor lift and then CASA would close you down for dangerous workshop practices.. Drop a spanner and its a 20 min climb down to pick it up
  22. Warning this thread has officially drifted to a more interesting topic
  23. Nev the WR450 with YZ cams is pretty damn close to perfect bike...that thing will sit on 130 plus easy , turns on a 20c coin, handles like a dream..and if you put super motard tyres on them they become insane...you can go round corners on your front wheel... you can put in a shorter suspension linkage and spring for short asses...or do what i do park bsied rocks, bumps etc, or put left foot on and throw right leg over as you start to move ...works a treat....I have this years model and its a seriously nice bike and so versatile...I could easily sit on the freeway, go racing moto cross, tour or cruise to the local pie shop and it does it all incredibly well. I have owned so many bikes I am beginning to lose count and they all suck at certain things..but by far my favouites are the RGV250 for tight hilly roads like the Oxley Highway, blue mountains etc,,,the 2015 WR450 for offroad and most things, the 2013 KX450 for motocross and my 2010 R1 for fast touring on windy but open roads that ya wont get booked on... WR250 for tight bush tracks and enduro racing... Worst bikes ever 2 x KTM 525 2012 2010 lots of torque but too slow to rev and twitch front ends... Coolest bike to ride that was the shittiest in most aspects Harley I hired in Hawaii Dream bike a sick looking custom chopper (not harley) with 350+ back tyre , lots of rake and a sick custom paint job.... (maybe when i sell the plane)
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