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Posts posted by skeptic36

  1. ~ WH Auden...


    We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea.


    ~ Desmond Tutu...


    When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land.


    They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes.


    When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.


    ~ Old Italian proverb...


    After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.


    ~ Jean Kerr...


    The only reason they say 'Women and children first' is to test the strength of the lifeboats.


    ~ George Roberts...


    The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone


    ~ Jonathan Winters...


    If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport.



    • Haha 1
  2. built my first glider from parka nylon & bamboo

    Wow, do you have any pics of that?

    I don't have the usual history of a lifelong interest in aviation most of you have. I took a TIF in a trike when on holiday one time, thought it was great and bought the books to learn to fly. Was too busy to get started straight away and in the meantime I noticed there where way too many accidents in those things and decided not to continue. Several years later I was perusing the bargains on EBay , and there was a cheap one for sale. I didn't buy it, but it got the juices flowing again and I started reading the actual reports on some of the accidents, the reality is most of them where the result of acts of absolute stupidity. I decided I would do my best to avoid that sort of thing and give it a go. These days, if I haven't flown for a while and I ride my motorbike past the end of my strip, I get a feeling of excitement and sometimes I just have to ride down that strip flat knacker......


    The three dimensional thing I think adds to the excitement, Jet skis and the like are just boring in comparison. The incredible view and the chance to share the fun with others are also factors for me



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  3. There seems to be conflicting opinions all over the interwebs, about whether or not charging an iPhone with a 2.5 amp USB port will damage the battery. So I thought I would play it safe and get a dual outlet, one for the phone and one for the iPad. I have also read that a lot of the cheapies don't put out there rated amperage.


    Problem is when I look at brands, that I know of, that should be quality, they only offer the 2.5 amp port.


    Does anybody know of a quality panel mount one with the 2.5 amp and the 1 amp outlets in it. Or can you reassure me that plugging into the bigger one won't damage the phone battery.




    Regards Bill



  4. Aviation is expensive and corners cant be cut for a cheaper product.

    Can't or perhaps cannot .....072_teacher.gif.7912536ad0b89695f6408008328df571.gif


    I have no idea how CASA past it.


    Your dropping the ball a bit here Dazza. :sad angel:How can we take you seriously as the spelling and grammar policeman :cops:if you let us down like this?



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  5. Got caught a bit when in the U.S, we had been getting on fine all the time with cheap meals then adding the tips@ about 12% , it worked out about right. Then on the way home we had gone through security and still needed a meal prior to departure, went to an Irish restaurant, things looked pretty pricey but oh well. Then when the bill came, suggested gratuity 18, 20 or 25%...... What can you do, the service was great so didn't want to go the cheap one so had to add 20% to the already high prices..... Almost had to wash the dishes to get out of there



  6. E is a contradiction of the concept of LSA.. Do you just keep the weight increase and throw away the conditions.? LSA is a disaster anyhow. Nev

    Hi Nev,

    Not really, as I see it, it has the restrictions regarding flight over built up areas and training.


    Regards Bill.


    P.S not really interested in debating whether it is right or wrong ATM, just want to find out what I can do, so I can get it done as close to what I want legaly



  7. So, I am currently in the process of registering a (near) new trike. It has a few hours put on it in the USA and is factory built.


    The plan was to register it Experimental LSA. Importer who is handling the registration says he has done this before, and if we do it this way, I can do the maintenance.


    Now Importer says HGFA are saying no we cannot have ELSA it must be LSA.


    The only info I can find is on the RAAus website and the following seems to say I can go ELSA anytime in the future so why not initial Registration.


    Copied from RAAus website:


    • Be aware that every piece of your aircraft has to conform to the design standards it was built to and


    which is acceptable for the LSA category, even the seat covers!


    • It is easy to fall out of the SLSA (special LSA) and into the ELSA (Experimental) but very hard and time


    consuming to get back to SLSA.



    If the rules are put up by CASA wouldn't they be the same for HGFA as for RAAus as far as reg goes?


    Importer has also said no worries I will just need to do the Weight shift microlight maintenance course run by Kevin MacNally and I will be able to do my own maintenance anyway.


    What are the actual qualifications required to maintain an LSA?


    Any info appreciated


    Regards Bill



  8. Reminds me of this one :


    A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw a spectacular gorgeous woman boarding the plane. He soon realized she was heading straight toward his seat. As if his prayers were answered, she took the seat right beside his.


    Eager to strike up a conversation, he blurted out, "Business trip or vacation?"


    She turned, smiled, and said, "Business. The Annual Sexual Education Convention in Chicago."


    He swallowed hard. Here was this most beautiful woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting for sex education! Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, "What's your business role at this convention?"


    "Lecturer," she responded. "I use my experience to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality."


    "Really," he said. "What myths are those?"


    "Well," she explained. "One popular myth is that African American men are the most well endowed, when in fact it's the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is the men of Jewish descent. We have, however, found that the best potential lover in all categories is the Southern Redneck."


    Suddenly, the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed. "I'm sorry," she said. "I really shouldn't be discussing this with you. I don't even know your name."


    "It's Tonto," the man said, "Tonto Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba!"



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  9. unfortunately that is believable in the bizarre world of customs: if they decide they want to inspect, they bill the shipper. They call this 'cost recovery" despite the charges being outrageous. You're paying for the bureaucracy.

    Wouldn't it be a better system to add a percentage of the cost recovery to every container, so you can work out if what your importing is profitable or worth it instead of hitting one poor mug with the lot?



  10. Don't get me wrong we do not do anything underhanded but when you move the volume of containers that we do, you get to know and help a lot of people. Favours are far better than dollars in some cases. Like the day about 8 years ago when the wharfies dropped a DG container dockside and no-one else wanted to move it because the doors had sprung. Took us 10 hours to move it about 400 yards into a DG quarantine area. The yard foreman that day is now the 2nd in charge of the wharf. The crane operator is now one of the foreman. You cannot buy that sort of gratitude. 023_drool.gif.742e7c8f1a60ca8d1ec089530a9d81db.gif

    Yeah, but does anything happen on the weekends or is it a five day week thing?



  11. Thanks Geoff, your info would have been great to have 3 months ago :-).


    I have not tried to grease anyone's palm or do anything underhanded. This has happened because some peanut somewhere in the chain xxxxed up my email address. Now I am fixing it by paying a broker to help me jump through the hoops I need to get through to clear my container , all legitimately and above board. It's just going to cost me more money than it needed to.


    One question, do movements still happen over the weekend or is it a five day week thing?


    Thanks in advance


    Regards Bill



  12. And the saga continues....


    Starting to think my container will be cleared from the docks shortly, not sure how it is all supposed to happen, but I know the documents for the shipment includes several ways to contact me so I figure someone is going to be in touch and tell me what to do when the time is right. Before lunch today a guy with an accent ( read, difficult to understand) rings me to say that he emailed me on the 10 dec, giving me all the details of what is required and, as Customs have told him that I have not supplied the necessary documents for clearance, they are now going to start charging storage as of tomorrow. I am in the paddock at this time, I notice he has a private number, so, worried I won't be able to get back in touch when I get back to the office I ask for his details, he says he will resend the email, I ask him to read the address to me, he reads it to me with a . in it which is not ment to be there. (Remember the email he sent on the 10 th)I know the yanks had it right because I have had messages from them to said address.


    I spent the rest of the day trying to get all the requirements together and delivered to a Melbourne agent so the thing can be collected, didn't get all of it (which changed twice during the afternoon) done till after 5 pm, so I guess I will have my hand in my pocket again.


    Lesson for the day, use a local agent, not an overseas one. Apparently things go much smoother that way.



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